Who is Orange Sink?

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Rice Lake, WI, United States
My home town is Rice Lake, a small town in northern Wisconsin. I own Red House Wool Studio~ an in-home wool and rug hooking business. I enjoy collecting and decorating with antiques and primitives. Orange Sink Blog is a journal of my interests and ramblings about life. Cathy Greschner

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Monday, January 18, 2010

Comin' Down The Homestretch On The Straight Of Grain

hooked penny circle rug
January 19th, 2010
For the record I am coming down the homestretch on my penny circle rug. I want this rug to be one that I'm very proud of the nice straight edges. It looks pretty good in that regard so far. When I was drawing this pattern onto the linen I took a lot of extra care to make sure I drew the lines on the straight of grain. In fact I pulled threads on the linen both ways and in the valley along the line of the pulled threads was where I drew the lines for the outside edge of the rug. The reason I take extra time doing this and measure a lot while drawing the pattern in the first place is this rug:

hooked rug
A rug I designed and hooked in 2006. I had only been hooking for about a year. Look at the awful uneven edges on this rug. I am embarrassed to show you a picture of it. To this day I like the design of the rug very much. But every time I look at it all I see are the uneven edges. Rather ruined what could have been a great rug in my opinion. So a little advice to new hookers and as a constant reminder to myself...Slow down, take extra care when you are drawing your lines for the outside edges of your rug. It wouldn't hurt to measure and check that any new pattern you buy from someone else has been drawn on the linen with nice straight edges and following the grain of the linen. That way you will always end up with a rug you can be proud of.


  1. Your too hard on yourself, the first rug looks fine from here in Canada LOL

    Seriously it looks fine. Corinne

  2. Cathy, I learned that lesson about straight edges. I now use Cindy Gay's suggestion of drawing the pencil line along the "ditch".

    How are you going to finish this masterpiece? Cording or bias tape?

    Lovely job on both of these projects.

  3. Very good advice.
    I love the penny rug, you have done a good job. I have trouble trying to keep from flat spotting side of my circles. Takes practice.

  4. Hi Cathy,
    The penny circle rug is looking great! Whoo-hoo! Almost done!
    I do make sure my edges are on the straight grain (and can still make them wavy even though! LOL!), but not being on the grain has not lessened the beauty of your folk art rug! In fact it makes it look antique and cool!
    I think we worry way too much about 'perfection'. That's what machines do. We're human. We're allowed to put a few funky things into our work!
    Quit worrying and be proud of your rugs! They are beautiful!!!
    You are an excellent hooker! And dyer! and Friend!!!

  5. Thank-you friends! You ladies are all too kind! I know I do have a problem with that 'perfectionism' thing..... at least when it comes to rug hooking! LOL Julie, I usually finish all my rugs with binding tape. I thought about trying a wool over cording for this one. I think I'm going to actually use this rug on the floor for once so I'm a little concerned that the binding be sturdy. Thanks again for all your wonderful comments! Cathy

  6. Well, I think your first rug is so charming, straight of the grain or not. It gives it personality and makes it fum. I have a few "charming" rugs myself, so LOVE that rug as much as the others. Your Penny rug is wonderful, be proud of both! Cynthia

  7. I also think your rug looks great but I do understand what you mean. The primitive angel I hooked before Christmas was a pattern I purchased and I did note how carefully drawn it was. All edges and border lines were drawn in the ditches and it did hook up very easily.


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