Who is Orange Sink?

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Rice Lake, WI, United States
My home town is Rice Lake, a small town in northern Wisconsin. I own Red House Wool Studio~ an in-home wool and rug hooking business. I enjoy collecting and decorating with antiques and primitives. Orange Sink Blog is a journal of my interests and ramblings about life. Cathy Greschner

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Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Rug Hookers Brave Winter Storm to Hook Today... 2nd Tuesday Hook-in!

Celeste finished her wool applique by Wooden Spool Designs

Well the weather outside was frightful!
But inside Red House Wool Studio today was delightful!
Our usual band of a dozen or so stitchers and hookers was down to six. 
We shared our finishes, helped plan new ones and there was even a sneak lesson in counted cross stitch!
The chicken dumpling soup that Lisa made really hit the spot today and hubby Dave ( who sneaks home on his lunch break to partake of the lunch) called it DREAM!  

Lisa is working on this antique inspired hit and miss heart!  Oh I really want to hook one like this too! In time for Valentines Day!  She also has her next rug ready to go!  I believe Saundra Porter has drawn this antique adaptation for her.  Correct me if I'm wrong girls!  Saundra does an excellent job drawing up the old antique designs on linen!  If you are new to our blogs Saundra's blog is called Woodland Junction! And is a must to follow if you're new to rug hooking or have been hooking a long time! Learn from the best!  

Had to snap this photo of Debbie as she came through the door with snow on her goodies and all bundled up!  It was snowing and blowing but that doesn't stop a Wisconsin rug hooker from showing up to her favorite event of the month at Red House Wool Studio!  

Lisa is showing Roxy how to do counted cross stitch! Notice the glasses and how they are are trying to see those little itsy bitsy stitches!  A quick lesson and they packed the cross stitch away in favor of trying a little wool appliqué!  Both new to wool applique but I can tell you they totally fell in love with it!  Can't wait to show you what they are working on for next month!

Pat who hasn't been able to join us for awhile was here today and is working on her rug that is adapted from PJ Rankin-Hults and drawn by Kris Miller at Spruce Ridge Studio!  We are blessed to have ladies like Kris and Saundra who are good at drawing the patterns and are so meticulous! 
You always want to start with a good well drawn pattern and your rug will have a good base!  Don't settle for less when you are purchasing a pattern!

Pat is so pleased to show you her lovely finished wool applique mat! The poinsettia design by The Cottage at Cardiff Farms!  On my to do list too!  Pat's turned out so great don't you think! 

So many wonderful projects being worked on and planned for in our group of talented ladies!
All of these gals are such great stitchers and rug hookers!  All so willing to share and help one another.  We appreciate each other and it shows and is felt so warmly on a cold and blustery winters day here in the studio.  We are blessed beyond measure.
To those who couldn't join us ( and had the good sense to stay off the roads today!) we missed you terribly! We look so forward to seeing you all next month when hopefully the weather will be a little less temperamental!  

Cathy G.


  1. I always think of all of you on the second tues. Such a wonderful group of ladies. See everyone in 4 months!

  2. Lots of wonderful rugs and I love the wool snowmen.


  3. Cathy,
    Love seeing what you girls are working on! Always wonderful projects to behold!! Thanks for all the inspiration. It almost feels like we are right there with you girls at Red House Wool Studio. We are getting lots of snow too. Be safe. Lori

  4. I love the enthusiasm that is generated at Little Red House Studio. Those ladies are really having great day and their work looks awesome. Such cute patterns to work on.
    Hopefully the weather will cooperate better next time. So far this winter has been somewhat of a challenge weather-wise.
    Stay safe and warm and keep on hooking .

  5. Brave ladies indeed. With our snow I didn't leave the house until the necessity for a followup doctor visit. Lisa is doing a fantastic job on her heart and now makes me want to hook one up. Can't wait to see what she does with the horses ~ I've been in love with that antique for quite some time. Thanks for giving me a plug and showing everyone's beautiful works.

  6. Those were brave ladies venturing out yesterday; I didn't make it out for our wool group in Stanley yesterday. All the projects look great, looks like a fun time; might have to venture up there someday again!

  7. What a great show and tell. Thanks!

  8. OK ! this is what I want to learn to do this year. seems every year I find a new interest. However I purchased a book back in 1995 on hooked rugs. I am going to find it somewhere in this house and try to find a group of ladies to get me started on hooking rugs

  9. I love all the projects! wow great group

  10. I certainly miss coming, but glad to report that I am feeling stronger and started Cardiac Rehab yesterday. Our daughter in law is here caring for us, and has been a great deck shoveler!

  11. How FUN! Wish I could have been there too!


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