Who is Orange Sink?

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Rice Lake, WI, United States
My home town is Rice Lake, a small town in northern Wisconsin. I own Red House Wool Studio~ an in-home wool and rug hooking business. I enjoy collecting and decorating with antiques and primitives. Orange Sink Blog is a journal of my interests and ramblings about life. Cathy Greschner

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Thursday, December 10, 2015

Our Dec. 2nd Tues. Hook-in!

Our jolly band of hookers met here this past Tuesday again! Oh my.. what creative, lovely and inspiring works of hand to feast the eyes!  Our dear Nancy was working on this stitchery....

.... I can't tell you how much I LOVE it!  Done on toweling and she plans to finish it as a pillow! The design is by Beth Ritter at Wellington House Designs.  She sells her patterns on Etsy.  Click  Here to purchase one for yourself! 

And would you look at our dear sweet Mya!  Remember when she was just starting this hit and miss rug last month?  She drew it up herself and it is her first rug!  She had it all done AND can you believe she love hooking so much she hooked the chair pad as well! After a quick lesson in binding she was anxious to start on her next rug!  Do you think she's hooked!!  LOL!

The studio was buzzing with activity!  Everyone was working so hard, chatting, sharing we almost forgot to eat our lunch!  But NO WAY would we have forgotten for long! All the goodies including homemade sauerkraut, spinach quiche, an awesome crab dip, jello dish, fresh shrimp, sliced venison sausage and more refueled our bellies for more hooking in the afternoon!

Janet is our newest hooker to join our group! She's working on her very first rug! She wants to learn wool appliqué as well so Cathy G. better get going on some more kits for these ladies! Lol!   It warms my heart so to see their hands at work and wanting more!  

Oh and Lisa! She joined Lori Brechlin's challenge on FaceBook too! The rug she designed using the motifs provided is so awesome! It is going to cover a fireboard in front of an antique mantle in her home! The wools she's chosen are to "dye" for!! But Lisa... you must get to hooking and stress not about the wools now! LOL!  We tend to overthink at times our choices of wool before we get too much background hooked only to see that it will look great once we get more hooked! I can't wait to see more of Lisa's rug hooked!!

Oh to Dance with Flowers and to see this wonderful wool appliqué (pattern from Heart to Hand) that Pat is working on!  Is this gorgeous or what!  You can tell that Pat is a very talented stitcher and she's excellent at rug hooking too!  How lucky we all are to have these talented ladies as part of our group! We help each other and I've heard it said time and time again how much we all learn and are encouraged by each other!

Cindy working on one of her many rugs she has going! Making good progress on her Polly Minnick patriotic rug!  This is going to be a beauty when done!  Cindy is so good at helping new rug hookers get started! She has mentored Louise ( pictured below) with her first rug and drives the hour and a half it takes to get here, providing a ride for others who live near her! Such a blessing it is to have her  part of our group and always so generous and kind! I can't tell you enough how blessed I am to have this circle of friends to hook with and meet together here each month!

I didn't get photos of all our hooker's this time.... it gets pretty busy for me ringing up sales, helping pick out wools and keeping the coffee pot full!  LOL!  So be ready Celeste and Sharon and Debbie for next month!  They are working on some projects you won't want to miss! 

Max gets tired after greeting each and everyone, sniffing around in their bags and being his usual little snoopy self!  He finally gets worn out and retreats to the living room sofa. 
Yes we're all blessed and then some  to have another hook-in day to look forward to!

Cathy G


  1. Thanks so much for hosting our monthly get together.

  2. I'll say it again -- I can't wait to get back to Chetek next spring so I can become one of your beginner hookers! Your monthly get-togethers look so much fun!!!!

  3. I loved looking at all the projects! Very inspiring... I'm thinking of taking up rug hooking, all those lovely colors and patterns. I just love touching the wool, there's something comforting about it.

  4. So many wonderful rugs and projects and I really love the tea towel stitchery, that is a beautiful design and saying.


  5. What fun, Cathy, love your sharing!

  6. Ahhh... so many wonderful woolly projects!!! Your hook-ins always look so cozy and fun... I'd love to be able to visit with everyone! Max looks so cute sprawled out on the sofa! lol!

  7. Wow!!!! Talented ladies, what fun Cathy. Love the picture of Max, so cute.Blessings Francine.

  8. What a bunch of fun rugs and lovely ladies. I really enjoy when you post about your rug hooking group. I love seeing the different styles.
    I do like that stitchery at the top too.
    I wish you all of the best Cathy.

  9. Hi Cathy,
    Your Hook In's look so warm and inviting!! Wish I didn't live so far away!! Everyone looks like they are enjoying themselves......just what a time with favorite friends is all about!! Your sweet Max has the right idea after a wonderfully busy day too!!
    Thanks for sharing!
    Christmas Hugs~

  10. How wonderful that you have so many wonderful hookers "hooked" lots of great work.

  11. You always have the best eye candy on your blog, Cathy. Merry Christmas! Sarah


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