Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The Fruits of my Labor

Thought you might like to meet the gals from my beginning rug hooking class at WITC which is now completed!  I had nine students so Teresa and Beth are missing from this photo as they couldn't attend the last class when this photo was taken. 
Everyone has continued on hooking in some fashion like Liz and Penny who are working on kits I prepared for them.  Heidi and Teresa have built their own frames and plan to start their own designs. Mary is thinking of chair pads she'd like to design and Pat has already dyed her own wool and is working on a mat for a grand daughter with her dyed wool!  Each and every student has been an inspiration to me and we had so much fun!  The seeds are being planted here in this neck of the Wisconsin northwoods to grow a large group of dedicated hookers.  
I am happy to announce that my next class for beginning rug hookers is starting tomorrow evening right here in my studio!  Yes.... I have SIX lovely ladies who are very anxious to begin pulling loops. There are two mother and daughter teams who will be in this class.  How exciting is that!  My heart flutters at the thought of a mother and daughter learning this craft together!  And I have TWO pairs in the same class!  
Please think of us tomorrow evening and send good vibes to this class!  I think I am ready but must go and make a few final preparations!  So enjoy a walk about the studio through some photos I took this morning before I flipped on the lights. All quiet and silent.  Well not for long..... hooks and loops and wool snippets will be a flyin'! 

(linen patterns stretched on frames waiting for the students)

(kits ready to go)

( they can fondle some wool for inspiration)

(Making a little more progress on my 17 circles rug)

(the flower mat kit I designed for Liz)

( the cupboard is full of wool in the entry to greet them)

I'll keep you posted on how the new class is going.......  My apologies for being away from the blog for so long...... I've had good intentions but I've putting in some late nights in the studio and other things have developed too.  I have a new student who I will tell you about soon. She is taking private lessons from me and has to squeeze it in between her two runs as a mail truck driver!  She's a real go getter and wait til you see the rug she is working on!!!!  ( her first ever attempt at  rug hooking....... oh..... later..... I promise!!!)
Go forth and create!!

Cathy G

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Primitive Handmades Mercantile Update this Friday!

It's time again for our Primitive Handmades Mercantile March update on Friday!  Along with the new goodies everyone's working on ( can you see those little fingers just a flyin'?!!) to offer for sale, we have a fun scavenger hunt for you to play!  LOOK at the lovely items you can be entered to win if you hunt down the clues and get the phrase correct!  Such fun!  Like the good old fashioned Easter Egg hunt!  So mark your calendars for Friday March 16th!  There are some new members who have joined our group too that you'll want to check out!!  

I have two new items finished ( except for the labels sewn on....whew!)  I hope you will like them as I think they turned out pretty darn nice!  I feel a little sheepish and kind of chicky for bragging a little.  I hope you don't mind.   
See you Friday at the Merc!

Cathy G 

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Tissue Box Inspiration!

While in our local Dollar Store the other day I spotted a tissue box with colors that screamed...  "make a rug with these!!!"  I broke down and spent the whole $ that a box of tissue costs in the Dollar Store!  And am I ever glad I did!  Such inspiration that little dollar box of tissue has been!  I couldn't wait to dig through my wool stash to find some great blues, teals, greens. browns and the off white I envisioned for this rug.  My linen was cut and circles drawn and the Townsend ( which has barely cooled off since all the wool cutting for my class) was back in action!

I've had this little blue painted country bench that I've wanted to hook a rug to fit the top for quite some time.  So "Seventeen Circles" was born and is almost half hooked! It's one of those patterns where once you decide on the color palette you can sort of choose the colors as you go. 

I needed something a little "mindless and soothing" to work on this week. I've had lots of things going on besides the deadlines for the Primitive Handmades Mercantile update coming up this Friday.  Still deciding what I am going to be offering..... so I will be as surprised as you are!  My rug hooking class is coming for a visit to my studio this week and my windows are in dire need of the Spring washing!!   Oh Spring indeed!  Now that you are arriving could you hold off a couple more days so I don't want to be outside instead of in my studio working? ......  nope.... didn't think so.  

                                             Cathy G

Monday, March 5, 2012

The After and More!!!!

As promised I'm back with photos of the results of my old medicine cabinet make-over. But first I wanted to show you the little baker's cupboard that came out of my office and is now residing in the living room.  I've had this piece for a very long time using it as a computer desk.  It has those little possum belly drawers on the bottom that were used for flour and dry goods. I removed them long ago but still have them stored around here some where.    The dog's bed will be going underneath it as that is where they like to sleep.  It's been bugging me to move it but I didn't dare ask Dave until I caught him in a good mood.  He seemed pretty happy on Sat. so I got him to help with the carrying and lifting.  Actually he doesn't complain much anymore.  I think he expects that sooner or later something will be changed around here and he knows it keeps me quiet for awhile! LOL! 
The little  "Hen in the Garden" rug on the cupboard  top is one I hooked a number of years ago and is a pattern from The Old Rose Cottage. She used to sell on Ebay but I haven't seen patterns by her recently.  I wonder if she still designs and sells patterns now.  Maybe she will see this and can leave a comment if she is still designing and selling.

Now for the big reveal of my medicine cabinet make-over!

Ta DA!!  Do you recognize it?  I had Dave remove the mirror and there was a nice board behind it which I painted with Chalkboard Paint.  Have you ever used that paint?  Very fun stuff!   I then painted the inside and the outside  of the cabinet the same color as my walls in the studio.  It's a putty color. Do you think it's hung upside down? I'm not sure but maybe it's supposed to go the other way. I wanted the door to swing open to the left so hung it that way. It could be easily changed though if it had to. Just erase the words and rewrite them!  I can change the message if I want ( Dave already suggested I  add the word Brandy to the list of beverages.... very funny isn't he..)

It's going to serve as a mug holder by the coffee maker in my studio. That way when the girls come to hook they can grab a cup and make tea or have coffee or cocoa. ( or bring their own brandy!) 

It's nice having the little area to keep the coffee pot plugged in and the electric tea pot for hot water for tea.  The girls must be treated special and know they can come and relax and feel right at home. 
The table in the photo is one that we moved up from the basement.  It's a nice little drop leaf wooden piece that I have had for many years too.  It's nice to have a stash of things left over from my antique's business to use now as I wouldn't be able to run out and buy these pieces any more.  We are at a point in life where there's very little money to buy things for the house so I am making do with what I have. It takes all the extra to keep the rug hooking business in business!

While I'm in that corner of the studio I'll show you where I hung the antique adaptation piece I finished for the Ebay  USAPRIM group challenge.

Right above the little shelf where I put the silver-plated tea service from blogger friend Martie ( see post before last). 

One last finish before I get back to work around here!  The "Oh Spring" pattern by Robin at Bird in the Hand Primitives
Isn't it an adorable pattern? It is designed for needle punch and would be wonderful punched as well as hooked. 
Not sure where I'm hanging this one yet.  The thought crossed my mind to sell it on Primitive Handmades Mercantile for our next update Mar. 16th....... but I'm reluctant to part with it yet.  I'm so bad!!
I need some spring decorations around here pretty badly!  I guess I better get out in the studio and get to work creating something!!!
Have a super week and remember to be present no matter what you're doing.  Smell the laundry detergent and the dish soap!  

Cathy G

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Before and After

With Spring coming ( although it doesn't look like it outside here yet)  I always get the urge to change things around the house.  Moving things around and trying different things with what I already have seems to bring different energy levels into the house.  Yesterday I moved an old cupboard that I was using for a computer desk in my office out into the living room. That one move necessitated moving three tables to different spots in the house and one up from the basement into my studio.  While in the basement I unearthed this old medicine cabinet that been sitting down there for a few years waiting for something to be done with it. As you can see it needs a good scrubbing and some spiffing up!

Tune in tomorrow as I have to take pictures of the After! I think it turned out really cute, and I'll show you where I ended up using it!  I am completely wiped out after all that moving and rearranging things around here.  

More tomorrow......  please come back!!

Cathy G

Friday, March 2, 2012

Treasures from Taos!


I needed a ray of sunshine the last few days!  With over a foot of snow dumped on us Tues. and Wed. and trying to get ready for the second session of my rug hooking class, and dealing with a diabetic dog who has developed a skin infection, life around here has been crazy and a bit overwhelming.  Then along comes a good blogging buddy of ours, Martie over at Taos Sunflower who saved the day and week for that matter!  She mentioned a while back that she had some wool roving and yarns that she hand- dyes and spins and would I like a sample of some of that to play with?  Oh my gosh!  The box came today!  The fun I had opening that package!!!  Bags full of fluffy, curly, colorful, magical stuff that you just couldn't imagine!  My old wooden bowls were immediately filled with this..... 

hand -dyed curly locks from Teeswater  sheep.  Man... would I love to see what those sheep look like!!  Maybe they are green!   LOL!   And hand-dyed Cotswold wool!  Luscious!!  And this.....

braids and yarns and rovings in all different colors and textures!  Oh my gosh!  The things spinning in my head of what this would look like in a rug or mixed media art piece of some kind!!
You should check out Martie's website and Etsy  if you like this sampling of what you see here!  

But for now don't they look fabulous just hanging out in my old wooden bowls?!!

Then..... to top it off.... Martie said she was cleaning out closets and cupboards and had this old silver plated tea set she'd send along if I were interested!  

Well... how could I resist!  It had our initial "G" engraved on the front!  And it is just gorgeous old silver plate tarnished to perfection!   There is a story about this tea set too that I am anxiously waiting to hear!  Bet it's a good one!!
It pays to hang around when Martie is cleaning out her closets!! 
Bless your sweet heart Martie my friend!  There are so many wonderful, generous and caring friends I have had the pleasure of getting to know since beginning to blog. I hear stories like this about others who are sharing and thinking of others and how sometimes a little box or a simple card of appreciation can really make a difference in someone's life.  A RAK ( random act of kindness) keeps on giving in ways you can never know!!

Sweet blessings!
Cathy G