Sunday, March 4, 2012

Before and After

With Spring coming ( although it doesn't look like it outside here yet)  I always get the urge to change things around the house.  Moving things around and trying different things with what I already have seems to bring different energy levels into the house.  Yesterday I moved an old cupboard that I was using for a computer desk in my office out into the living room. That one move necessitated moving three tables to different spots in the house and one up from the basement into my studio.  While in the basement I unearthed this old medicine cabinet that been sitting down there for a few years waiting for something to be done with it. As you can see it needs a good scrubbing and some spiffing up!

Tune in tomorrow as I have to take pictures of the After! I think it turned out really cute, and I'll show you where I ended up using it!  I am completely wiped out after all that moving and rearranging things around here.  

More tomorrow......  please come back!!

Cathy G


  1. Hi Cathy. I woke up and and I checked on Blogger and saw that you've been busy rearranging thing around your house. I am now anxious to see what you did with this medicine cabinet. I'll be back. Have a good sleep.
    Hugs, JB

  2. Cathy ~
    Oh, will you come and help me re-arrange? I don't change things like you do and mine has been the same FOREVER. I bet the cabinet came out great. I look forward to seeing it!
    Happy Monday!
    Pug hugs :)

  3. Can't wait to see what you did with the cabinet. I did the same things over the weekend. Uncluttered and found different ways and rooms to put things.

  4. OOoooooh! I'm excited to see what you did to that medicine cabinet! As they say... "It has good bones" lol! Spring does the same to me... I usually wind up taking things out to the backyard and airing them out, scrubbing them down... and bring them back in to a new spot... it's almost warm enough I can get started on that... :-)

  5. It's tomorrow, I'm here. Where is it? LOL, just teasing. Can't wait to see it Cathy! I bet it looks Super! Really nice piece :)

  6. i love moving things around! i cant wait to see what you did with the medicine cabinet, maybe it will give me an idea on mine that is still down the basement after 2 or more years! enjoy your day cathy! how could you not being in your cozy home!

  7. I love a good re-do! Anxiously awaiting.... tap tap tap....

  8. I love re-arranging! Unfortunately, we don't have many options, so I hereby give you my re=arranging juju to use at your house. Can't wait to see what wonderment you've performed on the little cabinet...


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