Friday, March 2, 2012

Treasures from Taos!


I needed a ray of sunshine the last few days!  With over a foot of snow dumped on us Tues. and Wed. and trying to get ready for the second session of my rug hooking class, and dealing with a diabetic dog who has developed a skin infection, life around here has been crazy and a bit overwhelming.  Then along comes a good blogging buddy of ours, Martie over at Taos Sunflower who saved the day and week for that matter!  She mentioned a while back that she had some wool roving and yarns that she hand- dyes and spins and would I like a sample of some of that to play with?  Oh my gosh!  The box came today!  The fun I had opening that package!!!  Bags full of fluffy, curly, colorful, magical stuff that you just couldn't imagine!  My old wooden bowls were immediately filled with this..... 

hand -dyed curly locks from Teeswater  sheep.  Man... would I love to see what those sheep look like!!  Maybe they are green!   LOL!   And hand-dyed Cotswold wool!  Luscious!!  And this.....

braids and yarns and rovings in all different colors and textures!  Oh my gosh!  The things spinning in my head of what this would look like in a rug or mixed media art piece of some kind!!
You should check out Martie's website and Etsy  if you like this sampling of what you see here!  

But for now don't they look fabulous just hanging out in my old wooden bowls?!!

Then..... to top it off.... Martie said she was cleaning out closets and cupboards and had this old silver plated tea set she'd send along if I were interested!  

Well... how could I resist!  It had our initial "G" engraved on the front!  And it is just gorgeous old silver plate tarnished to perfection!   There is a story about this tea set too that I am anxiously waiting to hear!  Bet it's a good one!!
It pays to hang around when Martie is cleaning out her closets!! 
Bless your sweet heart Martie my friend!  There are so many wonderful, generous and caring friends I have had the pleasure of getting to know since beginning to blog. I hear stories like this about others who are sharing and thinking of others and how sometimes a little box or a simple card of appreciation can really make a difference in someone's life.  A RAK ( random act of kindness) keeps on giving in ways you can never know!!

Sweet blessings!
Cathy G


  1. I agree, Martie is a treasure. Your box of treats is yummy. That roving does look fab in those bowls. But now all I can think of is green sheep. Maybe because St. Paddy's day is around the corner....

  2. Simply, a wonderful surprise. What a lovely friend you have in Martie, and the tea set, wow. Have a great weekend, greetings from snowy Maine, Julie. PS, I'll be on the look out for green sheep...

  3. How beautiful your tea set is. Your friend is a darling. I can't wait to see what you make next.

  4. Now that is once awesome bunch of goodness. Looks soft and luscious and the tea set WOW!

  5. I'm drooling over that roving!! Makes me want to grab some and run to my wheel. You are lucky, my friend...what fun stuff to play with! Martie is a sweetheart!

  6. What a generous and kind friend! Love the roving ~ it looks cotton candy! I lKnow you'll find something fun to make with it!

  7. Oh my!! You are one lucky lady! What a wonderful, generous friend to think of you for this great gift! Enjoy!!--Jan

  8. What yummy yarns! I'm going to have to head over to her blog and check her out! Lucky you!

  9. Hi Cathy, I'm sorry that your week was overwhelming. We all get those once in a while. I'm glad that your blogging friend from Taos Sunflower was so generous to you with all the goodies and the old silver tea set. I'm sure that your magic fingers with turn those gorgeous curly fibers into something very special.

    Have a great weekend. Hugs. JB

  10. Love that roving, and such a sweet woman to be so generous. I'm sure that after a rough time the wind is back in your sails for smooth sailing.


  11. Cathy,
    I love your work!
    The wool is so yummy and charming! I love the wooden bowl as the backdrop.
    Good friends are precious and you must be very precious to her!
    Happy happy happy moments ahead for you...I predict!

  12. Oooh looks like loads of fun to fondle and play with and can't wait to see how you use it! A green sheep! You crack me up! Always a great thing to get a RAK on a bad day! Enjoy!


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