Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The Fruits of my Labor

Thought you might like to meet the gals from my beginning rug hooking class at WITC which is now completed!  I had nine students so Teresa and Beth are missing from this photo as they couldn't attend the last class when this photo was taken. 
Everyone has continued on hooking in some fashion like Liz and Penny who are working on kits I prepared for them.  Heidi and Teresa have built their own frames and plan to start their own designs. Mary is thinking of chair pads she'd like to design and Pat has already dyed her own wool and is working on a mat for a grand daughter with her dyed wool!  Each and every student has been an inspiration to me and we had so much fun!  The seeds are being planted here in this neck of the Wisconsin northwoods to grow a large group of dedicated hookers.  
I am happy to announce that my next class for beginning rug hookers is starting tomorrow evening right here in my studio!  Yes.... I have SIX lovely ladies who are very anxious to begin pulling loops. There are two mother and daughter teams who will be in this class.  How exciting is that!  My heart flutters at the thought of a mother and daughter learning this craft together!  And I have TWO pairs in the same class!  
Please think of us tomorrow evening and send good vibes to this class!  I think I am ready but must go and make a few final preparations!  So enjoy a walk about the studio through some photos I took this morning before I flipped on the lights. All quiet and silent.  Well not for long..... hooks and loops and wool snippets will be a flyin'! 

(linen patterns stretched on frames waiting for the students)

(kits ready to go)

( they can fondle some wool for inspiration)

(Making a little more progress on my 17 circles rug)

(the flower mat kit I designed for Liz)

( the cupboard is full of wool in the entry to greet them)

I'll keep you posted on how the new class is going.......  My apologies for being away from the blog for so long...... I've had good intentions but I've putting in some late nights in the studio and other things have developed too.  I have a new student who I will tell you about soon. She is taking private lessons from me and has to squeeze it in between her two runs as a mail truck driver!  She's a real go getter and wait til you see the rug she is working on!!!!  ( her first ever attempt at  rug hooking....... oh..... later..... I promise!!!)
Go forth and create!!

Cathy G


  1. OhCathy! What a great group of ladies!
    I'm so glad your class has been such a success. It's so encouraging when students plan to continue on with what they've learned.

    The mother and daughter pairs should be interesting.

    Thanks for the lovely studio tour.
    Have a delightful class!

  2. Very exciting!!! And your enthusiasm is broadcasting energy through the computer!!! I'm very happy for you that your hooking classes are successful and fun! Great looking mats and wool too!

  3. Cathy how wonderful! I love the frames and the pattern and the kit--- Everyone did so well and it is lovely and organized! Well done :)

  4. Wow you have everything ready to go....let the wool dust fly! Bet all those gals are having a wonderful time :)

  5. Gosh Cathy if only I lived a bit - what fun!
    You are the most organized person - just look at that work area.


  6. Cathy, I so envy your studio and your students. It looks fabulous and I can only imagine the fun of spending a few hours hooking with you!

  7. Cathy ~
    Can you share some organizational skills with us? Your studio is perfection!
    I am so happy your classes are so successful. Yeah for you!
    LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your cupboard.
    Pug hugs :)

  8. Cathy I'm so very glad that you are having a great time teaching hooking. What a great way to broadcast this amazing hobby in your area. I'm sure that your sweet personality and beautiful well organized studio is very inviting to these lucky students. This is just the beginning and already you have prospered by leaps and bound. You are amazing. Wishing you continued success. Hugs. JB

  9. Congratulations to all the wonderful ladies that finished their class with high honers and are officially hookers!!!
    You sound like a wonderful teacher (by the excitement in your post) the next set of girls and lucky to have you as a teacher!!!
    (Wish you lived closer to me ~ I would love to be a hooker!!!)
    Your studio is amazing ~ such beautiful things!!!
    Have fun!
    Prim Blessings

  10. Wow, Cathy. That's all great stuff and congratulations on having another class filled again! It must just be the most fun for you to teach what you love so much. Love the picture of the little frames all lined up and ready to go...did you make those, too? Sure wish I could come see your wonderful home, it looks like something out of a magazine. No worries on not posting more's what happens when we're busy with life! XXXXX

  11. Cathy, Looks as if you had a wonderful fun to bring new followers into the "flock". Great pictures and your circle rug is simply beauiful!

  12. Congratulations Cathy on the interest in rug hooking in your area! I too am interested in the frames you had for your students.. Did you make them yourself? How is the backing held on? They look much easier to use then trying to teach students with a hoop! :)

  13. Cathy,
    The best by-product of teaching rug hooking is fostering new friendships that will most likely last for are a blessing!

  14. I am so happy for you, that the students just keep coming!

  15. what a great goup of hookers. It is so nice they are continuing with it. I have taught a couple of classes and only had a few stay with it.

  16. How wonderful for you and your students. Your craft room is so inviting as well as being organized. Your product is of top quality, and I am always so impressed with your color choices. A perfect enviroment for learning. Keep us posted! Hugs, Julie.

  17. Cathy look how organized you are!!! I am so impressed AND jealous cuz I could never be that organized!!!!

  18. Everything looks great! I'm sure your new gals had lots of fun! And yes, you are VERY organized ~ I'm envious! I operate in a pleasant state of crazy all the time!

  19. Look like you turned out a wonderful group of hookers into the wooly world! Congrats - to you and to them! I love that little mat design they did! And thank you for the wonderful mini-tour of your gorgeous studio. What an amazing and inspirational place to be. And kudos to you for being one of the most tidy wool-stackers ever! That entry cupboard is amazing! I've stacked wool for my friend before - and it's not easy to get things that perfect!! I'm intrigued by the hook you showed in the post above - is it curved? Wow....I've never seen a curved hook before! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin (yes, I'm still here - and yes, I'll do better on my promise....promise!) ;o)


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