Monday, March 5, 2012

The After and More!!!!

As promised I'm back with photos of the results of my old medicine cabinet make-over. But first I wanted to show you the little baker's cupboard that came out of my office and is now residing in the living room.  I've had this piece for a very long time using it as a computer desk.  It has those little possum belly drawers on the bottom that were used for flour and dry goods. I removed them long ago but still have them stored around here some where.    The dog's bed will be going underneath it as that is where they like to sleep.  It's been bugging me to move it but I didn't dare ask Dave until I caught him in a good mood.  He seemed pretty happy on Sat. so I got him to help with the carrying and lifting.  Actually he doesn't complain much anymore.  I think he expects that sooner or later something will be changed around here and he knows it keeps me quiet for awhile! LOL! 
The little  "Hen in the Garden" rug on the cupboard  top is one I hooked a number of years ago and is a pattern from The Old Rose Cottage. She used to sell on Ebay but I haven't seen patterns by her recently.  I wonder if she still designs and sells patterns now.  Maybe she will see this and can leave a comment if she is still designing and selling.

Now for the big reveal of my medicine cabinet make-over!

Ta DA!!  Do you recognize it?  I had Dave remove the mirror and there was a nice board behind it which I painted with Chalkboard Paint.  Have you ever used that paint?  Very fun stuff!   I then painted the inside and the outside  of the cabinet the same color as my walls in the studio.  It's a putty color. Do you think it's hung upside down? I'm not sure but maybe it's supposed to go the other way. I wanted the door to swing open to the left so hung it that way. It could be easily changed though if it had to. Just erase the words and rewrite them!  I can change the message if I want ( Dave already suggested I  add the word Brandy to the list of beverages.... very funny isn't he..)

It's going to serve as a mug holder by the coffee maker in my studio. That way when the girls come to hook they can grab a cup and make tea or have coffee or cocoa. ( or bring their own brandy!) 

It's nice having the little area to keep the coffee pot plugged in and the electric tea pot for hot water for tea.  The girls must be treated special and know they can come and relax and feel right at home. 
The table in the photo is one that we moved up from the basement.  It's a nice little drop leaf wooden piece that I have had for many years too.  It's nice to have a stash of things left over from my antique's business to use now as I wouldn't be able to run out and buy these pieces any more.  We are at a point in life where there's very little money to buy things for the house so I am making do with what I have. It takes all the extra to keep the rug hooking business in business!

While I'm in that corner of the studio I'll show you where I hung the antique adaptation piece I finished for the Ebay  USAPRIM group challenge.

Right above the little shelf where I put the silver-plated tea service from blogger friend Martie ( see post before last). 

One last finish before I get back to work around here!  The "Oh Spring" pattern by Robin at Bird in the Hand Primitives
Isn't it an adorable pattern? It is designed for needle punch and would be wonderful punched as well as hooked. 
Not sure where I'm hanging this one yet.  The thought crossed my mind to sell it on Primitive Handmades Mercantile for our next update Mar. 16th....... but I'm reluctant to part with it yet.  I'm so bad!!
I need some spring decorations around here pretty badly!  I guess I better get out in the studio and get to work creating something!!!
Have a super week and remember to be present no matter what you're doing.  Smell the laundry detergent and the dish soap!  

Cathy G


  1. Hi, Cathy ~ I just recently found your blog and love it. I am just across the pond from you in Michigan. I love your studio, what fun it must be working in there with coffee and tea at the ready. Love your work, can't wait to see more of it. I sadly don't hook but I punch, cross stitch, weave baskets and sew. Your wares are lovely and the cabinet is gorgeous!

  2. Well done! I love the baker's cupboard. Your home is lovely, very cozy country.

  3. Cathy ~
    Everything looks wonderful! I just love your what-nots rug!!!
    I didn't know you were in the antiques business. I could never do that because the few times I've sold anything, I've regretted!
    Pug hugs :)

  4. Love it all, Cathy G ~ including your rugs and punched pieces!!

  5. Cathy, your little medicine cabinet is just the thing to hold your coffee mugs. What a brilliant idea and I love the chalkboard paint. Too bad there's no room for a bottle of brandy. lol... You have a knack for decorating and your rug looks perfect over the little shelves that holds you vintage tea set.

    Changing things around is such an energizer after a long winter.
    Hugs. JB

  6. Can I just come over and hang out with you? Your studio is just the most wonderful place. I love the latest projects and all the new furnishings. I'm trapped in report card purgatory...I need the solace of your place!

  7. I just love every time you show pictures, you have such beautiful things. I love where you hung your rug from your antique one. I'm still working on my fabric one. Hoping to get it done soon, I got tied up with other needs, but it's coming!

  8. Cathy...your studio is a dream!

    the hen in the garden pattern is by Dierdre/Old Rose Cottage...she's in our ebay group and we must nag her to get back to selling patterns!

  9. All I can say is that I am very happy for the virtual visits you invite us for. That piece if the hall is awesome!!! The dogs will love the cozy nook you have created. As for the little mug cupboard, it's right for your door swing, which means it is right!! I have a dryer door that regularly smacks me on the head because it swings the wrong way - hmmmm I think I will change it when I get home.

    Your students have not only a wonderful teacher, but a little piece of paradise to hook in. Lucky them!!!

  10. Heaven ! That's the first word that pops in my mind when I see your pics...Your studio, the rugs, everything !! I could just sit and let my eyes roam over it all....

  11. Your baker's cupboard looks wonderful..lots of great goodies to see displayed there. What a fabulous studio you have...the perfect creative place!

  12. Oh my goodness but I love your studio!What a wonderful talented lady you are with the hooking and makeovers.I love the idea of using the cabinet for a mug storage.That baker's cupboard is just beautiful.Love all the rugs and only hope to become half as good at it as you.LOL!Hugs,Jen

  13. Cathy: I always love seeing photos of your home and studio. I didn't realize you'd had an antique business...I would imagine it would have been hard to sell anything, though (so sayeth the pack rat, LOL). Anyway...I love what you did with the medicine cabinet. I imagine you could use it either way...the way you have it now looks like it wants a little dowel across the bottom for hanging a little hand towel on. I've heard about the chalk board paint and always wondered how it looks very official! Anyway, thanks for the peeks into your world...XOXOX

  14. PS Just what IS the rule about selling work designed by others? Is it OK to do that? I'm very curious and would sure love to know if it's OK or not...

  15. i love this post. i have a medicine cabinet much like yours, and never considered adding the chalkboard! i love that idea! thanks, karen

  16. Terrific use of a baker's cabinet and medicine cabinet!! They look great and your home and studio looks so welcoming!

  17. As always amazing. I do think it is up side down but I do like it that way.I wish I could get my behind in gear and hook I am reading book after book oh well I will get back to it sooner or later.

  18. Cathy - thanks so much for inviting us all to visit you wonderful studio - the pictures make feel like I'm there (I WISH!). Anyway, your little medicine cabinet would be so cute if you added pegs or hooks of some kind across the bottom. Then you could hang little doodads there to add a touch of color and/or whimsy.

  19. I'm totally in love with chalkboard paint! It IS fun!!!! Loving all the pics of your studio....inspiring!

  20. Oh I'm completely in love with every single picture you have here, Cathy! I agree with Tammy, that your studio is so inspiring, and I want to come over and hook. Blogging is so fun, but weird because I meet people that I seem to have quite a bit in common with, but can't come over to play......

  21. Don't know where to start, so I'll just say I love everything! Cabinet turned out great! Love your bakers cupboard too. All your pieces turned out super!!!!!

  22. Still me, still here....still not shutting up. Just had to say I love your tweaking around! That baker's cabinet is gorgeous!! And I love what you did with the medicine cabinet. Your challenge rug looks amazing there! And lucky you to have scored on the tea service and that wonderful roving! Woo Hoo!! (Now, if I had to wager a guess, I'd be wagering that your spiral "Journey" mat is Marie.... ;o) (Am I really THIS far behind here??? Yikes.) Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin


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