Sunday, March 11, 2012

Tissue Box Inspiration!

While in our local Dollar Store the other day I spotted a tissue box with colors that screamed...  "make a rug with these!!!"  I broke down and spent the whole $ that a box of tissue costs in the Dollar Store!  And am I ever glad I did!  Such inspiration that little dollar box of tissue has been!  I couldn't wait to dig through my wool stash to find some great blues, teals, greens. browns and the off white I envisioned for this rug.  My linen was cut and circles drawn and the Townsend ( which has barely cooled off since all the wool cutting for my class) was back in action!

I've had this little blue painted country bench that I've wanted to hook a rug to fit the top for quite some time.  So "Seventeen Circles" was born and is almost half hooked! It's one of those patterns where once you decide on the color palette you can sort of choose the colors as you go. 

I needed something a little "mindless and soothing" to work on this week. I've had lots of things going on besides the deadlines for the Primitive Handmades Mercantile update coming up this Friday.  Still deciding what I am going to be offering..... so I will be as surprised as you are!  My rug hooking class is coming for a visit to my studio this week and my windows are in dire need of the Spring washing!!   Oh Spring indeed!  Now that you are arriving could you hold off a couple more days so I don't want to be outside instead of in my studio working? ......  nope.... didn't think so.  

                                             Cathy G


  1. Cathy my dear are a GENIUS !! That rug and those colors are really somethin'!! Just beautiful !! It's so funny where one can derive inspiration ...?? The best box of tissues in town !!!

  2. All that creativity from a box of kleenex..awesome! the pattern and the colors are gorgeous..can't wait to see it all finished!


  3. Cathy ~
    That rug will be absolutely PERFECT for your bench! You'll be done in no time at the rate you're going.
    Hugs :)

  4. What a beauty! The colors are so wonderful with the blue bench. How clever you are!

  5. Just love it. What a inspiration. Perfect for your bench. I love the blue.
    Happy Monday

  6. I love where you found such great inspiration! That mat is perfect and looks wonderful on that stool!
    Love it!

  7. I LOVE it Cathy!! Love the grid you put in your piece along with the circles. Great soft touch!! Your bench will thank you :)

  8. Ahh, perfect for that little bench. You just never know when inspiration will strike. I once did a rug after seeing a pattern on a paper towel roll :)
    Love the colors

  9. OH MY gorgeous!
    Don't you love it when you find inspiration in the most unlikely places...Love the colors.

  10. Wow, you're on a roll. I love this inspiration that comes when least expecting. I'm so glad that you found it on a simple box of tissue. The rug will look absolutely stunning on the cute bench. It's so nice having some extra colors in our stash. You never know when or where they will be needed. Hugs. JB

  11. That's brilliant! I always hate grocery shopping, so looking for new design ideas should perk things up a bit. A while back, one of the quilting blogs I followed had several small packages of tissues that came in packages that were so beautiful you would have thought they'd be designer fabrics. Love your bench cover...boy, are you a fast hooker!

  12. Isn't it amazing where we can find inspiration?

  13. Gonna be one georgious piece of inspiration. You can bet'cha I'll be looking at tissue boxes in the future.


  14. I love it!! And everyone is correct - it is perfect for your bench. I did a bag a few years back with faces all over it, which was also inspired by a kleenex box. My husband is getting a little tired of me looking at everything and saying "wouldn't that make a great rug?" I think it's a universal symptom for we little hookers. You go girl!

  15. those are just perfect colors, I love the bench!

  16. cathy you always come up with great ideas.... i know i have a little red bench down the basement probley has the medicine cabnet sitting on it... enjoy your evening! yes spring! lots of water and the geese are flying!

  17. Oh gosh I LOVE that just never know where inspiration will come from!!

  18. Your newly inspired rug is working up beautifully :)


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