Friday, February 3, 2017

She Plays with Wool....

Recovering from the flu or something... I was awake all night throwing up with stomach pains.  With all I've had going on lately with my health wasn't sure it was the flu.   I had a Dr.'s appointment this morning which of course I missed.   I'm feeling much better tonight and will have to reschedule that appointment.

I've been playing in some neutral shades of wool.
Not at all sure what I intend to make... there is a vague idea in my head.
It's fun and relaxing to play with scraps not having a definite plan.

It surely is a good thing to give our creative minds that space.

Space to play and dream.

Perhaps something useful will come of it.
Perhaps something beautiful or just something that isn't much of anything.

It's all part of the process of creating.

I'm reveling in that process!

Cathy G


  1. I love your neutral wool. I'm sure anything you create with it is going to be fantastic as usual.
    I'm glad you're feeling better and I'm sure your clients are as well. Spring is almost around the corner. I can't wait. Winter has been here long enough for this girl.

  2. Beautiful textures, can't wait to see what you create. I hope you feel better, seems everyone has been getting it.


  3. It will be great whatever you come up with!
    Hope you heal quickly, blessings!

  4. Beautiful naturals whatever you decide to do with it. Get well soon and hope I can escape without illness this winter.

  5. Hope you are better.. I did that same thing around Thanksgiving. One night of sick, two days of exhausted..

    Love the neutrals.

  6. I had that stomach flu last week - It was awful! I've been playing with wool too - therapy!

  7. glad you are feeling better my hubby had a touch of the respiratory flu was in bed for a week. daughter and son in law gave it to him none had had there flu shots i had mine. so far so good. can hardly wait to see what you are doing with those wool's hope to see you on the 14.

  8. So much stuff going 'round....Glad to hear you're feeling better. No better therapy than playing with wool.....and I find myself more and more drawn to browns and neutrals these days. Can't see where your creativity takes you! Smiles & Saturday Hugs ~ Robin

  9. I love to see what you create and what is going around in your head. I like your neutral colors of wool. I am so sorry you aren't feeling good. I hope you are better now.

  10. Pretty projects and great idea,Thank you for the tutorial and for sharing !



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