Sunday, January 29, 2017

Looking for Inspiration.... Sophie Digard

Lately I've felt the need to look up from my pile of tax papers and take a deep breath!  To take what's left of January to try and renew my creative juices.  My hope is that this year will be one of many changes. Changes that will allow me to get back to designing, hooking, dyeing and doing the things which I have a deep love and need to do!
About a year ago I happened to come across the work of a french artist who's work just blew me away!  She's a crochet artist who dyes her own threads and fibers used to create her work.
Sophie Digard inspires me.
The way she uses color in such intricate, delicate and interesting ways.

Some of her creations are fun and whimsical like these crochet dog necklaces! I love her use of velvets with the crochet!

When I see the geometric patterns in the scarves she's well known for... I see ideas for hooked rugs!

The use of textured yarns...  with neutrals, and darks!  Isn't it exciting!
Are the wheels in your mind turning yet? 

I study her work with an eye to the interesting and pleasing color combinations she uses!

The details and little surprises of unexpected stitches combined with velvet over crochet!

Wearable art... how lovely!  Would I have the patience to create such intricate things?

Stitching on a linen shawl... so delicate and worthy of studying each shape and design.

I think that is her amidst her work!  I was not able to find a whole lot of information or more photos of her online.
 Do a google search and look on pinterest where I found most of these photos of her work.

So.... tell me.... are you inspired?!  
Is there an artist or two whom you look for inspiration?

What about their work makes you happy, calm or inspired to create your own works of art?

Thinking Spring... looking forward!

Cathy G 


  1. love her work! you are right lots of wonderful ideas.
    I also love your blog background.

  2. Her work is instantly recognizable!
    Very beautiful and inspiring.

  3. thanks for this amazing inspiration...I don't think I've ever seen her work...studying how artists use color is a favorite past time...I tend to look at outsider art for my inspiration...and antique hooked rugs!

  4. Her works reminds me of Kitten's paws which I'm presently hooking in the border of my new challenge rug with my group GREAT STASH DEWORMING MARATHON on Rug Hooking Daily. I'm using all my left over wool worms and will post my rug in progress on my blog as soon as I have time.

    I had never seen her work before. Thanks for sharing this.
    Have a great week.

  5. I am fortunate to own two pieces of Sophie Digard's beautiful work...a lion brooch and a shawl. They are among my favorite things! She is so inspiring!

  6. Wow, she is talented. Bet she gets a good price for that talent too.

    1. Right too, the yarn seems to be very thin and great quality and stitches are small, many, many hours go into her work!

  7. I have been a fan of Sophie's work for ever ~ she is such an inspiration to needle-workers & textile lovers! her colors, and design-choice makes for the perfect combo of everything I love! thanks for sharing her ~ oh, and I LOVE to 'PIN' her things!! ;)

  8. She is lovely and I see what you mean with her textures and her colors. Her whimsical pieces are just as lovely. To answer your question, it You Cathy who inspire me!!!
    I look at your designs and your rugs and I sit in the same kind of awe. Your colors and your designs are just that for me. I just wanted you to know that, you have been one of my favorite rug hookers since before I even picked up a hook. So, I hope this year you can get back to every thing that you love. Blessings from me to you.

  9. I have never seen her work, but wow!
    I love those photos.
    Esp. the little dog necklace, now I want one!
    Hope you have a terrific year!
    And that you get the taxes off your back!

  10. Hello, her work is awesome! Not cheap, from what I've gathered. In the 2009 movie Bright Star, about British poet Keats, one of the characters wears some of Sophie Digard's creations.
    More info in English on her links with Madagascar here:

  11. Not seen her work before, but WOW!
    Thanks for sharing.

  12. I am familiar with Sophie Digard's work and LOVE it! I have wondered if she had a blog--hope she is on Instagram!

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  16. I have seen her work on instagram. She is wonderful with design and colors. A true inspiration. May we all make something beautiful in 2022.

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