Sunday, February 5, 2017

I Heart My Scarf!

Well.... here it is!  My results from sewing a few pieces of wool together, cutting out some heart shapes from different textures and appliqueing them on with the blanket stitch. Pretty simple and something fun to do with wool besides just hooking rugs or making table mats!
Wish I had more time in a day... I'd try making more wearable items.
I used to sew all my clothes when I was in high school.
More out of necessity than for the sake of sewing.
But it did teach me some basic sewing skills.

So are you watching the Super Bowl tonight?
I may be keeping an eye on it as hubby is glued to the screen.
The half-time show is what keeps me watching... at least until half-time.

Then it will be bed-time for this old gal.

Enjoy the game if you watch!

Cathy G


  1. I LOVE your scarf!! You did a great job-----need to make a e-pattern to sell.

  2. Hi Cathy, your heart scarf will turn heads for sure. It's just so beautiful. I knew you would create something spectacular and you did.

    I don't watch the Super Bowl and neither does my husband. We always seem to be busy with other stuff. We just aren't into sports. I hope you enjoy the Half Time Show.

  3. Great scarf. I used to do my own sewing too for me and family and now not so much. I'd rather hook but do want to find another outlet for my wool. So the scarf thing seems wonderful!!

  4. That scarf is gorgeous. Great job. I won't be watching the game but might try and catch the half time show if I flip the channel at the right time

  5. What a fun scarf. I heart it, too!!!

  6. Sweet idea! I have NO talent as a seamstress, so I am in awe! Lovely!

  7. That is beautiful and fun, great idea.


  8. Your scarf is lovely. Warm and cozy !

  9. You make the neatest things. I wish it was my bedtime. :)
    I hope you have a great week.

  10. What a great scarf. How I wish I were not so sensitive to wool! I think many of us sewed in our younger days. I was discussing this with a young woman today and she was surprised to learn that I made everything from my own under garments to draperies and furniture covers. I may try something like this to wear over a coat or sweater. Thanks for sharing.

  11. I heart that scarf too... Love the colors and the design! Do you have any more of that wool that looks like polka dots?

  12. Love your scarf ! Living in New England we were thrilled with how the game turned out , but we did turn it off when they were loosing , but then my phone was dinging like crazy to turn it back on ! What a game !

  13. love the scarf! I was never one much for sewing. Of course a NH person we loved that game.


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