Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Changing Colors in February and Show Announcement!

I thought about it long enough.  Last night while everyone was sleeping in this household, I found a new paint brush and a can of paint ( not even sure the color as it was left over from another project) and went to work.  The antique cupboard in the studio is now transformed from it's former yellow color to an antique looking whitewash!  

I used an old rag to apply and wiped and put hard manual labor into this folks! 

So I'm happy.

But am eyeing a couple of other things out there that may get the old whitewash treatment.

Living on a farm when I was young, I fondly remember them coming in to whitewash the barn every  Spring...
If I remember correctly, nothing left in the barn escaped the whitewash treatment as it was sprayed on everything.... including the cement walk way.
It was cool walking into the barn seeing it right after it was freshly coated.
All the dirt, spider webs, cow s#%t, and muck from winter was gone with a quick coating of that stuff!
Wonder what was in that whitewash paint?.... Mercy!!
So I suppose I'm just carrying on a tradition here..  LOL!

Now for the announcement... you may recall the past couple of years I've been a vendor at our local and annual Quilt Event.
Well I will be back at it this year!
Hopefully with a ton of hand-dyed wool and some new goodies!

So here is the ad that appeared in the Country Register...

Please take note that Stacy West from Buttermilk Basin is our featured guest...
How awesome is that!!

Well better get back to the whitewashing and the dye pots!!

Happy Ground Hogs Day too BTW!!

He's not seeing his shadow here for sure as we are in the middle of a blizzard!!

Cathy G


  1. Hi Cathy,
    Great job!!! My mom always said, "if the barn needs paint, then paint it" and I guess that goes for cupboards too!! It gives your studio a nice, fresh look!!
    So glad you get to vend again!! That will be so much fun to have Stacy there too!
    Sorry for your cold temps! Wish I could send you some AZ sunshine!!
    Stay safe and warm, my friend!!! Hope your mom continues to do well too!!
    Warm Hugs~

  2. Love the whitewash on the cupboard and lust after the beautiful wools inside.

  3. Evening, I love the white cupboard, looks wonderful. Great your vending again, sounds like fun.Blessings Francine.

  4. That cupboard would look great in any color. Your shop is gorgeous and I look forward to see your new white washed world in May. Sending you warm Florida hugs.

  5. That cupboard would look great in any color. Your shop is gorgeous and I look forward to see your new white washed world in May. Sending you warm Florida hugs.

  6. The cupboard looks great!
    What is in whitewash? Water and slaked lime. A cheap cover the dirt and make it look nice and clean paint. The lime was also handy in the garden as qa dust for potato and bean beetles and a handy kinda deodorizer for the outhouse. One of those great old time things that we hardly use any more.

    1. Pat Thank you for your comment on the whitewash ingredients! Yes now I do remember the lime after you mentioned it! I remember them spreading it on the fields. A natural substance of nature used in so many different ways.

  7. I liked the yellow, pretty well, but I love the white wash look even more. I love that it is filled with wool. That is so cool. I wish I wasn't across the country. It sounds wonderful.
    We had to white wash too. Every summer. It was pretty after it was done, then everything happened just like you said. It looks lovely in your house. Have a lovely week.

  8. Your Cupboard with the yummy wool looks so darn good. You really have the magic touch.

    I use white wash in the barn that I apply with a paint brush. I use dehydrated lime that I mix with water and spread a very thin coat to disinfect and brighten the walls and ceiling in the calf area.

    Good luck with your vending.

  9. Your cupboard looks great ~ especially with all your perfectly folded wool. Since my pieces are varying sizes, they never look that neat.
    Hugs :)

  10. I love how that came out, and I do love the white washed look.


  11. Your cupboard is fabulous! I did that with white chalk paint to a tall book shelf that had been brown forever and just love it now. Fun to change things up. Congrats on your show. Sounds like something I would love to attend if closer!

  12. Oooooo.....I'm in cupboard love. I don't recall seeing it in its yellow life, but I am mad about its new look! (But I will refrain from commenting on your amazingly perfectly arranged wool within LOL....) I, too, grew up on s farm, and recall well the usefulness of lime, but must say I do not ever having the pleasure of having the barn whitewashed. Yay about the show...sounds like a good one. And glad to read that your mom is doing ok.... Yes, sadly, hearts do fail on occasion.... My mom also suffers from CHF .... Hope you are safe and warm - still snowing here. Smiles & February Hugs ~ Robin

  13. Beautiful job on the cupboard !!!
    Hope you do super well at your show in the spring.

  14. Your cupboard with its facelift is wonderfuL!!!!!

  15. Love the new look of your cupboard! I'm disappointed that I'll miss the April quilt event, but we won't be back in the area until May.

  16. love your cupboard always good for a change. congrats on your vending at another great show. We have not had much snow at all this year which does not hurt my feelings but we could still get some winter is not over yet.

  17. The white wash looks wonderful on the cupboard! All that lovely wool so neatly stacked and folded - wow!


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