Wednesday, January 27, 2016

When Hearts Fail

If you have followed my blog these past few years you know that I care for my mother who is 85.  A few years ago she had a valve replaced in her heart after a bout with staph infection.  That was in 2009. She's had her ups and downs these past few years but has been in pretty good health. 
Sunday morning we got a phone call from her and I could tell she was in trouble. She was having difficulty breathing and  to make a long story short I ended up taking her to the ER. After a 5 hour wait ( with care and tests) she was admitted to the hospital. 
The diagnoses was CHF or Congestive Heart Failure.
Two days in the hospital with an IV drip of medicine cleared the fluid build up and her breathing returned to normal.
Yesterday she came home and is doing really well.  We'll have follow up Dr.s appointments and a list of things we've decided not to put off any longer like getting her a Life Line. Even though we live next to her I think of the times when maybe she can't get to the phone or should fall.
So my heart is happy that things turned out so well these past few days, but my heart also tells me there are days ahead for which we must prepare.

Before all this happened I had made good progress on my new heart rug....

.... in fact pretty much got it all hooked.

I love to study the individual hearts that surround the main heart in the middle of the oval shaped rug.

Each wool hooking up so different yet in shades that play off wools in the other hearts.

This one is my favorite.  It's a wool called Jack in the Beanstalk from Heaven's to Betsy.

So sometimes my hooking, designing, caring for things in my business and caring for those in my family as well as caring for my own health ( more to come on that subject) can get a bit overwhelming.  And I know there are many who read my blog that are in the same and even more diffiicult situations. 
I believe we all have good hearts....
and strengths to pull us through each trial and difficulty we may be having.

The heart is tested at times...

Hearts can fail.... but they can heal.

From my heart to yours,

Cathy G


  1. Oh Cathy, my heart was in my throat at the beginning of this post. I'm glad she is doing better. Life line is a wonderful program. Hugs and prayers to you and your Mom

  2. My dad had one of those life lines - it was just peace of mind. Good luck to you and her. Lovely rug! Blessings

  3. It is difficult when our parents begin to have health issues. There are so many things to help with it can be overwhelming. Maybe that makes us feel protected & comfort when we create & hook ing hearts sure feels good .

  4. Your hearts are absolutely beautiful. One of those iconic designs, the heart evokes many responses, including our love of parents. I have been where your are with parents, grandparents and other family members. Out of a large family, only one person survives and at 93 it is a challenge. That said, there will be many good and not so good days. Knowing that you did everything that you could to make this time as good as possible will bolster your spirits and strengthen your resolve. I am a nurse and know how overwhelming this can be but I know beyond a doubt that your design and hooking work are the best therapy you can find. Best wishes.

  5. I am glad you were close to your mom so you could get her to the hospital and glad that she was able to come home. It is hard and we are getting older too, so it is hard trying to do it all. Prayers for you and your mom.


  6. Glad your mom is doing better and glad both live so close! Love your hooked hearts.

  7. Prayers for good health for both you and your Mom. Your rug is beautiful.

  8. So sorry to hear about your mom. She is fortunate have have you so close. I'm sure that is a comfort to her. Glad she is doing better.
    Your heart rug is so very beautiful, Cathy !

  9. My dad had CHF for many years, they use to drain pounds of water off ,and he would be good again. Our heart is beyond amazing if you've ever had a ultra sound and watched your heart doing its work, you can't help but be in awe.
    I wish you Mom many more good days, you be sure and take care of yourself. I look forward to our hooking time in the summer. Love your hearts!

  10. My dad had CHF for many years, they use to drain pounds of water off ,and he would be good again. Our heart is beyond amazing if you've ever had a ultra sound and watched your heart doing its work, you can't help but be in awe.
    I wish you Mom many more good days, you be sure and take care of yourself. I look forward to our hooking time in the summer. Love your hearts!

  11. So happy to hear that your Mom is doing better. I've been impacted with CHF with both my parents and even myself. I am happy to still have my Mom who is 87 years old, though she lives in a nursing home, close to me.

    As a new hooker, one of my biggest "fears" is knowing how to choose the right wools to achieve a look. Could you possibly show the different ones you used for your various hearts in your gorgeous rug? I love the variegation of colors but am at a loss as where to start with fabric selection. I love your blog and hope to some day soon get up to Rice Lake to visit your shop. A southern Wisconsin girl! Thanks!

  12. As I started to read your post, I was expecting some terrible news but I'm so glad your mom is getting better. Caring for our aging parents is never an easy job and I can still remember how I dreaded the call, until one day, the call finally came.

    Health, business and family is a lot to juggle and like you I don't always have time to balance it well. When it gets overwhelming, I get sick.

    I love your heart rug and it's perfect for Valentine. Hearts in every direction.

    By the way, if you see that you are loosing followers, it's nothing you've done... All of us are loosing followers as Google is disallowing following access to follow our blog posts to those who are using providers like AOL, Yahoo and others.

    Google will only allow following access with ability to leave comments to those who are using other providers if the open a Google account. They are getting greedy.

    Take care and stay healthy.

  13. heart is heavy with reading this. I went through the same scenario with my dad a few years ago. He seemed to go down hill so and out of the hospital and doctor's appointments. I gave up everything in my household to do whatever he needed. At first it was just the couple of times a week things then as time went by..actually a couple years...I stayed with my mom and him round the clock. I remember being so tired wondering how to do this. He did not want to go to a nursing facility..and I made that promise to him..he would stay home. Begging other family members for help did not work. After he passed I can truly say I can be very thankful I took the time to care for him. It was a season of one's life that we all go through and the time spent allowed me gently prepare for him not being there. But I have a happy and warm heart thinking of all the time spent with him. Sorry if I made you cry (I know I am) ..not my intention...just know you will never regret this time. Hugs~ Deb

  14. Oh Kathy, feel for you and your mom, sending the hearts, wonderful for love day... I have lost many followers too, Blessings Francine.

  15. Cathy,

    I'm glad your mother is doing well after her recent health crisis. I know what you are going through as your parent's caregiver. It is not an easy role. My best wishes for continued good news. ...jan

  16. So happy your mom is home. That's the best place she can be, especially with your TLC.
    Sweet heart mat.
    Hugs :)

  17. I am so glad your Mom is okay and at home. There is nothing harder than that. I love what you said about the heart. It is so true. Your rug is cute. I really like that pattern Cathy. I will keep you all in my prayers.

  18. I love your rug, I think it id one of the prettiest you have done.
    Bless your Mom & you, hugs to you both.

  19. Glad to hear Mom is better. I lost my Mom last June. She was my stitching buddy & mentor. I have many of her stitched pieces & treasure them so!!

  20. So glad you are so near your mom to help her she and you are very lucky
    we are nothing without our health. All the money in the world can not buy good health.
    love your new piece good health to you all.

  21. Enjoying your posts,,,, love, love ur hearts mat,,,, love all the colors and plaids,,,, hope ur mom says better,,,, lot of work,,,,
    Elaine allerton

  22. Hi Cathy,
    I was so sorry to hear about your mom's trouble, but am sooo happy things ended well and that she is safely home with a Lifeline.....something to give both of you peace of mind!! Your heart rug is just beautiful too, and a perfect reflection of YOUR HEART!!!! Be Blessed, my friend!!
    Heart Hugs~

  23. Hi Cathy, I just found your blog and love it so glad your mom is near so you could assist, but that's often hard, too hugs to you I love punch needle and think I'll be hooking soon swooning over it. God bless your family

  24. Just saw your post. I am so glad your mother is home. I am so glad you live so close to your mother. Time is a beautiful gift. I am thankful you and your mother have been given this gift . Your rug is so lovely.

  25. So glad your mom is home. Life isn't easy but your words were heart felt and wise.
    Take care of your self your rug heart rug is pretty but I have a feeling the heart you have within you is beautiful. Hugs cheri


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