Wednesday, February 10, 2016

A Rocky Start to the Week and our 2nd Tuesday of the Month Hook-in!

Early this week my mom ended up back in the hospital. You may recall she was in the end of January suffering from CHF ( congestive heart failure). Turns out this condition is rather tricky to get under control as she felt good for a week and then started having difficulties breathing.  So monday morning she was admitted back into the hospital. Then the weather here turned wicked cold and we had an icey shower with winds that tore at your face like a knife. This entryway to the hospital became a familiar site as I trudged back and forth to the hospital for a couple of days and nights!  But today she was released and wouldn't you know it right at the same time as my dentist appointment! My first time going to this dentist so I  didn't want to be late or change my appointment as I've had to wait for some time to get in. But everything worked out Wow! new dentist has one heck of a nice office! When I got there I thought I was walking into a fancy ski lodge!  The waiting room is huge with a beautiful stone fireplace and big comfy couches and big screen TV...  maybe I'll take some pics when I go back for a little tooth repair in a couple of months.
Makes going to the dentist a little less stressful I guess.

But the bright spot for the week was we were  still able to  meet for our 2nd Tuesday of the month hook-in.  Lisa is working on yet another new rug!  A wonderul rendition of a heart shaped rug she found online.  Sharon is binding her horse rug in the forefront there.

Lisa also has a goal to finish some of the many rugs she has started but not completed. This America rug is one she finished hooking and pattern is from Red Barn Rugs!  
I love all the wools in this one!! Good job Lisa now don't forget to bind it!! 

Cindy is working on this wonderful wool appliqué and rug hooking combined piece!  She took a class recently where they were taught how to do this!  What a great rug this will be when done! I would love to try this technique at some point in time!  I looks so fun and whimsical!

Louise is now learning to bind her very first rug! She is using a wool binding and learning the technique. She has picked out wools for her next rug too! Way to go Louise! I think we are going to see some beautiful rugs from this lady in the future!  She is very determined and loves the craft so far!

Cindy is helping Janet plan her second rug hooking project!  I love how these gals are not afraid to take some linen and just draw a simple design to hook!  It's the best way when one is learning... and your rug will be special in that you were the designer and artist! Makes it all the more  exciting to see your own ideas transpire and come to life in this art form! 

I couldn't help but snap this photo of Pat who found this cozy spot to sit in the sun and stitch on a wool applique project!  Made me want to curl up in the chair next to her for a much needed nap! 

Debbie takes refreshment while stitching on her wool applique quilt, a design called Settlers Pride    by Maggie Bonanomi! It's almost complete! The wools are so rich and this pattern is one of my all time favorites!

 After the rocky start I hope the week will end on a better note!  Tomorrow I have an appointment to get our taxes done.... so keep your fingers crossed for me!  Don't need any more rocks to navigate around this week!  
Hope your week is off to a good start!

Cathy G


  1. So very sorry your mom is not feeling well it is always hard no matter how old we are. Love all of the wonderful projects such great color.
    I do hope you get your nap.

  2. You had a rocky start but I hope it will get better. I hope your mom will feel better soon too.

    I've notice that our dentist has a nice office too. With all the money they charge for their services it's ridiculous and they can afford some nice vacations. Poor families with kids cannot afford those exorbitant prices.

    The ladies sure are working on some beautiful pieces. It looks like everyone is having a great time at your place. I hope that you get some good rest and sleep and don't get sick with a very bad cold like I did. It happens only when I get run down. I got one right after the other.

    Stay safe and warm, Spring is not that far away.

  3. Great projects your group has been working on - thanks for all the great photos! It always lifts my spirits to spend time with hooking friends - yay!

  4. So happy to hear your mom is doing better. It's so hard.
    So many wonderful projects. You've got a very talented group of ladies!
    Hugs :)

  5. Glad your Mom is doing better. Loved seeing all the projects.

  6. I am happy to hear that your mom is doing better and your new dentist sounds wonderful. Ours are nice but the typical white rooms.


  7. Hope all goes well for your Mom & the dental work.
    I love all the rugs!

  8. It's great to see so much wonderful creativity going on in your hooking group. Looks like fun.

  9. It looks like the "2nd Tuesday of the month therapy" was just what was needed to help make the rockiness tolerable. Thank the ladies for sharing their wonderful work with us! Hoping your Mom continues to stabilize with her treatment :)

  10. Some weeks are just like that aren't they? I think your hooking day looks like a very nice group of ladies. I am glad your Mom is doing better and came home. I am glad you like your new dentist. I had to see mine the yesterday.
    Have a lovely rest of the week Cathy.

  11. Glad your rocky week smoothed out and mom is better. Wonderful applique and rug show. One day I want to hook that design using part of that big Settler's Pride.

  12. Afternoon, so glad your mom is feeling better... What a wonderful fun time, great pictures.Blessings Francine.

  13. Great to hear your mom was released from the hospital. I understand as we have been dealing with my mom's CHF. Boy, getting old is definitely not for sissies.
    Nice hearing about your dentist's office. Hope that glamour is not reflected in your bill.

  14. So sorry to hear about your mom, Cathy. I had to find a new dentist last summer as mine retired. Now I drive an hour to get to my new one! But I like them so it's ok. So fun to see the ladies and what they're are working on. Hugs, Lori

  15. Sounds like a wild one! Glad everyone is ok, and the rugs are all just so inspiring! Great dentist find! Sounds like a good place to go and hook :)

  16. Glad your mom is doing better. You are both so lucky to be close to each other.

    Wish I could join your group. They look fun and productive. Stay safe and warm.

  17. Looks like you all had a fun and productive time! Thank you for inspiring me to keep at it! Glad to hear your Mom is home and doing better. I went to a new dentist yesterday and they were just wonderful, and their office has just been redone and is beautiful!


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