Monday, June 1, 2015

A Class with Class!!

Patient ( with me),  very kind and very good students!! The Stitching Sisters Quilt Guild in Chetek, WI were truly a class with class!!
Some were new to the wool appliqué world!  Some had tried their hand at wool applique before! There were many questions about the wool itself.  Questions like how to full/felt the wool before using.  I heard comments like how nice the wool felt to work with!  One student thinks she may want to try rug hooking now too!
So how nice is that!!
In the photo above two students are missing, they had to leave before the class photo was taken.
Congratulations to my first wool applique' class!
I'd say all were happy and hopefully are stitching away at home now to finish their projects.  
Thank you Stitching Sisters!!
( Oh and your lunch was awesome too!)
The perfect end to a perfect day!!

Now back to life here in the studio.  Tomorrow I have to take my Mom to the Dr. and later this week I have a dentist appointment. 
Always something to keep me from  getting to my dye pots!!
Soon.......... I hope!! 
I have some new wool coming that I ordered especially for over dyeing.
It should be here later this week.
I'm excited about that!
So it's going to be a good week I think!

We have a few more things to do on the other half of the kitchen remodel.  Can't wait to show you the  before and after photos!!
All in time!!

Thank you for sticking with me through my lulls in blogging!!
You are the best dear friends!!

Cathy G


  1. Your students did an awesome job ~ I'm sure it's because of the teacher :)
    LOVE your background wool. It's one of my favorites and I recently bought another yard of it. A 'must have" in my stash.
    Hugs :)

  2. I love the design! Such lucky ladies to take such a fun class with you :)
    Blessings, Patti

  3. I agree with Lauren. The teacher makes all the difference. Very pretty design.

  4. A very impressive class! The wool applique` projects are awesome and Cathy, your studio classroom is FABULOUS!


  5. I sew enjoy your blog. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Your students did a great job------must be the wonderful teacher.

  7. Pulled my head out of the packing boxes enough to visit a bit. Your class did you proud, Cathy. Always feels wonderful to see the great work, doesn't it? xox

  8. That is a good size class and their appliqué looks great.
    I'm still on Blog break but I had to come out to visit as it's been raining outside. I needed a break from tiding up around the house.

    Looking forward to seeing your beautiful kitchen.

  9. Hi Cathy,
    It looks like the class was a very happy and successful one!! Loved the photo of all the students but missed seeing the excellent teacher!!! Your students did you proud!!! So happy it went well for all of you!!
    Looking forward to seeing more of the remodel soon too!
    All of us get busy and have things that pull us away from Blogging, but it is so nice to know we still have those special friends who stick with us!!!
    Take care!
    Warm Hugs~

  10. yeah a great class and good for you maybe another hooker in the group


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