Sunday, May 31, 2015

Wool Applique' Class Tomorrow June 1st!

Yes I've been taking a small break from blogging in case you haven't noticed! 
But things have been happening here in the studio!
I've been working on this little design for a class I am teaching tomorrow!
I'll be traveling to Chetek, WI ( about 20 minutes from home) to teach a 
wool applique class for the Stitching Sisters Quilt Guild!
You perhaps remember that I was a vendor at their Quilt Show last summer!
Well they've been so kind to ask me back to teach a wool applique class!
I designed this little block ( it's 8 1/2 by 14 inches) for them.
Of course it's a red house!
I hope they like it!  There will be 13 lovely ladies attending and stitching away!!
I may be releasing this pattern for rug hooking also!
Stay tuned for that!
Well it's off to get a few last minute supplies packed 
and then some shut eye before tomorrow!
I'll try to snap some photos if there's time!
Catch up with you all soon!!
Cathy G


  1. I think that is just a lovely quilt block. I hope your class goes really well tomorrow.
    It is nice to see you have just been busy.
    I can't wait to see this as a cute little rug pattern, but I like the wool applique too.
    Have a lovely day.

  2. Hey-------a new rug pattern-----good for you! Can't wait for it to come out. Since I live in a green house, it might have to have a change of color.--lol! Hope you have a good class. They should finish most of it during class Have missed you blogging, but glad your busy.

  3. Morning, beautiful rug pattern, love it...Happy June, Francine.

  4. Nice to see you blogging again Cathy! I think they will love your design. Looks like a fun one to do. Have fun at your class. Hugs, Lori


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