Tuesday, June 9, 2015

"Summertime and the Hookin' is Easy" at Red House Wool Studio!

Thought I'd share a photo essay of the activities the last couple of months here in the studio when we all get together for hooking on the second Tuesday of each month! 

Shirley hooked my Home Sweet Home Pattern!! OH my!! What sweet hooking and what a great rug!!

Cindy hooking on my Mr. Chill pattern!  Another sweet rug in the making!

Pattern is by Lana Omlor

Lisa is always turning out some beautiful rugs!  The photo above this one is one of hers also! I LOVE this rug!!

I really love this photo so had to share it again!  Max is a constant companion at our gatherings! He just loves the ladies and they love him!!  

Betsy is new to our group this summer!! She is one of those snowbirds who fly south to Florida in the winter!  She is hooking on this patriotic rug she designed!  Welcome to our group Betsy!  

Sharon is starting on this huge patriotic rug also.... it has a horse in it!  It will be fun to see as she gets along further which shouldn't be very long as she's hooking in a 9 cut!!  

Debbie and Shirley hooking away!!

Cindy is hooking on this curly sheep pattern! Design by Melissa Elliott.  She plans to hang it in her beauty salon that she owns and operates. Can't wait to see this finished! I hope she'll share a photo of it hanging in her salon! Such a cute rug..it looks so fun to hook! 

Debbie will have her Merry Christmas rug hooked by Christmas this year... right Debbie? LOL! She is coming along so well! I LOVE it!! 
As for your's truly... I have so much work to do in the coming weeks! Especially wool to dye!  It's been flying out of here as fast as I put it on the shelves!  And that's a good problem to have!!
Also look for my new wool applique' paper pattern soon to be listed in my Etsy shop!  
( and I haven't forgotten the photos of the kitchen!) Next post... I promise!!

Talk to you soon!!
Cathy G


  1. I was looking through all of those gorgeous photos of those rugs, and I thought, I just need to get on a airplane and fly to one of your classes. I bet you could teach me so much. Those rugs are incredible.
    You are a very good teacher. Not to mention I love your patterns.
    I can't wait to see your kitchen. Have fun dyeing wool. It is always my favorite day when I get to play with dye. Great pictures!

  2. What a great group of ladies !
    Looks like so much fun.
    Eager to see your lovely kitchen ;)

  3. What fun! Loved seeing all the different rugs the ladies are hooking. Your patterns are so wonderful Cathy! That's a darling picture with Max. Can't wait to see more of your beautiful kitchen. Have a great day. Hugs, Lori

  4. Love all the pics of the wonderful rugs especially the Home Sweet Home! Wish I lived close enough to join your group. It looks like so much fun and I would enjoy Max too!

  5. Cathy G. you are a success story as i knew you would be from the tart and i was right on. What a great studio you have created and look at all the great rug designs that are being hooked there. The ladies are so lucky to be taught to hook by you. Your colors are beautiful and warm and I can see that it continues in the rugs the ladies are hooking. No wonder the wool flies off the shelves as soon as you fill them.

    Congratulations on all this success and I'm looking forward to seeing more photos of your new kitchen.

    Keep up the good work. I love following your progress.

    1. "Should be from the" start" and "I was right on. hehe. maybe from the tart was right anyway, lol.

  6. Oh Cathy....Looks like so much fun!! I sure wish I lived closer....I really enjoyed my visit to Wisconsin a few years ago... It's a beautiful state. Your rug designs are beautiful!!

  7. Oh what fun!!! So many beautiful designs the girls are working on!!!
    I'm afraid if I went to one of those hooking classes my lips would be to loose and I wouldn't get much accomplished...smile. Have fun!!!

  8. Hi Cathy,
    I so agree with everyone!! What a fun,happy, and creative place!! How I would love to just "blink" myself there!!!! sigh! So many beautiful rugs and so very inspirational!! Love the photo of Max too!!
    Thank you for sharing!!
    Warm Hugs~

  9. How I would of loved to be there with all those great hookers. sigh! What a difference in colors in our Maggie B rug. I love your darker colors.

  10. Thanks for the rug show. So many beautiful rugs!!!
    The designer of the semi circle rug with diamonds on the bottom is Lana Omlor, a very talented Ohio hooker/pattern designer (and the sister of Lori Ann Corelis, of the Spotted Hare).
    Hugs :)

  11. Such lovely rugs in progress! Lucky gals to have a great place to meet and hook (and buy gorgeous woolens)!!!

  12. Looks like a lot of fun!
    Love all those pretty patterns!


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