Sunday, November 2, 2014

B is for Brown

Brown.   Let me count the ways I love you.  
Brown and November go hand in hand don't you think?
Is it any wonder chocolate is brown?
Oh I know there's white chocolate....  
but I'll take the brown.

Brown calico in a log cabin square... and did you see my blog background?  I took a photo of a brown paisley calico in my stash of antique fabrics and made the background photo.  A prized possession
that piece of fabric. 

A rug I hooked for a friend's birthday present a few years back.  All hand-torn strips.
I need to make another!

I've been looking at new sinks for my kitchen lately.  Oh... not really thinking of a brown one though. But when I spied this one on Pinterest..... it got me to thinking.

These sinks are surely lovely!  But they remind me too much of chocolate. I don't  think  I really need that staring me in the face everyday!  LOL! 
( besides..they are waaaayyyy to pricey for our budget!!)

The search goes on for a new sink.
No matter what color I end up with I know now that I don't have to change the name of my blog!
Whew!  Thank you dear readers! 
Your comments on my last post have brought great comfort.

So stay tuned right here on the Orange Sink blog!  I'll have that new hooked rug design ready to go in a couple of days!  And a paper pattern too!

Cathy G


  1. I always think of November as brown too. I love brown. My hair used to be brown. I miss brown hair. I love those rugs. I want to make a rug like that one in your top picture. I love your background.
    All of your pictures today were like candy to my eyes.

  2. There are so many shades of brown and to me it goes so well with dark reds. Love the photos of the rugs. The background looks great too!

  3. Loving the browns - I've been hooking a lot of penny circles myself lately! (all colors though!)

  4. New pattern is music to my ears

  5. I've never considered myself much of a brown person but after reading this lovely post and seeing all the brown eye candy, I may have to reconsider.
    Love your antique paisley calico background!!!
    Hugs :)

  6. Hi Cathy,
    Yes, I love browns too......all shades!! It reminds me of my favorite thing to eat as well........Chocolate!!!
    Hooray for Brown!! It makes so many colors warmer and richer!
    Have a great week!
    Warm Hugs~

  7. I also love brown, my hair use to be dark brown, I love dark chocolate, I brown eyes, and brown granite counter tops, with reddish brown wood floors. New pattern------can't wait.

  8. Awesome! I love brown too! When I bought my car some 12 years ago... I insisted on brown (had the dealer find one at another dealer and have it delivered)... lol! Brown nail polish, brown clothes, and I love that brown ford pick up truck you have pictured! :-) Those apron sinks are gorgeous! I wanted one REALLY bad when we did our kitchen long ago... but, our kitchen is small and we did not have the room for the sink (so we have a small stainless one).... but how I do still long for an apron sink... ;-) my advise is to buy the biggest sink you can... you'll regret compromise afterwards... Love the updates to your blog layout! Looking forward to the new patterns... have a great week!

  9. I covet your piece of brown paisley calico, Cathy! Makes a great backdrop. Sarah

  10. You put me right in my comfort zone with this post :). I'm soooo beige and brown! Love that sink too!

  11. I love brown and as a matter of fact I have been having a love affair with brown since I can remember. I have this old bedspread and drapes in my bedroom that are so faded with years but I just can't part with it. lol... it feels comfortable and grounded.

    My heart skipped a beat when I saw the beautiful kitchen and thought you had remodelled your kitchen.

    Stay safe and warm.

  12. All beautiful shades of brown. I want that kitchen and the sink!

  13. Hi Cathy, What a great blog post. You are ever the optimist - your brown is much nicer than the grey that I associate with November. I think I will adopt your attitude!! But today the sun is shining and there is no snow. All good. BTW, totally with everyone on the chocolate business!!!

  14. Morning Cathy, great brown post, loved everything you showed. Blessings Francine.

  15. I love the brown paisley. Gorgeous print fabric! Sometimes I get a piece too and I hate to cut into it:) I LoVe browns too, all shades of it. I'm working on some little log cabins at this time and there are lots of browns in it. Funny, but brown has always been my black until recently. I'm branching out and trying it. :)
    Have a great week.
    Hugs Marg.

  16. love brown….dirt, nutmeg, bark…all of them!
    an under-used color in designing and it really is a neutralizing color ~ makes everything pop :)
    great post!

  17. I love brown too and you have some great examples.
    I am in love with that sink!

  18. I must say brown is my favorite color too ~ including the chocolate!!!
    Wonderful pics! Oh I love that farmhouse sink ~ wish we would of put one of those in when we remodeled our kitchen.
    Happy Fall days to You!
    Prim Blessings


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