Sunday, October 26, 2014

Hangin' On!

Our fabulous Autumn this year is hangin'  on!  It's always a welcome thing here in northern Wisconsin if we reach the end of October and the temps are above zero!  LOL!   I snapped the header photo of some mums in the garden that are still blooming despite a couple of nights of frost!  They are hardy things!  I buried a few spent pots of them I had on the front deck in the garden and with any luck they will bloom again next Fall.

Things are a hoppin' here in the wool studio.  The ladies are buying patterns, wool and supplies in anticipation of those days ahead when we don't stick our noses out the door unless we have to!
I have been hooking on a little something too which I will wait a little longer to show you!  I used all the new wools from Rebecca Erb's Wool Studio in this design. 

It's been really really hard for me lately to sit down and do any designing!  We have started to do a little remodeling in the kitchen. Needless to say my mind is preoccupied with layout, cabinets, windows, appliances, etc.  We've decided that something MUST be done!  No stove to cook or dye wool has been difficult and stressful for me.  So... let me introduce you to the newest purchase ( and an expensive one.. holy cow!) that is the starting point for this remodel.

Now how's that for an upgrade from a hot plate! LOL! Wowser!  It arrived last week and our super nice electrician got it temporarily wired so I can use it while waiting for the remodel to get underway! 
I keep telling myself that I really needed that double oven...  a splurge that I hope pays off in the long run!

Max has given his approval but he can't quite figure out where the old wall oven went! The square on the floor is where the cabinet stood that housed the old oven.  Out it went and I was never so glad to take the hammer after it!  It's really opened up the galley style kitchen!  The plan is to put a new fridge where the new stove is sitting right now and the stove will have it's permanent home on the wall a little further down. So a few new cabinets are in order as well as  new counter top.

But this will all take time.  And money.   We're determined so are doing a lot of the work ourselves with the help of a few talented friends who are guiding us along the way. 

You may be wondering if our infamous orange sink is part of the new remodel plan.  Well.... perhaps not. But we shall see...  if I decide to get a new sink ( and it won't be orange believe me) do I have to change the name of my blog????  Oh mercy.... it's on my business cards and all my patterns and everything! 
Yikes... tell me I can still call the blog Orange Sink.... as Stainless Steel Sink just doesn't quite have the same ring to it!!  

Cathy G


  1. Wooooo, I'm loving that fancy new stove. She's a beauty. Ahh, the joys of remodeling. I hope you have more patience with it than I do. Now, regardless of its fate, you will always be Ms. Orange Sink to me. If you decide to make a change in the kitchen I bet your blogger buddies could come up with a fun way to up cycle your namesake. That would be a fun contest.......just sayin

  2. That is one high tech stove!!! I'm sure the remodel will be wonderful once it is complete. I hope it doesn't take too much time. It is hard (at least for me) living in the midst of a major (or not so major) project.
    I know what you mean about a name change. When I adopted Ellie and no longer foster pugs, Rugs and a Jack Russell Terrier just didn't seem quite! And I must say, I don't think you will miss your orange sink.
    Hugs :)

  3. Cathy, I love the wall oven, something I have always wanted, but yet to exciting a kitchen redo...just in time for the holidays...You must repurpose the infamous orange's part of who you are,,,in the studio or garden perhaps,,,I look forward to seeing updates of the progress being made in the new kitchen...Warm greetings from Maine...

  4. Do matter what stage the remodel is in you will have a great oven to cook the turkey and great stove top for other things. How many burners does it have? I think the orange sink should go in the garden filled with seasonal flowers. No, you don't have to change your name, it is so unique. How many people live in a red house with a orange sink.

  5. I love that stove!!
    As for the orange sink,
    I'd retire it to the basement, or back porch or somewhere.
    It's a keeper, if not in the new kitchen!
    Waiting to see your new project!

  6. LOL I think you can call your business, blog what ever you want. Your remodel sounds wonderful.

  7. A double oven, oh my, I am a little jealous! I used to have a double oven which comes in so handy when entertaining but it was a regular oven and a small oven. Yours looks like two equal size which is so much better. Hope you have lots of happy baking in that beauty.

    Please stay with Orange Sink. You can keep a picture of it for good measure.

  8. I love that new stove. I have had the same thought, I am My Field of Dreams, but I don't feel like that anymore. So what is to do. Just keep calling yourself Orange Sink and keep it in the garage. :)
    I can't wait to see your remodel. I love remodeling projects, just not my own.
    Have a lovely week.

  9. Wisconsin is lovely this time of year. Your photos are lovely. We renovated our kitchen about 5 years ago. It changed my life! Have fun planning and executing your design, Cathy. I'm looking forward to your updates. Sarah

  10. What am amazing stove! I must admit that I did not know you actually had an orange sink ... lol! Best of luck with the remodeling!

  11. Cathy, please don't change your blog name. Just dye take a picture of the old orange sink and that 'll do. Remembering where you came from is a good thing.

    Your place will look awesome.
    I love the beautiful stove. I want a piece of what will come out of the oven. Sound heavenly having two ovens.

    Remodelling is alway time consuming but also rewarding at the end.

    Wishing you all the best.

  12. Lucky you still having those beautiful mums coming up every year.

  13. Afternoon, looks lovely, Fall weather has been great here to. Very nice to do a kitchen redo, love the oven and your name, no change.Blessings Francine.

  14. I see that famous orange sink in the garden...holding the gifts of the season. Fabulous stove!

  15. Great stove we are looking at stoves too. I am not set on the glass top as I use a lot of cast iron not sure how careful I can be but love the cleaning fact of it and the sleek look.
    I say put that orange sink in your studio to hold things like great orange wool.

  16. I too can't believe how nice it's been here in WI but it does look like it's coming to an end. Beautiful mums ~ gotta love them at this time of year for that last bit of color. Love your new stove! Best of luck to you in your remodeling adventure ~ looking forward to your progress!
    Prim Blessings

  17. I agree - repurpose the famous orange sink! Looking forward to photos of the redo!


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