Wednesday, November 5, 2014

"Tis The Season" For a NEW PATTERN!

Yes dear friends!  That time is upon us! Here is my newest hooked rug design that depicts an old creamy painted buttocks basket filled with good cheer and merry thoughts for the Holiday Season!
I made my completed hooked piece into a pillow but it is a nice size to hang on a wall or lay on a table.
It hooks up so quick you will have it done in no time!
A fun design that is easy for a beginner in rug hooking or a seasoned hooker!
Gosh... I wonder if I'm that "seasoned" hooker?  LOL!  Sugar and spice and all things nice I hope! 
So if you are interested in purchasing the paper pattern for "Tis The Season" just head on over to 

There is a link to my Etsy shop on the left in my side bar too. There you will find more paper patterns of my designs!

Thank you as always for your kind support of my designs and my humble home based business!
Together we'll make it a success!
May your Season be Blessed and Merry!

Cathy G


  1. Cute pattern Cathy. I've never heard of a buttocks basket. I know I have the mind of a 5 year old because it makes me giggle.

  2. I seen those buttocks baskets before but never heard them called that before either. Your pattern is exquisite as usual.

    Today I finally made time to trace my pattern from a sunlit window even though I had my granddaughter and great grandson visiting me .

    I was done work late this evening and I'm all tuckred out.

  3. that's very cute!
    love your header photo!

  4. Very cute - and sure to bring out that inner 5-year old giggle. I bet everyone is starting to make their lists of what to make. I know I am.
    Snowing a bit here - mostly wet, so hopefully not staying.


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