Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Borders and Hoarders

I'll explain the title of this post in a few minutes.  But first I want to bring you up to speed on how the Maggie B. rug is coming along.  In particular the decision I made on the border treatment.  

As you can see the border I am adding around the original pattern is quite wide (about 4 inches). I am adding the border because I want the rug to be more of a statement in the space for which it is destined. 
I have to thank Margaret Z. one of my dear blog readers for helping me with the decision to add the squiggly line you see on the very outside edge of the rug.  If you have the Maggie Bonanomi book from which this pattern is taken ( A Day at Sunny Brook) you can see a rug on page 46 that has a double squiggly line around the outside. Margaret was so kind to bring that rug to my attention suggesting that I might try something like that on my Tulip and Peony rug. Well...my brain lit up with excitement!  I had this vision of a hit-n-miss treatment in a wavy shape but I also felt I needed to bring the white of the peonies and white line ( actually a dirty cream) of the inside border to the edge of the rug.  I loved the idea of another line and had hooked a straight line for a few inches until Margaret brought my attention to the wavy lines.  Thank you Margaret! I do think it's what the rug would approve of!
What do you think of the wavy hit-n-miss thing I'm doing?!!  It is a little different that's  for sure! I hope I made the right choice there as I really don't want to reverse-hook  all of that area now! Oh mercy!  That would irritate me to shreds!!

So unless I hear different from anyone .... :-O  I am going to hook on doing the wavy hit-n-miss on the border!  

Now to explain the hoarders part of the title.
As some of you know from reading a few posts back,  Mr. O Sink and myself have been trying to downsize our collections this year and clean out the basement. In the midst of our own trials with this process we had to clean out his mother's apartment this summer as well.  I've come to the conclusion that we are all just hoarders by nature.  But I am bound and determined to beat the odds that we will die with a house full of junk  that someone else will have the job of disposing of.
Hubby has been doing pretty good on his end of the disposing.  Nearly 2000 Sports Illustrated magazines ( of which I am convinced would have reached to the moon if put end to end) have since been recycled and some of the more valuable ones sold.  That is just one of the collections.

This coming week-end there is a Flea Market at our local fair grounds.  It is only about a quarter of a mile from our house.  This is I think the third year they have held it and it looks to be a very popular event.  The booths are a bit pricey at 100 bucks each. But we talked it over and have decided to haul some of our "stuff" to this Flea. 

The weather forecast is for rain on Sat. The market is on Sat. and Sunday with set-up Friday afternoon.  We rented an indoor space  in one of the large commercial buildings so we should be okay unless the rain keeps the shoppers away.  But we're hoping for a crowd.  And in particular a crowd that hasn't seen the hoarders episodes on tv.

Cathy G. 


  1. Good luck at the flea market - I love to sell and buy at them. Most hoarders do....LOL

  2. Cathy I love the border-- it is subtle and totally works for this rug! I can't wait to hook this design myself! Good luck at the sale. You never know what people will buy.

  3. Cathy, first, love the border! Then, hoarding, oh my. Would have told you I wasn't one until we moved to Tennessee. Okay you do not have to crawl over things to get in my house but I was a magazine keeper, and I almost every book I have ever read. And my 100 year old mil passed and my hubby and I cleaned her house for selling. Since she was very economical with her money she didn't have much.....or so we thought. Like you that was the eye opener for us and we determined our kids would have an easier version of that job. But then all my wool buddies keep selling this great wool and patterns and now I am on the precipice again. But determined to be limited in my in my buying. Fingers crossed. Anyway good luck this weekend.

  4. the border is perfect for the rug ~ it speaks volumes of creativity! I cannot wait to see it finished my friend ~ oh, and let's not discuss hoarding magazines right now, k?

  5. Your rug is beautiful ! Love the colors & the border ! Good luck at the Flea Market !

  6. I,absolutely love, how your rug is coming together. This one has been on my To Do list, ever since I got the book. Trying to get other things finished, before I jump into this one. I will have to pull the book out, with that border, and make note of that idea. I hope you don't mind if I'm inspired to add border to mine when I get to it. :)

  7. Hi Cathy!!!!
    Your rug is coming to life just beautifully - if only I could be so good...I strive but it is no where near as neat. I guess in time I will learn.
    I love the colors you used as well.
    Oh my hoarders huh??? Well hubby and I just did what you are going to do...WE DID A FLEA MARKET this past weekend. We did awesome which tells you how much we 'hoarded' LOL It's amazing how much 2 people can accumulate in such a short time isn't it?
    But we did well and I know you will too - we had rain the night before and it was cold on Sat. but they kept coming so they will for you as well. People love flea markets no matter what.

  8. Well I would go if I was closer. It sounds very nice. Your rug is wonderful. I love the colors and the extra four inches you added on.
    I always enjoy watching the way you hook. You have such a gift.

  9. Love the border, Cathy! Looks like a perfect solution! As far as hoarding goes, when I married my hubby 4 years ago we combined two households and we purged and purged and purged and still we have way more than we need! Of course I do have to take the blame for being the collector, but it's all good stuff! lol! Good luck with your sale!

  10. Love, love how the border is coming along. Why is it so hard to part with stuff. Now that I'm hooking, my wool hoarding is getting as bad as my fabric collection (which has slowed way down now that I hook)

  11. I like it. and the additional line of cream does help tie the two together. Good luck with your flea sale..

  12. What a great suggestion to go with a wavy border. It's so much softer and I love the hit and miss. Margaret Z has some awesome rugs of her own on Rug Hooking Daily and she's also a fast hooker.

    About hoarding I'm guilty of that sin too. lol

  13. love the waves! and the colors!
    good for you clearing out! I need to!
    blessings at the flea!

  14. Love your rug, such beautiful colors!

  15. Such great colors on this rug! I am trying to downsize slowly too but it so not easy good luck this weekend

  16. Love the border suggestion and what you've hooked looks fantastic. Can't wait to see it's resting place when it is all done.



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