Sunday, October 5, 2014

OK Momma Nature... Can we Talk?

"An inch of snow fell last night.  As I was sound asleep, I really didn't have to lay eyes on it. Thankfully it was all melted by morning.  Still you torment me with freezing temps tonight and I have a beautiful red mum in the garden that is just starting to bloom.  So I guess I will  have to throw a blanket over it."

"Yes Mom Nature... have you seen the Fall... as in AUTUMN colors that are filling my studio!!?  Not white or red or green!"  

"Black cats and...

spooky stuff....

Orange, gold and okay maybe a white Jack-O Lantern or two.
But that doesn't give you the go ahead to go cool off our Fall fun with the white stuff!

Now that I've ranted... and I'm sure you've listened up Mom nature!
 A little more Autumn if you please!!"

Tomorrow one of the  fur boys and I are going to a new groomers!
She happens to be a good friend of mine. 
And wait til you see her home and grooming salon!
Oh... and did I mention she is an AVID collector of HALLOWEEN!  
Yes I took photos last time I was there.
Tomorrow I hope to take a few more as the first time I spent so much time ogling and relishing the moment that my photos weren't that great.
Here is her front porch for a teaser!

You are in for a treat!  Yup!  As in Trick-or Treat!! 

Cathy G


  1. Love your colors of orange! I sure wish we were having snow it has been hot for so many months in Southern California .Keep on hooking I sure enjoy your work ,hugs Cheri wishing for rain

  2. Your blog just makes me sigh....Love your rugs and all the Fall inspired pics.

  3. love your trick or treat pillow!! i love fall colors!!

  4. OMgosh, visiting your blog is like a drinking a good bottle of fine wine. I'm getting overload on all the beautiful things you've been getting ready for your Fall studio.
    Mother Nature got herself all mixed up again. Maybe she got drunk while looking in your window at all the pretty things. I'm glad it all melted by the time you woke up. Can you imagine. Scary stuff...

    Your groomer's place looks fantastic and I love that gate and her mums and stuff. Hope the snow hold off for much longer.

  5. This blog warmed my senses in Fall color. Love it.

  6. Well I think pictures of your place are pretty heartwarming. I love all of your wool goodies. They all make me happy. Wow!!! One inch of snow!!
    I would be having quit a talk, I think we need to stage an intervention with Old Mother nature anyway, we are having a 97 degree day, so whatcha think? :) I can't wait to see more photos.

  7. Very warm and inviting your studio looks....the little wool acorn table mat is so cute, one of yours?

  8. Evening, love the studio, so darn cozy. Love all the treasures, the hooked black kitty is sweet. First frost last night but no snow yet.Blessings Francine.

  9. Great pictures!
    I did hear a couple reports of a few flakes (the snow variety). UGH! So not looking forward to another winter.
    Hugs :)

  10. My favorite time of year and I wouldn't mind a little snow on the pumpkins. Looks like the porch is a teaser of good things to follow!

  11. I love that acorn mat!

    Hope the boys have a good trip to the groomer.
    Can't wait to see pictures of her Halloween decorating. And a few of the boys after their haircuts, please!

  12. No snow here we did have rain on Saturday but our weather has been unusually warm and sunny I will take it. Love your pieces esp. the acorns:)

  13. EEK! Snow? It was cold here too and I turned the heat on already, unfortunately, but no snow. Enjoyed the FallOween pictures. Thanks.


  14. Love the acorn mat, is it your pattern. What # thread did you stitch with around the acorn, like the hint of orange and brown.

  15. loved the acorn one!
    can't wait for the shop photos!
    but please for heaven's sake, no snow until Dec.1st at least! :)


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