Sunday, September 14, 2014

The Wool and Easy Beef Stew in the Crock Pot

So here is a photo of the wools before I cut them all up and hook them into my Maggie B. "Tulip and Peony" rug!  Man this rug is taking a lot of wool!  I'm hooking mostly in a 8.5 cut so it is hooking up quite quickly!  The difference between the 8 and 8.5 cut strip for speeding up the hooking is quite remarkable!  Anyone else notice this?

The progress so far.  I'm hooking on the very outside edge to see if it will help me to determine how I want to hook this border.  I'm leaning towards a simple wavy line and using all the wools in a hit-n-miss fashion.  Any ideas out there for me?  Mz. rug hasn't voiced any ideas as of yet.

Now for that easy Beef Stew in the Crock pot....
I took an arm chuck roast that was on sale this week at the market and browned the heck out of it using olive oil in a dutch oven on my little hot plate ( no stovetop yet).

While it was browning I chopped some onion, celery,  peeled a few ( 4-5) potatoes and cut in cubes, got out a package of baby carrots and washed them.

Then I tossed all the vegetables into the crock pot.  Added a little Wylers Beef Granules (about 1 heaping tsp.) Added about 1/4 cup of water and a  Tbsp. of Minute Tapioca.

Now take that browned Roast and plop it on top of the veggies in the crock pot and snuggle it down a little by scooping a few of the veggies up around the sides of the meat.

Now pour about half a can of Campbell's HomeStyle Zesty Tomatoe Bisque soup on top of the roast.

Turn on high an let cook for 4 hours.  If you want  it to cook all day (perhaps you need to go to work)  just put the crock pot on med.  

It was crazy delicious and I did not add any salt or other seasoning!  The soup has enough salt in it as far I'm concerned to warrant drinking a bottle of wine to cure the thirst!  LOL!

The wine of choice was this Gnarly Head Authentic Red from California. 

Feeling gnarly headed in Wisconsin. So I think I'll go hook on my rug!

Cathy G


  1. Lovely rug I see, great pattern. Yummy, looks so good that stew, have to try it, and the wine of coarse.Blessings Francine.

  2. Love the wool colors....hmmm looks like the rich colors of your beef stew! YUM. That will be on my crockpot Sunday list for the season! Just had a pork roast with roasted sweet potatoes at my house. The house smells so lovely. Enjoy your hooking.

  3. I really love this rug Cathy. It's nice to see all the wools that go into it. I hooked a bit today too. I need to get my mojo back.
    I guess it was stew day. I made a chicken stew. But no gnarly wine :)

  4. Delights for the eyes as well as for the tummy. Sounds so yummy, I wish I lived next door so I could have a taste. I'd like to taste that wine too, while I'm at it...

    Love that beautiful wool, such pretty colors. No wonders your rugs always look so beautiful with just the right blend of colors.

  5. The rug is coming along beautifully. That stew looks yummy, too hot here in NW to have it but will save the recipe for our cooler weather.

  6. Cathy,
    Thank you for showing all the wools used in that wonderful rug! Yes, I, too, believe there is a huge difference between hooking with an 8 and an 8.5. I don't even like to hook with an 8 any more.
    Hugs :)

  7. Loved seeing the wools used. That helps me a lot. The stew looks good too. Thanks for sharing.

  8. I love her patterns, and love seeing your work!
    The soup sounds so good!

  9. I love hooking with anything a bit wider than my usual strips to hurry the process along.... especially if I'm getting to that point where I need to move on to something else. Okay, that stew sounds luscious! Going to copy the recipe now!


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