Thursday, May 8, 2014

A Finish and A Start

In my last post I teased you with photos of my latest wool project.  It is completed... to the best of my abilities.  The pattern is called "Pocket Full of Posies" by The Cottage at Cardiff Farms.  I carry the pattern here in the studio. 

All sewn by hand and I love the little gussets on the side....

... and the closure.... well get this... is an old metal tape measure that is cut apart and inserted in the channels at the top to make it "snap" shut after opening!  How fun and it works really slick! 
Now I have a place to keep my hook, scissors and all the little things we need as we sew that tend to get scattered and lost!
Now for the start that was mentioned in my title.

Well.... that would be the yard and garden work!

Yikes! I have only just begun to cut the dead stalks and clean the leaves out of our backyard gardens.  

I have very little help from the pups who keep me company.  One wants to play ball at all times and the other little deaf guy keeps busy exploring and finding little truffles left by the birds who fly over... like dead dried up fish... oh yes... he can still smell and I think his sense of smell is even heightened now by the fact he can't hear.  

The heavy-duty wheelbarrow waits. Although it has seen heavy-duty use already this Spring by Mr. O Sink who used a week of his vacation hauling big branches and tons of debris left in the yard from the severe winter we had.  

For some reason though... I can't figure out why... he never will go into the gardens and cut the old debris and stalks left from last year.  Is it because he considers that my job?  Does he think I will feel hurt if he cleans up and I am left with nothing to do but sit on the porch with a glass of iced tea?
I don't know... I may have to ask him... I'm really curious now! LOL!

Here's a sight that is  very common around this part of the country right now.. most everyone that has shrubbery and trees like pines and evergreens have found them burned and turned to a rust color.  This little shrub was beautiful last summer and now it will have to be pulled out because the gardening experts say they will not come back to being green for many many years. The harsh winter and massive snow covering prevented moisture from reaching the needles they say.   So sad... I guess I will plant something else in that old whiskey barrel. 

And yes... that is Christmas lights you see still on the shrub.... 
yup.... LOTS of work to be done around here..

It's time to start.

The Ball Player!  

Cathy G


  1. Hello, love the latest project, so sweet.... Oh ya, yard work, I will be out there soon too. We have many brown cedars, sad, Love the ball player, Francine.

  2. Nice little pocket full of Poisies you got there. It's really cute. Your stitches are very even...
    I had to laugh at Mr O.Sink not clearing the debris in your flowerbeds, Mr. Petals won't even clear the debris from the yard. He's get my lawnmower going in the spring and that about it. Count yourself lucky.
    I could picture myself sitting in my Gazebo sipping ice tea while he does the yard work

  3. Love it. You did a great job with the stitching. I want to buy the pattern------how do I do so?

  4. Cathy...I did the same thing today...pulled out the dead stalks and some of the dead shrubbery. Every year I say I'm going to do it earlier...but every I am in the the heat of the day yanking stuff out. My hubby and I split the yard...he does behind the house, along the privacy fence and the area around the patio. I do the front, the side and I have one little perinneal garden to the side of the porch...and I do my container gardening on my porch. I laid down the law a few years ago...told him I was going to plant grass around the perimeter of the he had been sharing ever since! I love your little pocket purse...cute, cute design!..

  5. loved the project!
    wonderful distractions, whoops helpers there!
    isn't it just wonderful though not to be cold and snowed in???

  6. what an awesome finish and a great start.....

  7. Lovely wool work with the Pocket full of Posies. I am dying to get in my gardens for spring cleaning but it keeps raining on the weekends. Drat!

  8. I just love your bag what a great idea with the tape measure.
    there is a saying in this house once you do a job it is yours for life
    sooo there are certain things I will not do and the same goes for David. So maybe secretly you husband has that thought.:)

  9. Great little bag. I still can't get over how great the metal tape measure closer is - and who came up with that anyway!! I got my garden cleaned up last week ahead of the bugs - whew. My back is still yelling at me for two days of raking and cleaning out. Getting older actually hurts!! lol


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