Monday, May 5, 2014

Obsessed! And an Early Blue Trunk For Sale!

I've been rearranging and spiffing up the studio the past few days.  It's amazing what a few little changes can do for a small space.  As wool fabric has taken over the place it's important for me  to have it attractively arranged and organized. Besides the obvious benefit of having it easily accessible I find it comforting and therapeutic as well.   

It may appear that I'm overly obsessed with having my wool stacked in colorful, neatly folded piles.  But the truth of the matter is it's good for the wool... moving it around and giving it a shake and a refold can deter those mothy type critters from setting up camp.  
Maybe you noticed the early blue painted trunk in the photo above. It's a nice early one. It has hand-forged hardware and the best early blue paint.  It is for sale. But I do not want to ship it. If you live in the area and are interested please email me.  Asking 175.00

The inside of the trunk.

I am working on a new little wool appliqué project.  Here is a peek of what I've done so far.  I'll show more in a couple of days.  For now I am going out to my studio and... yup... fold some wool I dyed today!  LOL!!   Hey... it helps me sleep!  Doesn't get any more therapeutic than that!!

Good Night!!
Cathy G


  1. When things are a mess, I can never be quite so creative as when everything is neat and in order. Loving your neatly folded wool !

  2. Wool is the best therapy around! Love that blue trunk... I'd fill it with wool and patterns and cottons and patterns and thread and... well... you get the idear.. ;-)

  3. Nice trunk! It would be a fun three-day trip to come and get it. Ha-ha!
    But then I could meet you and see the lovely well-organized studio.
    One can dream...

  4. Your studio looks great, as always. If I lived closer, I'd be there all the time! Sarah

  5. I agree, folding and playing in your wool is therapeutic, plus I think while you are playing with it and getting it reorganized you sometimes come up with new color combinations that you've never thought of! So pretty!

  6. Cathy, a beautiful eye candy store. It's therapeutic just looking at your beautiful studio. You have such a gift of displaying your wool, it makes it so inviting

    Counting colorful wool on your shelves to put you to sleep might be a step up to counting sheep.....

    Have a bha-bha-atiful week.

  7. I love your studio! I envy the neatly staked wool!

  8. Beautiful studio and so neat too, unlike my room right now. Every time I visit your blog and see the flowers and tongue rug it beckons me to draw it out and hook it. I was gung ho to hook it when I bought the pattern but it still hasn't been drawn out. One of these days I'll surprise you. Oh, great blue chest!!!!!!


  9. Ohhhhh!!!! I love the old blue truck, beautiful Cathy. Your studio is cozy, very nice place to work. Happy Hooking, Francine.

  10. Love your space, its so neat and beautiful!

  11. Your studio is so inviting and I love the way you display everything.
    I just envy you that you have all that wool to fold ~ enjoy!
    Love the trunk ~ if I could afford it I'd be there in a heart beat!
    Prim Blessings

  12. Cathy I love live love your studio......oh I could only wish......if I lived closer I think I would have to figure out a way to get that trunk......
    I love the blue....

  13. If you are up for a road trip, I have LOTS of wool that needs folded and organized {grin}. In my dreams...sigh.
    Great trunk!!!
    Hugs :)

  14. Cathy,
    Love seeing your studio! That trunk is such a pretty blue color. So great for storage. Have a great day. The grass is finally greening up! Hugs, Lori

  15. Since there are no wool stores around here, I have to get my fix by drooling over pixs of studios like yours. If you decide to ship that trunk to Tallahassee, it would have a great home with me. Otherwise, like the others, I can only dream.



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