Thursday, May 15, 2014

Pelican sighting...

One can't help be amazed and dazzled a bit by the different bird species we see here in the spring. We are a stopping off point for birds migrating to more northern destinations.  Just thought I'd share a photo Dave took of two pelicans who landed for lunch on a marshy end of the lake a couple of days ago.  He came home amazed at how huge they are!  
I'm busy as a cat on a hot tin roof.... dyeing wool, stitching, planning and scheming! Will be back soon with more photos of things in the works!

Cathy G


  1. Hi Cathy, looks so tranquil the Pelicand floating along, Francine.

  2. How cool to have pelicans stopping by!! I've only seen them in Florida!

  3. Looking forward to seeing what you are brewing up in the studio! I do like that penny flower purse in the previous post! I always thought pelicans were a coastal (salt water) bird... I learn something new every day!

  4. How cool is that, having pelican visiting your area.
    Cathy, you are always so busy with creating beautiful design, I can't wait to see what you're coming up with next. Some beautiful projects in the making for sure.

  5. I haven't seen a pelican since we lived in Florida! Great photo you took of them! I too am looking forward to seeing what you are brewing up in your studio : )

  6. Beautiful pic. Eager to see what's brewing in your studio ;)

  7. Hi Cathy!
    I looked back on your last post and saw that adorable pocket you cute is that!
    I don't believe I've ever seen a Pelican for real - wow they are beautiful and you are so fortunate to see one up close.
    P.S. I made the hooked sheep you gifted me last summer while at the retreat in WV....everyone loved it. I did however use my own color combinations as I didn't have any that came close to the colors on the picture.


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