Monday, June 3, 2013

Good Riddance to May!

It was all going along so wonderfully!  The weeding, watering, transplanting of tender perennials to different spots in the gardens. Though I wore ear muffs most of the days to protect my ears and touchy sinuses from cold winds that persisted for most of May..... I  ended up in the Dr.'s office last Friday with a sinus infection again.  The prescribed "horse pills" twice a day seem to be kicking in and I'm feeling a little back to my normal ( although a bit cranky) self.  
Sunday while helping my DH clear out the little A-frame gardening shed in our back yard I accidently dropped a four foot all steel fence post on my foot.  Yowza!  I thought for sure I had broken a couple of toes!  But I could wiggle them slightly so I vowed I wasn't making another trip to the Dr.'s office having just been there the day before.
So with the heating pad on my face and the cold packs on my foot I spent the better part of last weekend on the couch.

When the day warms up in the afternoon I sit here on the deck with my tea. 
The planter box is planted with chocolate mint that I dug from the gardens.  It needs to be contained as it is very aggressive and will over run the gardens.  Keeping it imprisoned in a box near me as I sit gives me great satisfaction!
My resident crow buddy ( old decoy) keeps a watchful eye on it too!
The morning sun casts a heavenly glow as it lights up the ferns behind the fountain. 
I'm using a lot of my perennials in planters around the yard this year instead of spending at the garden center for annuals.   I think I've spent a total of $11.00 dollars on plants this year so far and that included a tomato plant for $5.77.

Chives are about to burst open in an old tire planter Dave's dad made years ago.

Rhubarb has been harvested and we enjoyed a scrumptious German Apple- Rhubarb  Crumb Cake last week. 
I sent half the pan to work with Dave and they requested more!  Does it look like there's enough here for another pan?
( and yes that's a bowling ball) :-D

My bleeding heart ( which was my mother's plant that I transplanted when she sold her place a few years back) is blooming nicely.  I think she wants it back now!  LOL!  

And Max wants to show you the little bit of progress I've made on the Maggie Bonanomi American Floral rug.  Very little hooking has been taking place recently but he keeps after me! 

So "God willing and the creek don't rise".... I will be dyeing wool tomorrow!
June is off to a good start... well sort of!

Cathy G




  2. Loved the tour...hope your feeling better and did not break your foot.
    Enjoy that cozy yard.
    June is my favorite month.

  3. So you're hot headed, have cold feet...I know there's a warm heart in there, too! LOL!
    I sure hope your sinus infection is on the way to gone and your injured foot is soon better. Please be careful, it's so easy to do awful damage to yourself in the blink of an eye or the slip of a beam.,

    Your gardens are beautiful! You are an artist in both rughooking and landscaping!

  4. What a beautiful rug you are working on.
    Woolie Hugs

  5. So sorry about your sinuses and squashed foot... but, your gardens look gorgeous (LOVE the old tire planter)... and you made me laugh with the "keeping chocolate mint prisoner".... :-) Happy Spring to you!!! There are better days ahead!

  6. Morning, love your wonderful gardens, so pretty.....sweet you took your Mom`s Bleeding Heart, love that........Hope you feel better, Blessings Francine.

  7. Well, I hope you have a better June than May. May wasn't all that great here either. I had the furnace running almost every day! Insanity. Your gardens look great and that old tire planter is wonderful. Keep that foot up and hook like a demon while you recover ;)

  8. Cathy your garden looks so serene and inviting, sorry you've been under the weather you sure have a lovely plot of land to enjoy as you rest. Your rug is coming along nicely.


  9. Cathy, you have a beautiful garden pallet too. Loved seeing a slice of your outdoor haven. I too enjoy being outside in the gardens. Great place to stitch and just listen to nature. I'm so sorry to hear of your sinus and foot woes and hope that you will be back to your good ol' self very soon. Enjoy June!

  10. Dear Cathy, I feel for your toesies, outch and for your sinus infection. I'm glad that they were not broken. I had a heavy wet Ceramic mold fall on my foot once. I thought that my foot was broken but the X-ray showed a crushed foot. The foot healed nicely.

    Your garden looks very peaceful and cosy and I love how you use interesting objects for added interest. Love the tire and the bird house and bird bath, just love it...
    You'll probably will have some small seedlings from your bleeding heart. I bought one plant and now have many that I trandplanted around from the self sown seeds.

    Better keep an eye on that chocolate mint, you don't want escapees, lol...

    Your floral rug is looking great and you're on the home stretch. I sure hope that June has a better performance that May. I hope that you'll feel all better this week.

    Big hugs,

  11. That is a very, very pretty rug and your garden is beautiful. I am glad you are feeling a bit better. I dropped two bricks on my foot one summer. I know how that hurts.
    I just love how pretty and green every thing is around your place now, with all of that snow gone.

  12. So sorry to hear about you booboo...but a perfect excuse to spend some time in your lovely garden. Your rug is going to be a beauty...the flag is fabulous!
    Take care...of your toesies and other parts,

  13. Hi Cathy,
    What a gorgeous haven you have to nurse your "ouchies" as my Bella and Sophia call them!! Hope you are feeling better and that June promises to be a better month!!
    Your rug is just beautiful too!!!
    Take care of yourself!
    Warm Hugs~~

  14. Cathy,

    OUCH! Now that NOT the fun way to get yourself a couple of days off your feet. Love your gardens all looking wonderful. Oh share your recipe please! sounds so yummy! Love your rug, looking wonderful! OLM

  15. Beautiful flowers and such!
    Now if it would just warm up and stay that way for awhile June will be a beautiful month.
    Beautiful Hookin' too!!!
    Glad to hear you didn't get hurt bad.
    Hope you have some sunny skies!
    Prim Blessings

  16. Good evening Cathy, your rug is looking lovely, wonderful colors. I too have mints in my gardens, new to me this year is a grapefruit mint, it smells heavenly. Hope you are on the mend and those toes of yours are healing. Sending greetings from Maine, Julie.

  17. You certainly have had a bad time of it. I hope your feeling better.
    I hooked that rug and I did the white little round flowers with the gold centers. If I could make a suggestion you can take it or leave it. I would add a third on every time I look at the rug I see two eye balls.

  18. Beautiful rug , Beautiful garden, I envy your green lawn. I hope your doing better hugs Cheri

  19. Thanks for your lovely comment on my post.Although for my second child I thought 9 months was too long, I think my daughter needs that much time first go 'round and I may for the "grandmoose" projects too. That is what I have decided I want to be called LOL.

    Sorry about your nose and hoof incidents. They do seem to travel in pairs. Your garden - as usual - is amazing. I was sharing the same idea of just putting perennials in the barrels this year and transplanting them in the fall. Should have stuck to my guns, but relented to get annuals that can grown in the "dark" on one side. At least I am trying Cosmos in the sunny spot, which should do well and didn't set me back too much.

    Chocolate mint????? Hmmmmmmmm. I must check to see if I can find it here.

    Speedy recovery on all that ails you.


  20. It's all so beautiful Cathy! So love your garden spots, and the chives. Mine haven't been blooming, and I think it's a sun issue. May was crazy down here. Tammy and I went to a hooking day driving in snow and sleet! That's a first for May around here. But things are back to normal and just gorgeous. Take care of that foot!

  21. I love your Maggie B. flag rug. You are doing such a great job!! Can't wiat to see it progress!!


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