Saturday, June 15, 2013

Rumor Has It....

......... she went nuts and tore part of the house apart.... and.... designed a new rug hooking pattern!

TRUE on both accounts!

You can catch a sneak peek of the new rug design in the above photo.  I know.... nasty mean aren't I! LOL!  
I can't give you all the details until next Friday when we update over on Primitive Handmades Mercantile!  
I beg for your patience until then!
I WILL tell you the rug is all hooked... AND BOUND.... and I LOVE how it turned out!

Now for the tearing part of the house apart....

O My!  I am in trouble!  As sometimes happens when I'm left alone in the house for a day ( hubby was gone on a work related trip) I get ideas that I can't wait to get started on!  There is a closet in our hallway that leads back to the bedrooms and the bath and my office.  Okay there USED to be a closet to be more accurate!  LOL!  In order for my idea to work here I had to take the closet doors off and the frame work had to come off too!  Whew!  A few hours later when Dave arrived home I had it to this point and laid it on him about my big plan and what I wanted to accomplish with this closet.  

Just so you know.... we are still married!  LOL!   
I will fill you in on the details later.
So we are off to the hardware store for a few supplies and to shop for a new shop vac.  
Things are hopping around here!

Stay tuned!

Cathy G


  1. Can't wait to see the reveal of your new rug and also what you're up to with that closet. Glad you hubby took it all in stride :D

  2. Oh cathy, I'm anxious to see what will become of your closet. You remind me so much of myself when I was younger. I'm a person of action like you.
    I'm sure that it will be a great improvement.
    The sneak peek of your new rug has peeked my curiosity.

  3. Can't wait to see how both these projects turn out.

  4. Oh Cathy! LOL! I have done that so many times, I am lucky to still be married..HEHEHE... oh a new rug, I can't wait to see! :) OLM

  5. I can't wait and you are so brave. I bet your idea will be fantastic. I love doing fun things like that in the house.
    Your sneak peek looks wonderful.

  6. Keep us posted!!! I remember being pregnant and starting a demo - that was a LONG time ago.
    Hugs :)

  7. Oh I had the same thing many a time ...... sure it will be wonderful when done!

  8. OMG, guess he was too shocked to turn around and leave again. Or, he has become accustomed to minor changes in the happy abode every once in a while. Am looking forward to updates on both the new design and the changes to the closet.


  9. Oooooh... FUN! You have my attention! :-)

  10. well this post was one big tease.
    can't wait to see more.

  11. Lol My mind is spinning trying to guess what you're up to. Don't leave us in suspense too long :)

  12. Cathy, Your mystery project has gotten my attention...can't wait to see what you have in mind for the former closet.

    I've done simlar things in the past when my DH would go on fishing trips. My daughter and I changed the light fixture over the large framed mirror in our bathroom one year. My husband was impressed that we didn't get electrocuted in the process. (We did, of course, have the sense to flip the switch off in the fuse box!!)


  13. Cathy,
    You've got me wondering too! Can't wait to see what you are going to do. Whatever you have planned, I know it will be neat!! Hugs, Lori

  14. Can't wait to see your new rug Cathy!!!! My husband would have had a fit if I did that to a closet door! LOL I have a tiny little laundry room that had a full size door in it! I wanted so bad to remove that door because it was nothing but a pain! When I have my dirty laundry on the floor waiting for their turn in the washer it is even more of a pain! He wouldn't remove it and no one sees it but me! Instead he put folding doors on there which a bit better but still a pain!


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