Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Heavy Heart for OKlahoma~~~ A few thoughts...

Even though it's very hard to watch and my heart  feels so heavy for the victims of the Moore, Oklahoma tornado I feel it is important for me to see the devastation as well as the heart-warming stories of survivors and the brave first responders, so I watch in small increments.

My prayers are for strength and that the wonderful people of Moore and the state of Oklahoma receive abundant help.

People in our great country are very generous in times of disaster. We know there have been so many lately.... and it's a struggle for all of us to make ends meet.  I like to think that even a small donation when added to many other small donations becomes the huge gift that will help sustain our friends and help them rebuild.


 We also have a few of our Hit & Miss Bundles left.  Not many, so if you are thinking of ordering I thought I'd give a heads up.

Thank-you to all of the readers who have ordered the bundles. They have been shipped so watch your mailboxes in the next day or two!
Thank-you for all your great comments on our new venture!  It means the world to hear your thoughts and receive your enthusiastic response!  It's encouraging to hear such nice comments!  

Prayers and Love!

Let me tell you a little about our new bundles which we are offering exclusively right here on my Orange Sink blog.
We've color planned these bundles to include a little bit of textures, solids, hand-dyed and straight off the new bolts of wool here in the studio. The wool is all washed and ready for hooking or applique.  Each bundle is carefully hand picked with dark to light values represented.  There is approximately one-half yard of wool in each bundle.  There are 16 strips that measure 3 1/2 by 16 1/2 inches ( some may vary slightly due to the shrinkage after dyeing). 
We have a limited number of each bundle in these exact colors.  We plan to offer future bundles in different colors but when these bundles are gone.... well.... they're gone.
Our price for each bundle is ....  $32.00 plus $5.00 Shipping & Handling.
We want to make it easy to purchase so you can use the Buy Now button at the bottom of this post which takes you to PayPal.
If you want to order more than one bundle please email me Here 
   and I will send you an invoice through Paypal. I will need your zip code and how many bundles you are ordering.
You can email if you have further questions also.

Here's a close-up of the wool in each bundle.


The Bundles are ready to ship immediately upon payment.  Jill and I want to Thank-you for your continued support and following along with my blog!  We are thinking of ways to expand our business so our online friends can take advantage of what we offer our local customers here in the studio!
So check back soon!  We have good things in the making!!

Cathy G

To Purchase

One 16 piece "Hit & Miss Wool Blog Bundle
$32.00 plus $5.00 S&H in USA

(for friends in Canada and other countries please email me to purchase... thank-you!)


  1. My heart goes out to those in Oklahoma, so sad but did hear some great surviver stories too.....Love the wool colors, so pretty, Francine.

  2. i know i too cathy feel i need to see what they are going thru and are keeping them in my constant thoughts and prayers..its been raining here now,, actually pouring for a couple days now and a town up the road is being evacuated due to flooding... gosh..scarey. it makes me feel peaceful scrolling thru your blog and seeing all the wool and projects.. take care my blogging friend!

  3. My heart goes out to the people of Moore, Oklahoma who are left with devastation and lost of lives. It makes me want to count my many blessings.
    I pray that they will receive courage and strength and also some help to get back their lives back in order.

    Good luck with your Hit and Miss sales.

  4. Hi Cathy,
    I have to agree with you - I was glued to the tv but not as entertainment...you want to see good come out of it and you sit there and wait for it....and you pray.
    People are so kind and helpful during these times - as I said on another blog this morning...GOD MADE GOOD PEOPLE.

  5. Cathy, It's heartbreaking to see all the devastation, there are no words... Love the wool budles!!! OLM


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