Sunday, June 30, 2013

Bloglovin' ... taking the plunge!

I'm not sure what I'm getting into.... a new trick for this old dog to learn I guess!  I'm getting on board with bloglovin' and hope it's a good thing!  Let's keep each other posted on what it's all about okay!

Cathy G


  1. I did the same thing tonight and I haven't a clue why!
    Hugs :)

  2. My turn ~ I just did it, too! And like Lauren ~ I haven't the foggiest notion of why. If you two could do it, so could I!!!!

  3. I switched over last week. It's been really easy and I like how it's formatted much better. Bloglovin' is a very easy way to follow your favorite blogs and get notified when they have written something new. That's pretty much all it is and does. It will just take the place of viewing all the blogs you follow on Google Reader. I've found I can follow more blogs and catch up faster with all that's going on in blog land :) Have fun and snoop around! ~Nan

  4. Oh No!!!! you too, I really don`t understand all this Bloglovin` stuff.....Duh, Francine.

  5. Why did I change?I am so confused with this. I use to be able to look at who was looking at my blogs now I can't. Do I need to claim my blog as it says? oh well I'll go back to hooking.Lol.

  6. Hi Cathy,
    I already have you in my bloglovin
    I'm liking it a much easier to navigate in. I have to agree with what Nan of Threadworks said...pretty much what she said.
    Happy 4th

  7. Just found your blog, Cathy, and love it! I really like your old cupboards and your rug hooking! I don't think I really understand bloglovin?


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