Friday, June 21, 2013

What's Behind the Cupboard and a NEW Rug Design!

Before I get to the part where I show you what was behind the big cupboard I moved into a closet  in my last post, I'd like to share my newest rug design.
I released it last evening on Primitive Handmades Mercantile. Click Here to go get all the details! 
I released a paper pattern for my fellow rug hookers too!
I love how the rug turned out and it was super fun to hook!  You will love the colors in this one and I love how it looks on this old cupboard in our living room.

Speaking of cupboards....  I have collected cupboards of all sizes and kinds over the years.  It's amazing how many I've been able to cram into our average sized ranch style home.  Built in the 1950's our house is short on closet space so it was a particularly daring move to give one up to house a cupboard.  Maybe it speaks volumes on how much I love cupboards.  
So... take a look at what was behind cupboard # 1 in the dining room.....

That's right!  A DOOR!!  That's another thing about this house.... while it's short on closets it's long on doors!  I have never seen another house that has as many doors as this one!  Whenever I get the chance to remove a door around here it gives me more satisfaction than you can know!  LOL!

That door in the above photo is actually one of two that leads into our master bedroom.  There's another DOOR at the end of the long lonesome hallway that enters the bedroom as well.

This door has the added bonus of being a dutch door. It really doesn't matter because we never use this door.  Mainly because there is another cupboard behind that door in the bedroom!
I'm not kidding when I said I love cupboards!

So there you have it!  Just one of the many issues I confront when doing any type of decorating or rearranging of furniture.  It is always a challenge to say the least.

 I moved the pie safe with punched tin panels from the living room ( where it housed our TV ) to the dining room where it now holds a small TV and other items like cookbooks.  How do you like my outdated wall paper border?
There's so many things around here that I'd like to change but time and money are always a problem.
So I keep rearranging and moving my cupboards around.
It keeps me happy and content for the time being.

That little table in front of the DOOR may or may not be there next time you look.   I am in a rearranging frame of mind!
Anybody want to come and help?

Cathy G


  1. Cathy ~
    I'd LOVE to come help. Oh the fun we could have and the trouble we could get in to :)
    I am a cupboard junky, too". I'm lovin' that pie safe.
    Great new pattern.
    Hugs :)

  2. Love your new rug !
    Really glad to only see a door behind the cupboard,
    and a DUTCH door at that ! (I was envisioning
    something dark and lurking. lol)

    We have our fair share of furniture, too.
    My husband loves to go "used furniture" shopping.
    I never know what we will have to make room for. ;)

  3. I'll come with Lauren and help. We'll have a rearranging party and then you can teach me to hook:)
    Your new rug is the bomb. It has so many things I love....bee hives, flags, and roosters, oh my. could always hide that door again by hanging a big old quilt over it. Smiles, ~Nan

  4. Oh count me in too, what fun rearranging your fine prim home, LOL!!!! Adore your new rug, really beautiful, Happy Summer, Francine.

  5. Oh Cathy that is funny about the doors. Love your new designs an they look lovely on the cupboard!


  6. I have an idea for your door ....hook a rug to cover the upper portion , so the framework of the door looks like a frame around your hooked rug ! Or get another cupboard !!!! Love your new pattern too !!!

  7. Wow, you are really making some great designs. You're on a roll of creativity and activity. I like that you are never static and are always rearranging and slowly but surely, your are leaving your personality on whatever you touch. I love your new rug and it looks very nice on your cupboard.

    Thanks for letting us in, on your secret doors. Your house has a lot of character and I like that.
    Enjoy Summer.


  8. Oooh what fun. You are making me jittery - I might have to move something:) Have you ever thought of putting numbers on your doors - for fun. What's behind door number 1 you ask....heehee. Yep, I'm that ornery. I would love to have guests and say "You might be sleeping behind door #3." Can you just imagine? Your place looks great, and like Lauren, I love that pie safe.

  9. I love all of your cupboards. I think it looks so nice since you have been rearranging.
    Your new rug pattern looks like a fun one to make. I might have to stop by and do some ordering.
    I haven't started the last one yet but that one just calls my name.
    I love playing house and moving things around.
    We have a lot of doors too. My laundry room which is tiny has three. :)
    Have a nice Saturday.

  10. I'd love to come and help!!!
    Beautiful rug Cathy!!!
    Prim Blessings

  11. This story makes me think that you need to do another fabulous rug design - of doors, doors, doors. Such a funny post. I would also love to come and help you rearrange everything, but for the distance issue. But you will do an incredible job, as always.

  12. Oh my goodness I've missed quite a few posts dear friend!!!
    I love what you did with the closet by adding the cupboard! I would have done the same thing. We actually did do that in our previous house in our youngest sons was horribly small so we took off the closet doors and put his dresser and toys in there...I also papered the walls in the closet a fun red, blue, yellow paper!
    We have a Cape Cod now built in the 50's with NO closets! So cupboards are my storage.
    When I want to buy a new one people say...another cupboard...WHY!!! If they lived here they would know WHY! So I hear ya!
    I love your PHM offering this month.

    P.S. I'm going to be in your area on Friday, July 27th...any chance you will be available at some point that day? I know we have to stop in Trevor too that day.


  13. I love your new pattern, it speaks of July
    love your cupboard, that trick of hiding the door, so surprising.
    just love seeing what you have been up to!
    hope your June has been wonderful!!


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