Sunday, July 7, 2013

Before the change.... Dining and Kitchen Area

Before... old wallpaper border and door with a coat of primer.

I should've never moved that big cupboard into the closet.  It opened a whole new can of worms around here!  There has been nothing but painting, wallpapering,  more painting, moving furniture and collections from place to place  ever since.  

However... I am liking the lighter look of the new textured 
wallpaper border. 

And I like the door painted in the new buttermilk shade that I plan to paint the kitchen cupboards and all the trim around the dining room and kitchen windows.  Needless to say I will probably be painting my fool head off for a few weeks.
With the hot sticky weather and the mosquitos as thick as mud outside it's best to find projects to do indoors.  The only trouble is now I have projects to last well into the next season.

I'll leave you to ponder a couple of photos of my dining area that I took a few months ago.  Things have already changed quite a bit including moving a different table into the space.
So stay tuned....

Cathy G


  1. If you run out of projects, you can come help me!
    Keep us posted on your changes. LOVE your pie safe.
    Hugs :)

  2. I like a lighter look too. It feels cooler especially in this heat.

    I'm looking forward to seeing all the changes.
    Stay cool,

  3. It looks wonderful. I enjoy looking at all of your changes. They look so much lighter and fresh.
    I mean I liked it before too.
    I know when it is too hot outside it is s nice to have projects in the house.
    I can't wait to see more.

  4. Looking very summery fresh and updated. Love that buttermilk paint color. I'm sure we will all love seeing the pictures of the changes you've made. Happy Summer to you! ~Nan

  5. Evening, I love he new lighter look too, beautiful home you have, always enjoy you showing it......Also the color of the door,Buttermilk, nice, Blessings Francine.

  6. I like it too.
    Have a great week Cathy :0)

  7. WOW!!! You have done a great job Cathy! It is beautiful! It sure has been hot and humid hasn't it! I'm hoping to get my kitchen updated soon. Ready for a new counter top and new floor.

  8. It is looking great. The trouble with making "little" changes is it usually turns into a domino effect and the jobs keep multiplying.

  9. Love the new look - fresh and crisp !
    Nice work.

  10. Sure wish I had your energy. The change is nice.... like a breath of fresh air and lightness.


  11. Love the look! Have been in my new place for almost a year and have done hardly anything. Desperately need a new chandelier in dining area but a sloped ceiling means a long drop. Like yours.

  12. Love it! Cathy that is always how it starts... one little thing turns into a great big project! can't wait to see more! OLM

  13. Your efforts are a nice improvement. You certainly have a lot of energy!!!

  14. Love redos! You have such a great sense of color and style (of course, just look at your rugs!). Also, so enjoying taking a peek into others living spaces. Can't wait to see more!


  15. I love your changes, Cathy! It is always amazing to see the difference a few changes make in our decorating, isn't it? Love, love the buttermilk color. It looks so prim in the picture. Looking forward to more pictures of your projects and progress :0)



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