Saturday, May 18, 2013

Hit & Miss Bliss! Wool Bundles for Sale!

(Here is a Hit & Miss oval mat I hooked using hand-torn wide strips)

Happy Saturday!  It's a dreary rainy one here in Rice Lake but I'll tell you I am lovin' it!  We needed this rain sooooo badly!  I've been digging in the gardens the last few days and the dirt is powder dry!
My perennials are struggling to grow... but you should see them today.... laughing and carrying on so in the rain out in the gardens!  I think they've grown at least 3 inches today alone!!
But my blog post today is really about something new we have going on here in the Studio!
Around here we have always been a bit partial to the Hit and Miss style of hooking!
Oh yeah... they call it "hit and miss"  and it very well can be just that, but in most cases there is a little bit of planning that has to happen to achieve the right effect.  It mostly involves the light and dark values of the wool.   And the colors also have to somewhat go together.  I admit it can  be sort of a mystery sometimes as to what to use in a good Hit and Miss.
Study for a moment the photos of some of our rugs Jill and I have hooked using the Hit and Miss technique.

It makes a lovely border on a rug!

It can be incorporated into the design of a rug as in this circle and star design.

It looks great in geometric rugs!

And I used it when I hooked my spiral rug a while ago for the entire rug!

Those of us who have been hooking for a long time usually accumulate a good number of wool strips we like to call "worms" left over from our projects.  They can be used nicely for a Hit & Miss.
But if I can be bold and confess a little secret here.... I've been in the situation many times when hooking a Hit & Miss and found myself cutting into a larger piece of wool to get just the right color  to make the hit & miss more pleasing to the eye.
Tell me I'm not the only one!  (smile)
Jill and I have brain-stormed something we as long time hookers and color planners of rugs feel you may be interested in...
Something that new rug hookers may find useful and for those who want to add a little variety to their stashes.
And the wool appliquer's will love this too we think!

Introducing our new Hit & Miss Wool Blog Bundles.....

Let me tell you a little about our new bundles which we are offering exclusively right here on my Orange Sink blog.
We've color planned these bundles to include a little bit of textures, solids, hand-dyed and straight off the new bolts of wool here in the studio. The wool is all washed and ready for hooking or applique.  Each bundle is carefully hand picked with dark to light values represented.  There is approximately one-half yard of wool in each bundle.  There are 16 strips that measure 3 1/2 by 16 1/2 inches ( some may vary slightly due to the shrinkage after dyeing). 
We have a limited number of each bundle in these exact colors.  We plan to offer future bundles in different colors but when these bundles are gone.... well.... they're gone.
Our price for each bundle is ....  $32.00 plus $5.00 Shipping & Handling. 
Wool Bundles have sold out!  Thank-you!
We want to make it easy to purchase so you can use the Buy Now button at the bottom of this post which takes you to PayPal.
If you want to order more than one bundle please email me Here 
   and I will send you an invoice through Paypal. I will need your zip code and how many bundles you are ordering.
You can email if you have further questions also.

Here's a close-up of the wool in each bundle.


The Bundles are ready to ship immediately upon payment.  Jill and I want to Thank-you for your continued support and following along with my blog!  We are thinking of ways to expand our business so our online friends can take advantage of what we offer our local customers here in the studio!
So check back soon!  We have good things in the making!!

Cathy G


  1. Hi Cathy, what a great idea to make these hit and miss bundles available for sale. I can see that your business will keep growing. I would buy some but my stash is piling up but unfortunately I haven't even picked up my hook since I last gave an update on my Childhood Memories rug this past winter. Life has gotten even more busy.

    I'm glad that you got some rain. I noticed that last week how dry the ground was and as soon as we got some rain, things just seemed to grow and bloom overnight.

    Good luck with this latest idea.

  2. That's a nifty idea! Also good for applique and penny rugs too!

  3. Glad to read your perennials are doing the happy dance!!! Wonderful idea to bundle the wools, I've loved your color combinations in your rugs...very nicely done. Hugs, Julie.

  4. so glad you are getting the rain you need. We got ours las week but it looks like more is on the way.
    Lovely colors right now I am drowing in worms but it is such a great idea.

  5. Cathy,
    We need the rain too. It'll get to us tomorrow. I putzed in our yard today but have so much more to get done.

    You are not alone! I've been known to cut from bigger pieces of wool even tho I have a ton of worms cut. What can we say when we need the right look?! Great idea to offer the bundles.
    Hugs, Lori

  6. Great idea, Cathy! And a great way to photograph the selection of wool! Sarah

  7. Wow, I like the idea of what you are selling but I'm so impressed with that spiral are so good at what you do lady!!!

  8. Lovely photos in your header.


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