Friday, May 3, 2013

Digging Out!

I'm writing this post today in utter disbelief that last weekend was so beautiful here I uncovered my strawberry plants and raked the yard.  These are photos I took yesterday.  By eight A.M. Dave had the step ladder out shoveling snow off the roof of my studio.  The wet heavy snow has been very destructive to the trees.  Power lines were downed but we never lost our power thank heavens.
The sound of huge branches cracking in the backyard echoed throughout the day.
There will be lots of clean-up.

I'm trying my best to remain positive.  The girls from my last class came over last night and everyone finished up their little mats.
I've been hooking on American Floral.
In due time the sun will melt... the grass will green.
After all.... the lawn mower is tuned up.
The chainsaw will have to be next!

Cathy G


  1. Wow, that is a lot of snow!I was surprised when I saw the title of your post.Here is to hoping that this is the last of the snow and that it doesn't cause to much damage.Stay safe and warm.Hugs,Jen

  2. I love the new design at the top of your blog!!!! That is a humongous amount of snow and so glad all that is behind us in Delaware. Think spring and I'll think sending some your way.


  3. Cathy, I'm lost for words, it's a good thing because they wouldn't be pretty. All I can say is poor you and all those who have been hit with this big storm, unbelievable... Perhaps you can find some inspiration from this for another rug design. Think of how happy a snowman and snow woman would be to still be around in May. Maybe having baby snowkids, he,he.

    I hope the sun gets cracking and melt all that snow so you can get on with gardening soon. Sure hope that this is the last snow till winter.

    Many hugs for a better weekend.


  4. Cathy, this has been the wierdest winter ever and it just doesn't want to loosen it's grip! UGH! Hoping it all melts super fast! OLM

  5. Oh man, I think I'll cry for you.

  6. OMG!!!
    That's enough to send a person back into hibernation!
    I hope it warms up and it's all gone by the end of the week.
    Glad your power didn't go out.

  7. I am so sorry...spring has been a long time in coming...look at those poor babies with their winter coats on...I still find myself looking over my shoulder waiting for a snowflake to show itself! Hang in there, I bet your strawberry patch will produce a bumper crop!!!Greetings from Maine, Julie.

  8. YUK!!!!! Hope it melts quickly!!

  9. Your snow is making my snow look piddly :) Isn't this weather just crazy?!

  10. I'm so sorry for you! Also happy it's at your house and not mine (she said, selfishly, because we are in severe drought out here in NM). May your sunshine return soon!

  11. Unbelievable!!! That looks like an Ohio snow in February!!

  12. Although I don't have snow, it is not as warm here as usual. Traditionally on the first Saturday in May, it is so hot and humid I have to turn on the a/c. I haven't even used a ceiling fan yet. Love what it is doing for my power bill.
    In the pininterest photos on the top of your page, the second one is an old white wicker rocker. I have two of them, both antiques. One is in the living room, the other in my bedroom. Both are used daily and they have a rug on the back. I love them!

  13. My mom always said snow was a poor mans fertilizer. And you have a lot of crap:)
    I think I would sit down and cry we are finally getting nice weather of course we need rain. I said rain not snow mother nature.

  14. Oh my goodness Cathy ~ We don't live all that far from you ~ I can't believe all the snow you got. We didn't receive any ~ just rain ~ but it was cold enough to snow. I hope it melts fast for you.
    Prim Blessings

  15. What's up with all this crazy weather?! We have rain, rain, rain here in the NC mountains.
    I have never seen so many gloomy, dark and foggy days as we have been having. I am ready to see the sun as I am sure you are too!

  16. That just blows my mind. So much snow.
    Maybe it is the last of it.


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