Friday, April 26, 2013

Meet A Few New Rug Hookers!

Showing Marla something.... what a quick learner! 

Allow me to introduce FIVE of my newest students from our beginning rug hooking class here in the studio last Tuesday evening!  What a fun group!  Dave took these photos and for some reason he caught us in our more serious moments!  Oh my gosh!  We joked that if someone were recording our conversations we would be busted!!  

I tend to hover a little like a mother hen.    Marla again and on the right is Peggy.
Peggy on the left and Thea ( pronounced "Taya") and do you see who snuck into class down in the right hand corner by Thea?  Max can't resist the ladies and is always hoping for a pat or two or perhaps a handbag left open to sniff the contents.  Oh yes... he's gotten into some serious trouble in the past... like the time he stole an envelope of money out of someone's purse and was caught before he chewed through the envelope!

Meet Sue!  She is going to be one creative hooker!  She's like her teacher and sometimes doesn't read the directions!  LOL!  But I actually encourage that in my classes.... 

and Vicki... she looks like she doesn't quite believe what I am talking about!  LOL!  She had a rough start to the evening.... her car got a flat tire as she pulled into our driveway!  A quick call to her sweet hubby and she had wheels again to make the journey home. 
Vicki has a Primitive Shop called Simply!   She is opening on May 2nd and I hope to be there with camera in hand!  

The weather is shaping up here a little and by this weekend we hope to have some temperatures reaching 70 degrees!   Northern Wisconsinites will be firing up their grills and getting out the lawn chairs in celebration!   

Making a little more progress on my American Floral rug.  Design by Maggie Bonanomi.  
It's proving a little bit of a challenge... but I am ready for it!  You can see I am playing around a little and adjusting the pattern a bit.  When I get to that part I hope I remember what lines are the ones to follow!  LOL!  Should've done them in red marker.... so we shall see!
Hope it's nice and warm this weekend where you live!  My friend Lisa said she heard frogs singing in the pond by them already....  Maybe.... just maybe... Spring will be here to stay!!

Cathy G


  1. Hey there GF....Long time no sorry!! Things have just been....well...chaotic? outta sync? funky? All of the above??? Hope you will forgive me. Looks like things are well in the northwoods...well, but for that white stuff. Yeah, we woke to a new coat yesterday morning too. ICK....already!! Today feels lovely...but for the torrential wind gusts. :-) Oh well, at least it isn't white.... I love your Maggie rug. I need to hook something patriotic one of these days...Heck, one of these days I just need to hook...something....anything!! Like I said, things have been outta sorts....but I'm trying to pull it day atta time. Hope all is well....Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  2. YAY! happy to see your hooker-friends Cathy!
    looks like they've caught on quickly, but with you as a teach what else would we expect?
    Hope your snow is all gone by now :)
    ~ L

  3. By the looks of it, your students are there to hook as if they mean business, and with you at the helm, I'm sure that they will excel in their new found hobby. It's so nice seeing you hovering over them like a mother. It shows that you care for your students.
    Your American floral rug is looking mighty fine. Have fun and have a great weekend. I hope that it warms up a bit.

  4. you use the little lap frames do you wrap it around and use thumb tacks. I have a studen that is using a hoop I have never used one so I used the same frames you are using. Are your classes one night or more?

  5. OOOOooohhh...that last picture shows your cupboard full of wool - I'm drooling. How beautiful. Makes me wish I was closer as it looks like fun. Hope your snow is melted.

  6. Love how your Maggie B is hooking up!

  7. I think it's really great that new hookers keep coming to your classes. It's always fun to introduce new ladies to the profession....uh, I mean HOBBY!
    They all look like they are having a good time and so do you.
    Thaqnks, Dave, for taking pictures!

  8. Looks like a great group of "newbies" Cathy!

    Hugs, Linda

  9. So wish I lived close would love to come toone of your classes I have wry thing bought and finally ready to start. Made me giggle reading because I am just like Sue I jump right in with both feet and usually teach myself

  10. Looks like a great, fun group of ladies.
    Love your hooked flag !

  11. Cathy,
    Looks like so much fun!!!!! You are singlehandedly responsible for inspiring new rug hookers in northern WI!!! So wonderful to see so much interest and I always love seeing a peek of your studio. May the joy of rug hooking continue to spread throughout the land!! Big hugs, Lori

  12. And some new hookers are born. I like your progress on the Maggie rug.


  13. Looks like your all having a fun!!!
    Like I said before I wish I lived closer ~ I so would be there!
    Love the progress on the Maggie rug!
    We did have a beautiful weekend! I think spring finally arrived in WI. YEAH!!!
    This morning there is a gentle rain.
    Happy Hookin'
    Prim Blessings

  14. yeah for new hookers!!!! they all look like they are very studious.

  15. How lucky are these gals to have such an enthusiastic teacher!!!

    No matter how many pieces you hook, you never forget your first time - you have changed their lives already. Happy that Max is an active participant too - it's important to have a mascot!


  16. It was a surprise to see Marla. She is one of my (internet) friends that I dearly love. She and Randy both. Loved her mat


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