Sunday, May 5, 2013

Chain Saw Buzz and a Pink Eyed Bird.

A silent...  for the moment.... chain saw waits on a stump.  I can hear chain saws buzzing in the distance as neighbors clean up their  yards from this last Spring snow storm which dumped 17 inches of snow on Rice Lake and surrounding communities. 

You can barely see that old primitive birdhouse in this photo that was taken last Thursday in the midst of the storm.

Dave and Smokey are making good progress picking up branches.  The sad thing is now we can really see the neighbors house because the big native pines  lost a lot of their branches.

Dogs are funny.  Max surveys the activity while choosing to sit in the snow.  Hmmm .. maybe it feels better than sitting on a wet patch of green grass.... ??   
I'm hoping in a couple of days the whole lawn will be green grass again!   
Yesterday while fighting a sinus headache and battling a sore throat I played around in the studio.

I think I've mentioned before that I've collected vintage fabrics over the years.  These scraps were once a quilt and the calicos are the really old ones.  They are soft and thin and fun to look at the old designs.  I have often thought of using bits of them in some type of project.
Well yesterday I sewed together this little notebook cover using a combination of new calico fabric, a few bits of the old fabric and of course some wool.
I was inspired by a design in the book  A Bird In Hand by Renee Plains. 

So after working out some kinks and struggling a bit with the applique I think it turned out okay. I like the tiny dusty pink button I used for the bird's eye.  A bird with a pink eye?  Well... if you would've told  me a week ago that we'd get 17 inches of snow in May I wouldn't have believed that either!  LOL!
You only have to imagine it these days and it will probably come true!

Thank-you all for your kindness and sweet comments on my last post after the storm.
It's so nice to know I have good friends out there looking after me! 

Cathy G 


  1. You are so creative no matter what you set your hands at. Your design is so cute. You could easily make that a rug design as well.

    I'm glad that you don't have to clean out the down branches and the debris from that storm. If it was here, I'd be the one cleaning it up except the huge branches...
    I'm just in a for a break from weeding the flowerbed in the hot sun and I'm on my way to the barn. The weather has been unreal this past week. I got a lot done outside and nothing done inside.

    Hope the sun will melt all the snow this week.


  2. Cathy, I have several old feed bag fabrics which I dearly adore and can't find the heart to cut. Guess if I ever need the money could sell them on ebay. They are still intact with stitching down the side. They are gorgeous. Hmmm, guess that would make a nice post for me wouldn't it?


  3. I think your book cover turned out just great! Isn't it nice to dip your paintbrush in a different medium every now and then?

  4. Glad to see your creativity is still intact, after seeing all that snow I think my brain would freeze!

  5. Cathy ~
    So glad the snow is disappearing quickly! That's what I love about a spring snow storm. We haven't had one in many years.
    Sweet notebook cover.
    Hugs :)

  6. 17 inches? Wow! I did not realize that much had fallen... bit much for late Spring... I am glad that it looks like it's melting quickly... you have a great selection of vintage fabrics... and you certainly put them to good use! Beautiful stitches!

  7. Love your bird Cathy...the book cover is so cute.
    I am a fan of Renee from way back !

  8. I thought of you when I saw the totals on the news. I live in Milwaukee. Glad to see it is melting.
    I LOVE the notebook including the pink eye!


  9. Cathy,
    Hope your snow is long gone by now. We didn't get it but got sleet. It's been gorgeous in the 70's this week. Love your notebook cover! Those vintage fabrics are fabulous. You did a beautiful job on the cover. Love that pattern book! Hugs, Lori

  10. What a sweet book cover..I would love to make one of those for my bible. You've inspired me!

  11. I sure hope the snow and your nasty cold are gone by now Cathy! Your book cover with the pink eyed bird is so cute. Nothing like the feel of the old fabrics.... love the blue piece!


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