Monday, April 1, 2013

All Hooked and Bound!

Oh.. April Fools!  LOL!  So sorry I just couldn't resist that today being April Fools Day!  Oh my gosh... I tried my best to get this rug hooked this past weekend!   Had to take a break and go the the relatives for a little Easter fun!
Then back to the studio it was to work on things for the upcoming Quilt Event that Jill and I are vending at! 
There was some reverse hooking too... which slowed my progress.  But this rug has been kind of color planned by the seat of my pants!  

             So this is really all the further I got!  Notice some of  the stems are now hooked in red instead of all blue.   I may change the others to red but then again I kind of like the two blue ones.  I am planning to hook the leaves on the bottom left in the blue too.  The center of the hearts may get a new look also.  I have to give it a rest now and look at it for a day or so.   It's tempting to keep going and finish it up... but hooking time this week will be at a minimum.   I think I will take it to the Quilt Event and use it for demonstrating hooking.  The theme at the show is patriotic.  The colors in this rug should fit in real well... don't you think?

I hope your Easter Weekend  was a good one ( and you weren't "forced" to eat too many of those little jelly bean eggs)!   I was good for the most part and let the little great nieces eat the Peeps!


Cathy G


  1. Lol. I was going to post how I got up early and cleaned the house from top to bottom, cooked a gourmet meal etc, but I knew my smart blogger friends wouldn't believe that! It looks great Cathy. Have fun at the show.

  2. Beautiful !! I love the colors !!
    I've been working on my rug, but I don't think I can actually show it ?? I wish I could cause I actually like

  3. haha you got me!! I thought when I saw the title, wow, you must be some hooker;) It looks really nice.
    I think the quilt show at the top would be so much fun to get to see. Not to mention to buy wool. :)
    Thanks you made my day.

  4. YOU stinker! ~ well, I should have expected that from you :)
    the rug looks great my friend! perfect color choices!
    Blessed be!

  5. Afternoon, love the rug, great choice in colors..beautiful.....Happy April Fools Day, Francine.

  6. Love your rug & the colors you have chosen. It is really pretty. Have Fun at your Quilt Event !

  7. I like the red and blue stems - I say leave them! I also like your treatment of the background, very interesting I'm going to have to remember that one. ~Ann

  8. You silly goose..... I fell for that hook, line and sinker. It is looking very beautiful, as is the norm. Hope you do a bang up job at the event and need Brinks to escort you to the bank.


  9. Cathy,
    I love the unique look of your rug. Very cool! I'll look forward to seeing if you change anything else! And I didn't post on your newest pattern but wanted to say I love that too. You my dear are a wonderful designer!! Big hugs, Lori

  10. I've been had, I'm such a fool...
    Pranks from you, is just too cool.
    This latest rug is a winner
    Take it from me, your admirer.
    This quilt event says patriotic
    Your creation says fantastic.


  11. hi cathy! gosh i was reading thru your posts trying to catch up.. love your flower pot rug/pattern! i havent even started your last one yet! a BEAR! wow a bit close too! would be fun to see tho. i have never. we do have sitings up and around here tho. love the rug you are working on! and my favorite spring book is seasons at seven gates... i love the red in it as well as the other colors! have fun at the quilt show. im sure you will and it will be nice to have it here and one thing off your list of to dos! enjoy your evening and dont work to hard this week!

  12. Your colors are great, Cathy. The tweedy stuff really makes the rug sparkle. Take lots of pics of your booth before the show starts -- both for your personal record and for those of us who like to follow you. Hope you have a successful show! Sarah

  13. Cathy ~
    You are making great progress on the rug and it looks fantastic!
    Hugs :)

  14. Got Me! You did get quite far on the hooking and it is looking wonderful!

  15. love those colors, and the hearts with the bird up top!

  16. Love this primitive pattern, Cathy, from one of my FAVORITE books!!

    Hugs, Linda


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