Friday, March 29, 2013

Before I Get Too Far

               I thought I better snap a photo and share my latest rug before I get too far along on it!   You all know that when I get in a hooking mode and start a new one I tend to become a hooking maniac!  LOL!   I started this rug yesterday evening and hooked until about 12:30 am.  The bear hasn't made a late night visit the last couple of nights!  Unless of course you count the hubby out there in the darkness scratching on the window trying to scare me!   NOT funny!

                You'll recognize the design in this rug as the Clover Buds in Basket rug made famous in the book Seasons at Seven Gates Farm.   Hooked many times by others .... my friend Lisa has hooked it twice of course.  Well... it's my turn to hook it!  I've chosen colors that I think are a bit unusual intentionally.
                                         Hooking in a 8.5 cut it's going nice and quick.

              I hope to get a lot hooked this weekend because next week is going to be a busy one.  We are preparing for the big Quilt Event held at the St. Joseph's School Auditorium on April 6th.  Is the poster in my blog header advertising the show big enough for you to see?  LOL!   That's a week from tomorrow! 

               I'm working on a few necessities like some cute shopping bags for our customers! Jill and I are meeting tomorrow to decide on last minute display things and to try and keep each other focused! This is a big event for us and hopefully will be the exposure we need to grow our fledgling business! 

                 I must THANK all of you who ordered my new pattern "The Flower Pot"!  They have been mailed and possibly some of you are already hooking it!  Don't be afraid to email photos of your rugs!  It's my inspiration to see my patterns hooked by someone else!
                 Hope to see you local friends at the Quilt Event... the food is awesome!  It's all  home baked and the pies are to die for!  Maybe the name of this post should've been "Before I Get Too Fat!" LOL!

                                                                              Cathy G


  1. Oh no... the neighbourhood bear is still lurking around in your yard and your sweet hubby is scratching on the window to scare
    I soon would put a mouse trap on his side of the bed ha ha ha, or a live lobster.

    You sure get in a hooking frenzy with that rug. It will look beautiful as all the rugs you do.

    Wishing you a Happy Easter and a great feast. Good luck with your Quilt Raffle and Exhibits and I'm sure you will pick up more customers.


  2. Cathy ~
    Would be fun if I lived closer! I'm sure you and Jill will drum up some new customers!
    You are just a hookin' fool! That rug is pretty high up on my list of rugs to hook! Nothing is on my frame...I am trying to get a few rugs bound...finally :) Tuesday I have a Magdalena class to hook a runner. That should be fun.
    Hugs :)

  3. Afternoon, love your rug, coming along beautifully......sounds like a great time....have fun, Easter Blessings Francine.

  4. I LOVE this pattern and made it once, and then sold it.........I am loving the colors I see so far, and can not wait to see it finished!!!!!!

  5. Well I kind of agree with your hubby, it is a little funny! I'm liking the colors you are using in the new rug. You are a hooking fool, you've got so much done already. By the time I type this comment you'll probably have it bound.

  6. you are always so busy all the time. I love your new project. That sounds like something my husband would do. When our daughter was a little girl we had a large blackberry patch and there had been bears out there. So we discussed if she happened to be out what to do. so we were out picking berries and husband hid in the woods and pretented to be a bear. I grabbed her hand and we were quietly walking towards to the house when he comes out of the woods we both could of killed him. Boys will be boys. Good luck on your new venture.

  7. Great start on the rug and I'm betting you have it done in no time. I'm the same way can't hardly wait to see it finished!

  8. Morning Cathy,
    What a lovely hook!!! I love the clover - I assume they are kind of puffy...sort of looks like that. Your color combinations are always so certainly have an eye for it and so it's no wonder you are such a success.
    Blessings and Happy Easter

  9. Great rug Cathy! I love the colors that you have chosen for it. I can't wait to see you finished so please hurry up and hook it! LOL, Maria

  10. Love it. Your color choices are terrific.


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