Tuesday, April 9, 2013


Believe it or not we survived the great Quilt Event of 2013 at St. Joseph's School Auditorium!  Yes... it was an amazing success!
I knew it was going to be a challenge for me taking photos in the dark gymnasium where the show was held.  So please forgive the poor quality of the photos.
The school just received a generous donation and will be able to update several things this next year. I am told a new hardwood floor in the gym is scheduled and I hope new lighting will be considered.
We set up our booth without electricity for lamps as we were in the middle section away from the outlets.

These were taken the night before after setting up. We did a lot of tweaking the next morning before shoppers arrived!

Shoppers start to arrive! Among the first were some of my students!  I have some wonderful wonderful gals who have taken my classes!  Their kindness and support of Jill and I brings tears to my eyes!
Do you find in your area that rug hooking just attracts the most amazing people!
I felt it at the show big time!
Rug hooking is so new to this area that Jill's and my mouths never stopped talking the entire show!
We were so exhausted by the end of the show!

Here's Jill putting the finishing touches on our booth while shoppers started to fill the booth!
( that big guy with his back towards the camera is Mike, Jills hubby!  He attends all the shows Jill vends at throughout the country and is the best checkout person around!  He knows his stuff! His nice tall stature sure came in handy when we were hanging our rugs on the tall display... we didn't even need a ladder!)LOL!
Thank-you Mike!  Hope you are feeling better.... he came down with the Flu and ended up in ER on Sunday night!)

Of course we were the only rug hooking vendors there!  Wool applique is so popular now among quilters that our wool was flying off the shelves!

We sold lots of wool applique patterns, books and many were eager to sign up for my rug hooking classes!

I did get a few photos of some of the gorgeous quilts that were judged or displayed only by the maker's choice.

(So many gorgeous quilts and not enough time to photograph them! )

Here is one of our happy customers!  LOL!!  This is Joyce!  You may see her at different events around the area sporting her clown attire!  She makes many a birthday party or joyous occasion even more so with her fun personality and gregarious nature!
Unless of course you're scared of clowns!

In real life Joyce is a talented stitcher and seamstress!  
She brought many a smile at the quilt show!

So now it's back to reality here in the studio!  I am tired as heck and still trying to play catch-up from all the things that didn't get done before the quilt show!  
But I may still take a moment to reflect on all the happy faces and all the wonderful comments from those who stopped by our booth and supported our efforts!

Jill and I both THANK-YOU from the bottom of our grateful hearts!

Cathy G


  1. I'm am so happy for you and Jill and I know that you would be a success as you give your100% in all that you do.
    You are well stocked in wool and supplies and everything looks so very nicely displayed. It would have been a real joy to be part of the excitement for both of you. The eager crowd just fuels the enthusiasm. I just wish I could be closer.

    Just think that this is just the beginning and it will be even better next year.
    I'm not surprised that you picked up more students. Way to go girl.
    Big hugs from Canada,

  2. Oh, I forgot, the rugs are very nice but then so is your wool. Thanks for sharing this.

  3. WOW! Cathy, so much wonderful wool, wish I was closer, hehe... Looks like a wonderful show and the quilts oh my! OLM

  4. Cathy ~
    Your booth looked terrific. I've bought some of Jill's wool at Sauder and it is wonderful.
    Amazing quilts! Thanks for sharing.
    Hugs :)

  5. It looks like a wonderful time. I just about drooled all over my keyboard looking at your incredible booth. What fun that would have been to be able to attend. The quilts are just beautiful as well.
    I think your photos were nice.

  6. how wonderful you are spreading the rug hooking craft in your area! So glad you did so well and it looks like you will be teaching more classes.
    the clown looks cute.

  7. Thanks for the photos, Cathy. Your booth looks fabulous! Glad you had a good weekend. Sarah

  8. You're booth looks fabulous! So glad you gals had a fun (and successful) show! I hope Mike was feeling better quick... flu's are awful...

  9. Cathy,
    You and Jill did a wonderful job on your booth!! I wish I was able to attend and look at all your goodies in person. The quilt show looks like it would have been fun to attend. Now rest up and get back to hooking!! lol Hugs, Lori

  10. Looks like fun. Wish I was closer. The booth looks great, again fun, fun , fun.

  11. You and Jill did a great job setting up your booth!! Yours was by FAR the best of show!! It was great fun picking out the wool for my next project!! You and Jill are always so helpful!! I'll be back soon to your studio with finished show and tell!! :)


  12. I love looking at different quilts. Thanks for posting so many. All very different also. I think the first one is my favorite. Thanks for sharing.

  13. Drooled all over my iPad looking at the pics of your booth! Tired, but good tired!

  14. wow Cathy! your booth looked GREAT! how fun!! i did shows in the area when i first moved home with my baskets. it is alot of fun and you meet wonderful people! i should get my stuff together and do a show up here with wool ect. as i dont know anyone else here that hooks... i have too many irons in the fire all the time. anyway your booth looked great and what beautiful quilts to see too!!

  15. What a wonderful, wonderful booth filled to the brim with so much woolie goodness! So glad you both had a good time and did so well :)Ginger


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