Sunday, January 6, 2013

We Heart Our Local Animal Shelter!

Making progress on a Mr. Chill rug for a customer!   I had forgotten how dog-gonned fun this rug was to hook!   
Speaking of dogs..... and cats.... and all animals that may be waiting at a local animal shelter near you for their next meal......

I have to commend our family for bringing an item to donate to our local animal shelter when we gathered this year for Christmas!   We don't exchange gifts but each family brings something the shelter is in need of!

This years trunk load consisted of:

53 lbs. of Purina Kitten Chow
5 lbs. of Peanut Butter Flav. Dog Bisquits
45 lbs. of Cat Litter
64 lbs. of Purina Puppy and Dog Chow
3 lbs. of Rawhide Dog Chips
6 qts. Clorox Bleach
2 Gallons Liquid laundry Detergent
2 Qts. Dish Soap
2 Pkgs. Paper Towels
Collars and Leashes 
Small Dog Kennel

All things they can always use and need more of. 
Check the local websites of your local animal shelters to see what they are currently in need of.

Tough economic times usually means they are low on donations too. 


I have a busy week here getting ready for the Wool Feather Tree Class this Sat.  We have openings for two more lovely people!  If you live near our area and would like to take the class just email me for  more info.
My Beginning rug hooking class is filling up at WITC that starts Feb. 21st.
If you are thinking of taking the class please contact the school pretty quickly!  
1 800 243 9482  ext. 5409 or 5410

Quote for the day:
A beautiful piece of wool is like a good friend...Great to have around and always fun to do things with!

                                                                        Cathy G


  1. What a wonderful family donation...I'm sure your local shelter hearts you right back!

    I've been working on a few designs to hook and sell for one of my local shelters...

    Mr Chill is looking his mittens...

  2. Love your quote and to tell you the truth I never have thought about giving donations to the local shelter. What a good idea.
    Oh how I wish I lived closer to you. I would take both classes!
    It sounds like just there perfect thing to do this year.
    Lovely little rug.

  3. Once again I have to say I just love this rug. It makes me smile. Love the idea of gathering items for a shelter rather than giving each other gifts. How heart warming. Smiles, Nan

  4. Wow, Cathy. I commend your family for their generosity and thoughtfulness for donations to the animal shelter. Great job. I hope that it becomes a Christmas tradition that everyone can model after you.

    Your Mr Chill rug looks so much fun to hook. He's a charmer.
    I've picked up the hook last evening and got a little bit done. I have to design as I go and I'm using narrow cuts.

    Good luck with good weather for your classes. I bet that you're having as much fun as the students during the classes. I used to love teaching ceramics which is not the same as hooking but there was a lot of fun and laughter.


  5. That is so so wonderful what your family does for the shelter, kudos to you and yours.....Love the Mr.Chill rug, cute, wish I could hook as good as that......Blessings Francine.

  6. What a cool thing to do for the local shelter!!!
    Lovin' Mr. Chill and your quote for the day.
    Hugs :)

  7. Love Mr. Chill Cathy and the quote. We too contribute to our local animal shelter, it does the heart good. I was just there yesterday, lots of folks adopting, such a good thing. My Ten Minute hooking is paying off! Good evening from Maine, Julie.

  8. That is one of my all time favorite rugs! Such a wonderful contribution to the local chapter and such a nice way to celebrate Christmas!

  9. Love the rug Cathy!!! I purchased this a year ago and haven't hooked it yet! Just not enough hours in a day!!!!

  10. I love the rug, and so great of you all to do this!

  11. I love Mr Chill, I bought a rug hook last year but have yet to put it to use.
    After seeing yours I might have to get in on the action and pull out my hook

  12. Love Mr. Chill !
    I am so taken with your tradition of providing donations for your local shelter.
    What a tremedous idea.

  13. I like your quote of the day and love your Mr. Chill!!!!! Your customer will be very happy. Was very thoughtful for the family to donate to the shelter.


  14. What a great idea, I'm going to gather a group of my friends and do a donation of goodies to our animal shelter for Valentines day...

  15. What a wonderful thing for your family to do. Love this...will be checking into this for next year.

    Have a wonderful day~Becky

  16. what a great thing to do and I am sure the sweet little animals are happy.
    love your rug.

  17. Cathy,
    That is such a great idea! I'm going to use that for my birthday this year. Seriously, I don't need a thing and I actually get anxiety when people get me "stuff". So, thanks to reading this, I'm going to ask them to get me something for dogs or cats and wrap it up....that way I get the thrill of opening something and I can donate it all to one of our local no-kill shelters....what an excellent idea! Now if I can just get my family to go for the idea!

  18. You rock!!! and your family too!!!! and Mr. Chill. We un-decorated this morning, which is always a bit depressing. Tree to be un-trimmed tomorrow. The house always looks a bit bare afterwards.
    I have been trying to get here for two days to leave you a comment in response to your wonderful one you left for me. I too wish I was closer - would do something with you in a heartbeat. I wish you all the happiness that this year has to hold. I think it will be a banner one for you and your teaching and your projects and life in general. big hugs from Parry Sound. xoxox


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