Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Red and Resolutions

Come January I crave pops of the color red somewhere in my home, work, and especially my wool!  My thoughts turn to every imaginable shade of it  I could be dyeing  for my next hooking projects.
  Not that there isn't already plenty of juicy red tempting morsels folded on the shelves.... I like the thought of hot steaming kettles of it boiling on the stove.

No steaming kettles here today I'm afraid.  I have tasks needing attention such as commission rugs to hook, orders needing to be sent and taxes waiting to be calculated.  There has been little time to even think about things such as New Years resolutions.

Photo via Pinterest
                                        The newspaper man wrote a journal last week that gave me some fresh perspective on making resolutions.  As always nature provides the clue and if I am ever so blessed..... that needed pop of

Cathy G


  1. Yes you can't beat the warmth of a beautiful red color. Especially since all the pretty holiday stuff is disappearing. Thanks for sharing Dave's latest journal. I like reading them.

  2. Love red to, so many different shades to choose from......Enjoy reading Dave's journey, thanks......Blessings Francine.

  3. Red is my favorite color, I just love it. It peps me up! I loved the article, thank you for posting it. One of my most joyous times is being out in the hedgerows watching the birds, just love them, Thanks so much!

  4. In winter Santa dresses in red and Rudolph's nose is red. Red is warm and it brings passion and a little goes a long way. Our hearts need a bit of flame to perk things up when the trees are bare and there a lack of colors in the winter.

    Thanks for posting the newspaper man's column. We can learn so much from nature.

    Wrap yourself up in a warm red wool and hook by the fire.

  5. I am craving red too. Maybe it's in anticipation of Valentines Day.
    Love the post from the column. I will keep that in mind each day. It should be easy as I have a few bird feeders outside of our big bay window. Right where I sit to do my stitching. A slow and calming craft I might add :)
    I do so enjoy reading your blog. Smiles, ~Nan

  6. I never can figure out why this time of year I crave red too but I do. I love the red wools you have stacked.
    I was working on a primitive piece and I wanted to such put in red just because. I didn't I made myself not but I still look at it and wish I had done red.
    I am glad I am not the only one.

  7. Cathy ~
    Such gorgeous wools ~ AND ~ so neatly folded. I am envious!
    Hugs :)

  8. i love red too... i like to hang a pair of the old long underwear on a makeshift clothes line when i look out the kitchen window i see a pop of red. or also a red berry like fake wreath on an old screen door proped up against tha garage.
    my new years resolution is to try set a goal every day and get it done.. tomorrow is dog clean up duty... i got alot done today so that feels good. oh..this is funny i might have to mention it on my blog.. i went to walmart to get fur baby food. bags of dry for my 2 dogs, sadie, and the kittys then, can food for my 2, sadie and the kittys... i tried to stock up a bit cuz i hate going out if i dont really need too... the gal at the check out asked if i was buying for the humane society!! i smiled and said no just for my animal shelter... loved it! then i was off to drive 20 mn for sally girls arthritis meds... so that was a few things off my list!
    your wool looks soo warm cathy and calling cozyness! i just made tea and am going to try stitchen under a nice red quilt! enjoy your evening! oh. do you get cardnals? ive only seen one up here, they have done dike work along the river behind me so alot of the trees are gone.. the deer around alot more down here tho..

  9. Red is such a beautiful warm color that it always makes me smile.Lovely wools,wish that I could fold so neatly.LOL!Loved the post,thanks for sharing it.Hugs,Jen

  10. Oh I love pops of red!
    Wonderful Article in the paper!!! TFS
    Yuck! Don't remind me about taxes ~ not my favorite thing to do!
    Wishing you many Blessings and pops of Red in 2013!
    Prim Blessings

  11. lol! The first half of that article had me thinking... Hmmmm... "maybe it IS good to sit and feed my fat all winter?"... lol! Then, by the end of the article I totally got it... live each day with intention and enjoy the moment! :-) Those piles of woolens are a beautiful sight! And love that picture of the cardinal... pops of red are a good thing!

  12. I also love red and there is being hooked in my rug now)and I have two pair of red long johns hanging for winter decorations inside the house. Can't wait to see more of your new rug underway.


  13. Red is my signature color - I use it in amost all of my designs - even if it's just one little piece - I try and incorporate it.

  14. red is my favorite color !!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. I do love red too and hook it most of the time in my rugs!! The stacks of wool are so yummy, I am going to dye wool today and I hope it turns out as good as yours!! I really like the rug you have as your header! Have a great day!

  16. You know Cathy..... I've always said that I don't have one particular favorite color. But...... I was thinking about this just the other day and realized that that's not true. I have red everywhere in my home, and it's my "go to" color for just about everything. When I'm not sure what color to use for something.... red is always my back-up color. Can't go wrong with red!!


  17. UGH! that is a cold slap in the face, TAXES! UGH again! OLM

  18. Beautiful wools you have and I too love red! Oh the ole' dreaded taxes are upon us again!


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