Saturday, January 12, 2013

Our First Wool Feather Tree Class!

The prettiest little bags all personalized and ready for the participants of our first feather tree class here at the studio today~   Jill designed these bags with both of our business names.  She hand decorated each bag!
Then.....  poor Jill had to come down with the flu!
Drats!  She wasn't feeling all that well yet today so decided to stay home and rest!  A couple more gals who wanted to take the class had the flu also!   
I am proud of these gals for staying home so as not to pass the flu bug to the rest of us!  
But those who attended were so enthusiastic it sounds like we will be having another class soon!  They want to make MORE trees!!  What a blast we had!  The wools was a flying and the girls did plenty of buying of wool for their rug hooking and other projects!  
Here is a peak of the table before the class started!

I forgot to take pictures while we were in the actual construction stage of the trees.
But here they had completed their trees and were saying how they thought they looked so much like feather dusters!  I told them "you can go look for cob webs if you like!" LOL!
Every one decided on an off white textured wool for their trees!  Good job ladies!  
Now let them dry overnight before you open them!
Left to right:  Lisa, Penny, Heidi, Lorena and Vicki!
Vicki is our newest friend and one talented crafter!  She owns a little primitive shop north of here a few miles called Simply!   It is one fantastic little shop!  She hand crafts a lot of the items she sells along with antiques and primitives.  Her shop is seasonal and opens in May through Oct.  I'll bet you'd like to see some photos of her place when she reopens for this summer season!
Thank-you girls so much for all the fun we had today and all the enthusiasm you have for things yet to come!
It's going to be a busy Spring here in the studio!  Some things I will share with you when I get rested up a bit and get my taxes done!
It's going to be a super cold week here in Wisconsin.  I hear some below zero weather is on the way!  A good week to get the dye kettles boiling and work on the taxes.  I have to find out if I've gone over the fiscal cliff here in the studio!   

Stay warm and healthy!
Cathy G


  1. I love these trees! what fun! wish I was closer! OLM

  2. Love the little personalized bags. Very nice touch. No wonder the studio is growing - you think of everything.

  3. Sweet little trees, what fun to get together.....Keep warm, we are also in a deep freeze this coming week......Blessings Francine.

  4. What fun!!! Sure wish I was closer.
    Stay warm...hugs :)

  5. Oh mu Cathy!! It looks like so much fun! Love the tree and wish I lived closer.

  6. I too wish I lived closer. Will you sell the pattern on how to make them.

  7. Oh what fun! I love these trees...wonderful touch with the piece of birch for the stand. I am sorry to hear Jill came down with the flu, I hope you stay well, keeping washing those hands! LOL. The deep freeze is on it's way to Maine too. Stay close to the wood stove, greetings, Julie.

  8. they look so great, so happy for everyone, am sure it was wonderful, and hope the other ladies can heal quickly and come to the next one!

  9. I just love those wool trees. Wish I lived closer! Maria

  10. Looks like you might have to take your class on the road so we can all make some trees! Stay warm. Sarah

  11. Oh boy do I wish I was there for your class !!! I just Love all the neat trees !!! I tried to locate the site who offered a kit, but couldn't , will you off a pattern or Kit ???? Think Lots of us NEEED our own neat trees !!! Keep Warm !!!

    1. I too would love to buy a kit or instructions from you, just can't quite make it from the North Oregon Coast anytime soon. They all turned out so well.

  12. Cathy!!!! Your studio looks SO NEAT & so inviting & inspiring!!! I feel like I've been watching you grow your business & what a FANTASTIC job you're doing.

  13. The bags turned out so cute! And love all those wool feather trees and smiling faces! Sure wish I was smart enough to figure a way to banish the flu from this planet...

    And yes.... we'd love to see some pics of Simply when it reopens! :-)

    Sure would be nice to visit your studio too!

  14. What an attractive table setting you have for a class. The feather trees look lovely and it appears the gals who were in the class are happy with their work. They will thoroughly enjoy pulling them out for next Christmas, but if they are like me they have them displayed in their house right now and not waiting until next year.


  15. Looks like the feather trees were a total success - I know each person who made one will LOVE having it in her home - I sure do like mine! Very unusual for each of them to choose the same fabric! Sure wish I could see your studio in person someday!

  16. how pretty and what a great group.
    we are very warm here so I am sure we will get your cold weather sometime during this week.
    I wish I lived near you.

  17. What a great day you must have had! looks like you had a nice little group there. and yes, thanks to ill folks who stay home - i just was ill and almost the whole family ended up with this nasty bug that holds on for 2 weeks - crazy! stay well!
    also of course i wish you a very happy new year my friend, it all looks lovely what has been happening at the orange sink - love your winter mat!! instead of hooking i was working on a rug hooking photo album these past days! it is the 3rd one that i am making for my small hooking group and myself! it will be a late christmas present.
    be well and stay warm!

  18. You and Jill did a wonderful job with the bags and table layout. So inviting. Looks like lots of fun! Too bad you are so far away. Wish I could just crawl through the computer screen and enjoy the afternoon creating too.

  19. I would have loved to take a class on making a tree for myself! Beautiful studio!

  20. Such a fun time!! And the trees look amazing. I love the little penny mat under the one in the big photo too - awesome. You are so right to thank those flu folks from not coming and sharing the germs. You really do have a great group who truly appreciate your creativity and warmth. Like everyone else, I only wish I were closer. xo

  21. Looks like everyone had a great time and the trees look so very nice!

  22. Cathy, I had such a wonderful time at the Wool Feather Tree class! I love my tree and I love your wool studio. You are one lovely, talented and kind person. I can't wait to visit again. Still contemplating the rug hooking class; what's another wool obsession? Odds are I'm in!

  23. i love feather trees and really think i need a wool one! i wish i was closer so could take a class! your studio looks wonderful full of great wool making projects! love all your wool!


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