Thursday, January 17, 2013

The Hurrier I Go.......

You know that old saying......  the behinder I get!  .  That's the way it's been here lately as I dig my way out of mounds of paper work for the taxes,  preparing for upcoming rug hooking classes, finishing orders and oh my goodness is it time for Primitive Handmades Mercantile update tomorrow already?   Lordy... another saying comes to mind.... No rest for the wicked!!  LOL!    I must be the wickedest witch from the North!
I want you to know however that I've parked my broom long enough to stitch up something to offer over on the Merc. tomorrow!   You can catch a glimpse of something wooley in the above photo!  
There is a lovely give-away brewing over on the Mercantile this month also!  Hope you can swing over and catch your heart's desire from the many "love"ly offerings!  
That rug up there in my header photo is one of my very early designs... in fact I hooked and designed it the same year that I started hooking.  Never mind the crooked edges and tight hooking!  I have it hanging over an antique walnut gentleman's chest in our bedroom. It reminds me daily of my love for hooking and how far I've come with my efforts to share and teach it to others!  My upcoming class at our local technical college already has 9 lovely ladies signed up! 
There's room for a couple more!  So be quick if you are thinking about taking the class.  Call the school at 1 800 243 9482 ext. 5409 or 5410.  
I better get back on the broomstick and get my update started over at Primitive Handmades Mercantile!    VrooooooooM!!!

                                                 Cathy G


  1. Love the rug, love the goodies in the Header picture...Francine.

  2. You are a busy lady Cathy.... Taxes, I don't even want to think about it... Ours are done later.

    I'm impressed on how far you have come since 2006.
    Love your header. It's a bit windy here to be on a broom tonight and it's turning very cold. Good luck getting ready for the Handmade Primitive Mercantile.
    Stay safe and warm.

  3. I'm with Julia - it's too cold for a broom tonight in our area. Pretty impressive first rug Ms Cathy! Can't wait to see the mercantile offerings.

  4. Cathy, I am with you, I have a heck of mess... just did the paper work for my sales tax for the year... looking at the mess I have for taxes... ugh.. and freezin cold here... OLM

  5. Congrats on your upcoming class. You are going to have lots of hookers your way.
    Hugs :)

  6. Love everything about your header pic! Hugs,Jen

  7. I saw your hearts on PHM ~ you got them finished in time!!! Congrats on your class ~ you're off and running!! Your rug looks great ~ very antiquey looking. ( if that's a word!).

  8. Ah, Cathy, what a sweet and love-ly teaser!! I can totally relate to your being behind -- there are still some christmas, ahem... new years cards, that i need to get done!! good luck with everything and i am looking forward to the update and to a report about that class! i love your old rug - yes it is good to see how far we have come! big hug - D

  9. Cathy, I love that rug and when I first looked at it thought it was an antique. Must admit that it is far better than my first project.


  10.'s actually "no rest for the weary"...which is how I feel more often. I like your version too as I'm sure the wicked are always busy stirring the pot somewhere, BUT you are not one of them!! Your rug is awesome, congrats :)
    Smiles, DianeM

  11. OMGoodness - I had to come back & repost before I cause an are rest for the wicked comes from the Bible! I had NEVER heard that expression before so I googled it & got a ton of info. Wow, you learn something old every day :)
    Smiles, DianeM

  12. What a wonderful first rug Cathy. I think our first rugs remain dearest to our hearts. I recall the struggle, but perservered...Love your lasted wool creation...hope the tax prep. is going well. Blessings, Julie.

  13. yes i too am very wicked i quess! never ever get caught up... oh well for the most part am happy.. i woke to -22 today so staying in and playing today!! love your post picture heading over to PHM... better late then never...enjoy your day cathy!!


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