Monday, January 21, 2013

Cold Hands~Warm Heart!

When the temperatures drop double digits BELOW zero here in the Northland of Wisconsin you  never  hear people talking about it much. It doesn't seem like any big deal to us!   Good grief.... it's not because our brains are frozen... at least some of us.... LOL!  It's because we've lived through what I think was a record set a few years back. The temperature actually dropped to 60 degrees BELOW zero here!  Any body remember that? 
All I will tell you is that I was out and about that night.  Yes indeed.  Maybe for lack of brains or frozen ones I don't know which.  We laugh about it now. I'd like to  believe I'm a little wiser in my old age and if the temps are predicted anywhere near zero let alone below, I make plans to not venture beyond the warmth of the wood stove and my electric heated studio!
At 7:00 am this morning when Dave went out to start his truck to go to work the thing sounded like he was trying to stab it with a knife!  LOL!  The engine groaned and groaned and when it finally turned over he said it sounded like one of those old time noon sirens that small towns around here still have. ( Rice Lake used to have one).   They wind up to a high screaming pitch  then  wind down... and down.. slowly through all the octaves.
His poor truck is getting on up in years too so I can't blame it for screaming out in protest this morning when it would rather have stayed put to slowly unthaw in the morning sunshine.
So..... feeling kind of chilly already?!  LOL!
I have something that might warm you up a bit!
The little warm and wooley heart in the photo above is a little hooked heart pin that wants to arrive in your mail box!   I've been hooking these little things these past few days and I've offered a few for sale last Friday over on Primitive Handmades Mercantile.  This little gray one is so cute!  The back is lined with red wool!  

If you leave a comment and a way to reach you if you don't have a blog I'd like to put your name in the hat to win this little guy!  
I want to have a more substantial give-away soon but thought this would be fun to pop in the mail and you'd get it in a day or two!  
I'll pick a name Tues. or Wed. 
You can wear it near your heart or on your sleeve!  LOL!
Or sit it on a shelf!!
From warm heart... to cold hands...
to Thee!!

Cathy G


  1. Your cute heart pin would look so Pretty on MY coat !!!! I am already looking forward to Spring, below Zero temps are not fun at all, & your husbands poor truck, just wants to stay home warm & cozy too ! Oh ,I hope I Win !!! :-)

  2. Enter me too. Super cute. Yes -10 with out wind chill. Cold here in Ringle, WI.

  3. im still here catching up on some blogs and im back to you again! i love coming to visit you and see all that you are busy with! love your little heart pin! now still trying to get over to PHM! enjoy your day!!

  4. I saw these on PHM ~ they are so sweet ~ pls. enter me? I'd love to play-along!
    thanks for your talent & generosity....(and btw, here in VA we will be going down to the teens tonight...pretty cold for these here parts!)

    Blessed be,
    Lori from Notforgotten Farm

  5. I love your cute pin, please enter me.
    Minus 60 ???? Yuck, I don't think I have ever seen it that cold here where I live in the Okanagan Valley in Canada

  6. I love your pins they are adorable! I also love your blog!

  7. Cathy ~
    BBRRR! That's cold. I think we're cold and we're 20ish, but the wind is nasty and tomorrow will be worse, win!
    Very sweet little pin, but I'm not a pin wearer and to be honest, I could hook my own, so I'll give someone else a better chance. Not that I don't think it's wonderful!
    Warm, woolly hugs :)

  8. I love your pin and I would love to be entered into your little heart giveaway. I can't even imagine 60 degrees below zero. But you were out in it, that is amazing. Can you tell that I am a California girl through and through. :) At least if I lived there I could buy wool. People around her look like I have lost my mind.
    Well stay close to the fire.

  9. That is one sweet heart, love it so, please sign me up.....So so freezing here, woke this morning to a cold -39....did ya think I wanted to get out bed, heck no......Keep Warm, Francine.

  10. BRRR indeed its to be in double digits below zero here in Ohio overnight as well but that sweet generous give away warmed me right up I would love to be entered so kind of you . Stay warm and happy hooking . hugs lil raggedy angie

  11. How cute! Please enter my name, but I don't have a blog. Stay warm.
    Diane in AL

  12. This little heart is precious. And, I have the perfect scarf for this. If you click on my picture, you can find my blog. Thanks so much.

  13. Please enter me!! I have never experienced that type of cold. Here in NC mountains if it gets into the teens as it will tonight, we think it is cold!
    Stay warm and cozy.

  14. Would love to win your pin Cathy! It's getting colder and colder here too. I'm not complaining, I love winter! I just wish we'd get some snow!!!

    Stay warm!

  15. 60 Degrees below zero !
    Your pin is cozy and perfect. ;)

  16. Oh Cathy, what a darling little heart pin made by you. It's so special. I think that it looks pretty smart on that scarf.
    Count me in. I'd be so thrill to receive that in my mailbox.
    Are you serious...-60 degree below?

    I've noticed that the daylight is already getting longer.
    Stay warm and safe.

  17. Hi Cathy,
    Please enter me to win your sweet little pin! It's 18 below here right now. I plan to stay in this week and hook a rug! Love your header too my dear. Stay warm! Wish we lived closer so we could rug hook together. Hugs, Lori

  18. What a cute little heart. I would love to wear this little heart. It's cold and windy here too. I don't venture too far from the woodstove when it's cold here.

  19. Thank heavens for rug hooking on these cold Canadian winters days. I love your heart, and it would look great on my coat for Valentines Day :)

  20. I think these coldWI temps seem worse since it has been so mild the last 2 winters. I am in the Milwaukee area but spend a lot of time near Tomah. Pretty cold there this weekend . I love the pin and would love a chance to win.

    Love your blog. Will get to Rice Lake one of these days.


  21. Cathy, I would love to find your dear little heart pin in my mail box. How lovely the heart looks on your scarf. It sure gets mighty cold in your neck of the woods, and I thought -32 was cold! Blessings, Julie.

  22. Yep it's a cold one here in WI. When I go outside with the dogs I don't even want to bend my knees the jeans get really cold against the skin!!! I remember the -60 below ~ trying to grill a turkey on the grill I can't even tell you how many bags of charcoal we went through!
    We still have those noon whistles ~ know what you mean...LOL
    What a lovely giveaway!
    I'd wear it proudly!
    Prim Blessings

  23. That woolly Valentine is oh so cute!

    You can have that extreme cold... I can almost hear that engine trying to start up... I don't think I'd ever leave the house in winter if I lived in WI... SUmmers there sure are pretty though! :-)

  24. I love this little gray heart! Moosecraft and I must both live South. So when we have our 100 degree plus days, feel for us. I do have to say we have had some winter though. I love it!

  25. Oh Cathy, please add my name to the hat. I sure wear my heart on my sleeve. It is a cute pin.


  26. Its very cold here in Ohio (7 degrees overnight), but I don't think it has ever gotten into double digits below zero. Brrrr! I do not like to be cold and would never leave home if I didn't have to go to work, lol! Oh, please throw my name in the hat for your pin giveaway. So sweet. :-)

  27. Gee, and here I was complaining because it's to get to 39 degrees above zero tonight. You can keep all that frozen weather. I never want to live anywhere when it snows you are expected to venture outside.
    I would love to wear your adorable heart pin, however. You can find me at


  28. Another Ohioan..and with the windchill it was -12 when I came into work this morning. I think our high temp today is suppose to be about 9. Baby that is brrrrry.... so I could use that little heart to warm me up.

    Thanks for a chance.

  29. How lovely. thanks for the chance,

  30. I love it, thanks for the chance to win. I admire all the wool hooking as there is no one in my area who teaches it.

  31. Such an adorable pin! I would love to wear one of your creations.
    my blog is:
    and my email is
    I admire your hooking so much!

  32. I would LOVE to wear this heart on my sleeve - or my lapel - or my scarf - or my - - - - It really is a sweet little piece. Sure sounds cold at your house - makes the single digits we're having here in Utah seem not so bad! LOL Keep warm!

  33. Hi Cathy~

    Wonderful little heart pin. I'm sure it will make it's way to a good home. Stay warm.

    Enjoy your Wednesday~Becky

  34. And here we thought it was news when it hit -29 in Taos a year or two ago. Wow!!! -60? I can't even imagine!!!!

  35. I love your little heart, hope I'm not to late to get in on the drawing. I saw the little hearts over on Handmade Mercantile site, they are so cute! I can be found at Thanks for sharing!


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