Monday, December 31, 2012

Eye Candy!! Lisa's Home at Christmas!

You may recall earlier this year I introduced you to my friend Lisa.  She began hooking in March of this year and already has at least 5 rugs she has completed and is working on the 6th.  She is an avid collector of antiques and primitives.  I thought you might enjoy a few photos of her home all decorated for Christmas!  
It was my first visit to her home and I'll tell you I had to keep pinching myself that I wasn't dreaming!
It was so beautiful.  So many great pieces and all lovingly  displayed!  She has a true love for primitive and especially hand crafted things!
You will see some of her rugs ( some my designs.... I am so humbled she likes my designs!) displayed throughout her home.  
In the photo above is her very first rug!  I love how she has displayed it!
Enjoy the tour!!!

The horse rug is Lisa's 5th rug.  She has to bind it yet!  She's learned that's her least favorite part of rug hooking!  LOL!  We can all relate to that right?

Is that tulips I see in that old firkin?  An ode to Spring!   Gotta love that!!

A Santa that fell off the shelf and broke.  She kept the pieces  and displayed  in a stoneware bowl. He has such a wonderful face!

I love how she displayed her Feather Tree Rug!  She hooked this from one of my kits that I designed.

Here she is!!  The talented and sweetest friend you could ever ask for!  I'd like to thank-you Lisa for letting me take and post photos of your home on my blog!   I think touring homes is one of all  bloggers most favorite things to do!  Don't you agree?

An Arnett Santa!  Don't you love the basket and lantern!  Lisa added them to this Santa!  Perfect!

Ticking Pillows all stacked up in the bedroom!  So cozy! And I love that burlap bow on the tree!

                                  A child's antique wheelbarrow filled with fresh greens!

I love the tin backsplash!  In fact I love her whole kitchen.  Lisa's hubby does all the carpentry in her house.  Do you think she'd let me borrow him  for awhile?  LOL!

The Christmas tree was displayed in a large wooden wheelbarrow!  So cool!!
It has the original stenciled writing on the side.

A yard of red wool is displayed on a blanket crane behind a Stein Angel.  I wonder how long it will be before she hooks that wool into one of her rugs?!!  LOL!!
Under the angel you will get a glimpse of one of Lisa's stitched pieces.  Yes!  She is a stitcher also!  I will try to get some photos of some of her work for a future post!

I'll leave you with a photo of the queen of the house!  This is little Tess, the rat terrier.  Believe me when I say she rules the roost!  She gets the run of the house while another rat terrier and a black lab get to reside in the downstairs.  She is really the sweetest little thing!  I think she has her Momma wrapped around her little paw!
Happy New Year to all my friends in blogland!
Welcome to the new readers I see are hopping on board!
The new year promises to be filled with new adventures and hopefully some new patterns for us all to hook!
Hope you enjoyed the tour!
Until next year.......

Cathy G


  1. you mean this young lady just started hooking this year and made all those rugs!!!! omg !!!! amazing !!!!! amazing rugs, beautiful!!! her home is awesome, thanks for sharing!! maybe she should start a blog????

  2. Wow! Now THAT is awesome eye candy! I am drooling here! So warm and cozy! Thanks for sharing with us!She sure learned rug hooking quick! Happy New Year to you and your friend!


  3. Oh My Stars, what a beautiful cozy home, filled to the brim with antiques and prim goodies, so many great Santas.....that was so much fun, thank you and Lisa.....I starting rug hooking in Spring but not like that, she`s amazing.....Happy New Year to you and yours,Francine.

  4. What a delightful home Lisa has - you both are lucky to be friends.
    Thanks for sharing with us.

  5. Cathy ~
    Please thank Lisa for allowing us to tour her home (with your help!). It is absolutely gorgeous and she has some wonderful Santas.
    She is a pretty darned good hooker, too! Probably thanks to a great teacher.
    Happy New Year.
    Hugs :)

  6. Wow Cathy, what a beautiful house and so well decorated. Your friend Lisa is talented in many ways. What an impressive display of antiques.
    Thanks for the tour.
    Thank you also for visiting and leaving sweet comments on my blog. I always feel so good visiting your blog. You are talented and creative too with decorating your house and studio and your creations.

    Wishing you a blessed and joyful new year and good health.

  7. Lisa has a beautiful home,so wonderfully decorated!Thank you and Lisa for sharing it.Lisa's rugs are awesome.Have a Happy New Year!Hugs,Jen

  8. Yes Cathy, please thank Lisa for allowing you to give us a tour of her home, stunning!..such an eye and talent for displaying. That is so awesome that she has finished so many rugs, I'm just going to have to take the time.

    Happy New Year!..Looking forward to the New Year at PHM...


  9. What a lovely home. Your friend certainly has the decorator's knack. I love the horse rug -- so cute and homey :)

  10. Wow, that is just an amazing house tour! She certainly has a gift for displaying her treasures. I love all the Father Christmas figures, each and every one! Thanks for posting this Cathy, I'm going to come back tomorrow and enjoy it again!
    Happy New Year!

  11. Hi Cathy, wish for a 2013 happy serene and super creative!


  12. Cathy than you for Lisas home tour....her home is wonderful!!!!! Add to my fav's.
    I have a granddog rat terrier and when I retire (4 years) I am getting one!
    Happy New Year

  13. Oh my goodness, I want to go live there. Her home and decorations are beautiful and she is already an accomplished hooker as well. Thanks for the tour ladies.


  14. First, yes bloggers love home tours. This one was awesome! Second, I have a "rat" too. Actually a 2 of them. Love the house and dogs! Blessings from a fellow hooker, prim collector, antique picker from Ringle, Wisconsin.

  15. Simply beautiful! Thanks for sharing! I love ALL those Santas and Lisa's hooking is wonderful! Happy New Year to you! I really do resolve to hook more! :-)

  16. Oh what a beautiful home !!! I just adore the old heart rugs ! Thank you for the pretty tour ! Happy New Year !!!

  17. Loved the pictures but had an eery feeling because I have a lot of the same items in my house! I have several of the exact lamps, black cabinet etc. I work in a shop where we sell these items and have picked them up through the years. I love her way with styling. Thank you for the photos and I look forward to more! It started hooking a year ago and have also "obsessively" hooked. I have made about 18 rugs and working on more. It's pretty addictive and add so much to this style of decorating.

  18. What a wonderful home tour. Thank Lisa for sharing. She has some beautiful things. Have a Happy New Year Cathy.


  19. what a wonderful warm home.
    so glad to see another hookers home.

  20. Wonderful tour! So enjoyed seeing Lisa's rugs and collections. Thank you Lisa and Cathy for posting them for us to enjoy. Happiest of new years to both of you! Hugs, Lori


  22. She must be your star student! She has a lovely home, thanks for sharing with us. And Happy New Year

  23. Happy New Year Cathy. What a lovely home, with so many wonderful primitive collections. I would say Lisa is a natural when it comes to rug hooking, and you are a fantastic teacher! Thank you for the tour. Hugs, Julie.

  24. I enjoyed this post so much--thanks for sharing those wonderful photos. So much warmth and love there.
    Happy New Year!

  25. Cathy, thanks so much for sharing Lisa' wonderful home! Oh my I am speechless in love!!! so much wonderful eyecandy! OLM

  26. Your home is just gorgeous found your blog and hopped over from Teresa's Primitive so glad I did

  27. When it's all dry enough to walk on, start setting the template where you want triangles, paint within them.

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