Sunday, January 27, 2013

Lisa's Latest Rug and Looking Forward!

 I want to share a glimpse of the rug my friend Lisa is working on!  Another version of the antique rug some call Clover Buds in Basket.    Some day I hope to hook this one myself!  I'm loving the color choices we picked for this one!   Remember her first rug was hooked with a dark antique background.
                                                             Any bets she'll get this one done in time 
                                                                        for Valentines Day?   
                   I'm keeping busy here in the studio preparing for my next beginning rug hooking class at WITC our local technical college.  There are nine lovely ladies waiting patiently for class to begin!  There's room for a couple more if you have been thinking about giving rug hooking a try!   The project I have planned for them is in progress and I think they will love it!  I don't want to spoil the surprise by showing you the project just yet.... I know some of the students are reading my blog!  
                                                                     Also keep an eye out for an applique class that Jill will be teaching here in the studio in a few weeks.  The model she is working on for the project is awesome!  
                                                              I hate keeping all these secrets from you!  
                                                 But then again it's good to have something to look forward to!  
                                       What are you looking forward to in the way of Spring projects..... would love to hear!      Oh.... and there's two big things I'm looking forward to this coming week....        

                                                  #1.  A huge wool order from Rebecca Erb Wool Studio  
                                                  #2.   A new laptop computer

                                            Oh yea!  The second one was totally unplanned but my Mini Mac that I have had "like forever" LOL!  cannot be upgraded with the new browsers etc.  What a racket this computer stuff is heh?   Also the keys on my keyboard are sticking like crazy and I have been having fits trying to type things.  Dave brought home a couple of used keyboards they had laying around the office that we are using  until the new laptop comes!   Boy oh Boy!   Now I can be connected to the web and you my dear readers in every room of the house!   And even outside!   What?  Did I hear you say be careful what you wish for? .....                         

                                                                          Cathy G


  1. You are being such a tease! We will be anxious to see what you have up your sleeve ;). My goodness, Lisa is a wonderful hooker. It's fun to see your students progress. I don't know what my next project will be yet. Too many ideas, not enough action. LOL

  2. What a wonderful piece Lisa is working on, she really is good....Blessings Francine.

  3. Hi fun all these things you have to look forward to...classes...wool...laptop WOW.
    Wishing i was closer to you because I'd be at every one of your classes...and I'd buy WOOL which I'm in need of and there is no place close to buy it...I'm about out of my wool to make Pwnny Rus.

  4. those are great colors in her rug.

  5. Hi, Cathy,
    Your friend Lisa is certainly doing a wonderful job! I really need to hook that pattern someday, I love the simplicity of it. I hope you are staying warm up there in northern Wisconsin.

  6. loving this rug and the colors!
    hope all goes well with the class.
    new computer, yayhoo!

  7. I hope you show this when it is all done....I LOVE this pattern, and have made it before, but I think I am going to LOVE the colors used on this one..

  8. Hi Cathy, I guess we'll have to wait to see your surprise.
    Lisa is doing a great job with her rug and the colors are so pleasant to the eyes.
    Nothing like waiting for a bundle of new wool and a new laptop to get energized. I use a wireless mouse with my MacBook Pro laptop and I love it. I never cared much for the Multi-touchTrackpad. I use it once in a while when the batteries run out in my mouse but I replace them quickly.

    I hope that you have a great week and I wish you a great class as well. Enjoy.

  9. Wow ! So much fun stuff coming up !! and there you are making us wait with bated breath to see it all !! tsk
    A new will be in heaven with the laptop...I love mine, even though I pretty much stay in one place with it, it has come in handy before....

  10. The rug is coming along very well and like the colors a lot. This week I'll also be getting some Betsy wool, Dorr backing ~ I treated myself to an iPad2 this past December so enjoy your new toy.


  11. what fun you are going into! lots of new hookers.

  12. love your friends rug cathy! its nice to have help deciding on colors. im anxious to see all the goodies you are making us wait for! its hard i know to well to not show things on our blogs because of gifts, students ect! must seem like i never work on anything but honest i am! enjoy your day!


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