Friday, December 28, 2012

Resolve To Decorate With Less

I spent almost the entire day yesterday clearing everything off the mantel and shelves and wall!  A clean slate!  It felt sooooo good!  Mr. O Sink can't figure out why it takes me so long to rearrange ONE wall ( hang a set of deer horns on the wall and he's good to go) LOL!    Seriously... it takes time.  Thought.  Standing back and taking a ton of photos!   Is that how the professionals do it? Have you discovered when looking at photographs of a space that things stand out that you don't see when looking at it in person?   Why is that?!!  Drives me crazy!
Yesterday blogger friend Kelley commented that she could see a huge hooked rug hung over the fireplace.  Wow! What a great idea!   Thank-you Kelley!!
I proceeded to find the biggest hooked rug in the house (actually one of Jill's she's letting me borrow) and hung it over the mantel!  From there things seemed to fall into place.
The French Urn rug was not big enough for what I am envisioning for this space! 


Actually I like Kelley's idea of an even bigger rug for over the fireplace!  I think a new hooked geometric might be in order!  Sooooo.... my next rug project I think will be BIG!  The largest I have hooked to date.
So you may be wondering where the French Urn rug ended up.......

I hung it behind a leather love seat on another wall in living room.  Probably not it's final resting place. I think I need bigger here too!   At least it's where I can look at it quite often.    Max likes watching me rearrange but won't move from his favorite spot. As long as I don't move the furniture he's happy!

An open and bare space on the shelf!  It makes me so happy I can hardly stand it!  A swipe with a cleaning rag and WALLA!   I am going to love love this!!!
If you are thinking about doing the less is more thing in your own home..... proceed slowly!  It does take some getting used too!  I tend to want to quickly fill a bare space with something.

Another blogger friend Pamela mentioned in her comment that sometimes the scale of a piece can make a difference when decorating.   Thank-you Pamela!   I tried using larger pieces instead of a number of smaller things in groupings.  I like  the way that works in this space. 

Decorating has never been an easy thing for me!  As much as I study the magazines etc. I sometimes give up thinking I don't have the right things to decorate with.  I think the real problem is that I  have way too MUCH  to decorate with!!  
So..... on to the rest of the house!  
It will be a process......   if you like it so far...... nudge me to keep going......

For fear I lose my resolve!

I would like to post more in the New Year!
How's that for a resolution?

Talk to me!!!

Cathy G


  1. I LOVE it Cathy. Everything looks so nice!!

  2. I really like the look. The shelves look great. I really like the colors of the rugs together . Keep going and sharing. You are inspiring me.


  3. Cathy you have so many nice pieces and a wonderful slate to work with. So many options in such a beautiful room. Enjoy!..


  4. you do have such fine things, yes, keep going!

  5. I love all the pics. The rugs and quilts make the room homey and comfy. Can't wait to see your New Year's projects. onstance from Utah

    1. Hey Constance - If you're a Utah rug hooker, I'd love to invite you to one of our monthly meetings. Maybe you can email me and we can hook up?

  6. Pues a mi me gusta mucho todos tus diseños y el estilo country primitive .Es una sala perfecta y acogedora
    Well I love all your designs and primitive country style.'s A perfect and cozy room

  7. I am in love with your "new" look...
    The big rugs over the fireplace are eye catching.
    The warm and cozy quilts on the shelves are THE
    perfect touch !

  8. What a great wall! The first thing that hits me...all the wonderful colors...a perfect mix! The gameboard going up and down is terrific, while the three rugs go the other way. That is one gorgeous cradle....and the rocker is beautiful, the basket pillow! Great job, Cathy!!!
    Happy New Year,

  9. I think it looks great and you are right when you have so many cute things you want to use but your weeding out does not make it easy.

  10. I think it looks great. The quilts on the shelves are a neat idea. Keep up the momentum and inspire us. I doubt I could find a bare spot on any shelf here.

  11. Love that French Urn it is so soft of the eyes. A long Domestic Zoo would fill up a larger portion of the wall for sure.

    I also would like to post more next year.


  12. I really love your new "less is more" look. It shows off everything so beautifully and I love the rugs you now display on the wall. Looks like a nice place to sit and chat with a cup of tea. Happy New Year! Hugs, Nan

  13. It looks really nice! Blessings from Ringle,WI.

  14. Morning...looks warm and the less look but agree is hard when we love to collect, need to see what I love.......Sweet quilts, everything looking great,keep up the good work... Francine.

  15. Nudge, nudge! I like it! I like it! Looks warm and with space to breath!

  16. you are doing a great job....when i decorate i always have to have a space to rest my eyes....its wonderful to have that space..i leave for florida tomorrow and have put all my bunnies out for april when i return....first time i have seen these bunnies in four years....i call them snow bunnies' wait to see more of your go girl...

  17. Cathy, you are doing a fantastic job at decorating. It looks good enough for a magazine cover.
    I like the bigger rug over the fireplace too.


  18. Well I think that both ways looked fantastic. I love how the new way looks and how warm and inviting it looks. All of the rugs just look fantastic.
    I need to take pictures of my living room and use your tricks. That might help me because I am so tired of the way things are in my house too.
    I enjoy watching you decorate Cathy. Oh love that saw over the loveseat. Awesome.

  19. Wow, here it is Saturday already and I'm behind on my blog friends posts.
    I love how you decorated with your rugs...isn't it fun to always have them out where you can enjoy them?
    Great 'less is more' decorating.
    Blessings for the new year

  20. Good morning Cathy, as I have been blog reading this morning it appears many of "us" are paring down. I love my primitive goodes however, need a bit of rearranging and purging. I just love your home, your beautiful rugs,very calming. We received over a foot of snow Wednesday and are preparing for more this afternoon. Off to L.L. Bean's for an exchange and then for a snowshoe hike through our woods. Have a wonderful day and Happy New Year to you and Mr. Orange Sink. Greetings from Maine, Julie.

  21. Love all your rugs and how you decorated!

  22. I could move in right now. Love your decorating style. Your blog is so interesting. I hope to collect more primitive goods as moving from Fl it wasn't the style.

  23. I love how you have so many of your rugs and quilts on display. Mine seem to get tucked away when I finish hooking them, and that's just crazy! Thanks for all the pictures - I'd say they're magazine worthy!

  24. This is great! Please show me more. I need to learn how to do this myself. What a perfect way to start good habits in the New Year. Thanks so much for sharing!

  25. I Love your decorating !!! I too, love to collect neat old things...then I carry them around all day long looking for the perfect resting spot & guess what ,it ends up being tucked away again ! just Love your rugs !!!

  26. Love it! I too need to purge...I usually do when I get waaaaay too much in the farmhouse, but the good thing is, I can swap things out of my shop! I think the large rud looks great over the mantle...I need to take the oval mirror down over mine and change it out for after the holidays...need to hook a big rug first though!

  27. Love the simplicity of your mantle and walls...everthing is coming together wonderfully!

  28. It looks great! I think using larger pieces in a smaller space not only keeps things cleaner,but also gives the illusion of a larger space. Keep it up! SUE

  29. Cathy ~ I LOVE IT!!!
    I so love everything you did!!! Keep Going!
    I really love that sweet cradle you have ~ so precious.
    Men why don't they understand???
    Looking forward to seeing that big rug your going to make!
    Wishing you many Blessings in the coming New Year!
    Prim Blessings

  30. love how your redecoratings going..i too try to do less.. i at least try! all your rugs and quilts are just beautiful! i have been taking christmas down and trying to get my house back to normal, going to try clean a bit everyday..and finish up some projects so i can start more! enjoy your evening cathy!!

  31. Love your less is more - I actually am doing that also (well, I am trying to do that). It does take some adjustment to your thinking to leave blank spaces... Hadn't thought about using the camera for a different view - good idea! Really enjoy your blog.

  32. Love it, I like collections grouped together.......I have the same problem as you about decorating. I have trouble with my coffee table, and my big shelf over my sofa. I couldn't go to sleep for trying to decide what to put on my coffee table....arranged it many, many times........


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