Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Is It Just Me?

Whew!  Did everyone survive Christmas?  Ours turned out a little differently than we had planned. Dave's brother Ken ended up having open heart surgery (quadruple bypass) on the 21st.   I am happy to report he did fine and came home from the hospital today.  He is a few years older than Dave and their family has a history of heart problems.  We are keeping him and his family close  in thought and prayer. 

I finished my French Urn Rug yesterday!  The binding is sewn on but I have to hand stitch it down on the back yet.  I couldn't wait to hang it above the fireplace. 

 After looking at my photos I think I need to rethink that wall in the living room.  It's always been a problem to decorate for some reason.  It has undergone many changes over the years and I never really am quite happy with it. There are too many shelves that I can fill up with things.

  Lately I've wanted more of a simple and pared down look.  But...... I have lots and lots of stuff!  Stuff I still like..... some I could part with.  So I am hoping in 2013 I can do a little more downsizing.  Maybe I should have a weekly yard sale here on my blog!  LOL!!   It's a thought.  I bet most of you are in the downsizing mode too!   I actually  dropped two bags full of "stuff" at Goodwill today. 

What about you... do you get in the mood for changes this time of year or is it just me? 

                                     Out with the old..... __ __ __ __ !

                                                         Cathy G



  1. Wow! Prayers for Ken and family... quadruple bypass is some serious stuff! Glad he is home and healing! Your french urn rug looks amazing over the mantle! Love that wall... I would fill those shelves with wool and quilts... and then Bob would push all that aside and put some radios here and there! lol! And yes.... this time of year always bring to mind cleaning, organizing and starting fresh! Part of me really wants to put away my Christmas decorations already... lol!

  2. So sorry your b-i-l had to have surgery, but now he will feel so much better. Personally, I love your wall. I am looking at a house with a fireplace and would like to have the wall done to look like yours. I love it. I am always ready to purge after the decorations are down. Is it called "nesting"?

  3. Morning, love your home...that bench is beautiful......I like you want a simpler look, I have been downsizing all year....still want to do more.....Warm Blessings Francine.

  4. I always want to simplify at this time of year, but my love of "stuff" always wins....I mean how could I put a antique quilt in the closet, or remove some samplers from the wall, have only a few baskets....over the years I have sold things etc and I have always been sorry. As for your wall, I LOVE the rug !!! I always have trouble with coffee tables/center pieces etc....whatever you do I am sure it will look good!

  5. prayers and good thoughts for your dear heart surgery sure takes it's toll...

    Cathy your rug is gorgeous! the background, the lambs ears...perfection...

    I love to change things up...really enjoying the look of less...owning less...never did get around to Christmas decorating so no need to put it away...

    as for the livng room...I'd fill up the shelves with quilts and old linens...remove most of the little stuff...hook a huge rug for over the fireplace...huge...from shelves to shelves...LOL...

  6. no its not just you.......i do the same thing.....after two year of selling a lot of my treasures....i can honestly say....i don't miss a thing....i really your rug....let that be your focal point of the room....i try to have less little stuff around and feel so fresh living this way after many years of way to much stuff.....
    prayers being said for your family.....enjoy the new year......

  7. Cathy, I love your new rug! Beautifully soft colors ~ it's just perfect!! Hope your BIL does well in his recovery ~ that's a scary thing to happen for the holiday. I did no decorating this year and no one noticed ~ I might give your idea a try ~ obviously, I don't need all that 'stuff'!!

  8. I love your fireplace area, that would be fun to decorate.
    I would add small groupings that are different but similar to bring it all together.


  9. Beautiful rug ~ You did a wonderful job ~ so love the colors.
    I always think I should Simplfy more ~ but I just love my treasures. Maybe that's why I feel so unorganized! smile...
    Wishing you the best in the coming New Year!
    Prim Blessings

  10. Cathy, your new rug is amazing !! and, I love everything about the wall with the fireplace ! I wouldn't change a thing, but then again, if it were my home, I'd be thinking it needs something...We are always are own worst critics...sadly....

  11. I love that rug over your fireplace. It is just beautiful. I feel the same way. I have decided it is time to clean out. Though I think I could really get excited about it if you had a yard sale on your blog. :) I just wish the people who got married and moved on would come back and get their stuff. :) I would have so much room if they did.
    Have a wonderful day. Are you having a snow storm?

  12. Hi Cathy! I found your blog via Millie's Mats :-)
    It isn't just you - I find I long for a bit more simplicity in decor and life in general. So I clear out a bit and enjoy ~ then adopt things that tug and my eye and heart and refill, lol. It seems to be a cycle for me! But I've begun holding a bit firmer to the 'it has to have a place' prior to bringing something home when I'm in the aquiring phase now. So perhaps that's my (current) middle ground, lol. Less stress when the tidying up needs doing for certain ~ but it's ever a challenge without doubt to find a balance!

    Nice to have found your blog/work....


  13. WOW, that French Urn looks marvelous above the fireplace. You did a fantastic job in choosing color. Lord knows I need to downsize but right now it is just in the 'thinking about it' stage.

    Sorry to hear of the surgery but hopefully it will give him a longer and healthier life and something to be thankful for.


  14. I think your wall looks wonderful...just enough color. LOVE that new rug! I am not good at my stuff too much. LOL! However, I so enjoy it in others homes. Sure wish I could do it. Happy New Year!


  15. your rug is beautiful.

    Normally this time of year I too get into that "I need to get rid of my clutter" but I came down with a cold on Christmas and don't have any energy yet. But I am hoping that feeling hits as soon as I feel better...

  16. Cathy,

    So glad your BIL is on the mend & home!
    I love your rug! OH MY! I am taking a few weeks off and so want to FINALLY give rug hooking a try, wish I was closer, I would come for a lesson...hehe...
    I have made so many tips to goodwill of late...thinning crap... and would like to thin my prims a wee bit too... but what to part with? I love it all so... It will be hard! OLM

  17. Hi Cathy
    Your hooked rug looks beautiful - the colors are so rich.
    If you have a blog sale you can count me in!!

  18. The new rug is beautiful.I was just telling hubby today that I need to simplify things.He just gave me a look that said he'd believe it when he saw it happening.Hugs,Jen

  19. Your rug looks wonderful! I need to do a lot of downsizing myself it just keeps adding up around here :)

  20. I would love to down size some but you are right I still like my stuff.
    Great rug!keeping your family in my prayers.

  21. The room looks lovely as is :) but whenever I have trouble with an area it always has to do with scale. I always fill a large space with many small items, and when I change the scale,and put fewer larger objects it usually fixes what was wrong in my mind's eye about the space. But it looks lovely, very country, love the quilts on the shelves, especially the blue one!

  22. Cathy your Urn rug is beautiful!..I love the wall. So glad your BIL is doing well. Thank you kindly for visiting me today, and taking the time to comment. I truly appreciate it.

    Ready for the new year to begin.


  23. Cathy, sorry about the rough time over Christmas with your brother in law having such a serious operation. I'm glad that he's home now.

    Your rug is beautiful above the fireplace. Ahhh the de-cluttering resolution... I've tried it and it takes a life time for me because I bring in more than I take out. I know that it's supposed to be one thing in and one thing out to keep a good balance. Cathy, have you tried putting a plant on the shelf. I find that plants really can take care of those difficult to decorate places.

    Things don't really matter in the big picture. By the way, I have a wall that I'm not happy with either. That dated white angel stone wall in the livingroom and the big cracks. I think that I'll have the mason come in to fill the crack and hang a vine to hide the crack.

    Wishing you a blessed , joyous and healthy New Year.

  24. prayers for Ken!
    I love the rug, the colors are wonderful.
    I love that wall too!
    My problem is when I clean out, I buy more back....
    If I could stop, I would be astounded!

  25. Cathy ~
    I hope your b-i-l is on the mend and heals quickly.
    I adore your rug. Absolutely perfect!!!
    In some ways I long for simplicity, but I am just not ready to part with any of my "stuff" and keep buying! A blog sale would be FUN!
    Happy New Year.
    Hugs :)


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