Saturday, April 14, 2012

An After Easter Resurrection!

I'm back in the studio after a brief "vacation" recovering from acute sinusitis which hit me the day after Easter!  After four days "languishing" in bed with the heating pad and lights out,  a visit to the Doc became unavoidable. Now, armed with my antibiotics and a list of new "rules" to follow I have been trying to catch up from four days of doing nothing..... not even the laundry.
Depressing situation...... you could say..... but the positive side is that I gave my hooking hand a much needed rest that it probably wouldn't have gotten had I not been forced to stay in bed! 
SO..... I may be sneaking in a couple late nights this week to finish up my offerings for Friday's update on the Mercantile.  My deepest thanks to the person who invented antibiotics.....  they don't give them out as freely as they used too.... so I am thankful the Doc agreed I was qualified as sick enough  for a prescription.  Is that a positive?......  in any event I'm grateful!
Stay tuned as I play catch up while behaving myself and remembering the nasal spray twice a day!!!

Cathy G


  1. glad you're on the mend, i've had horrible sinus infections, no fun! you need to get a Netty Pot if you don't already have one, the best for dealing with sinus/allergies.....

  2. Hope you are back to yourself soon. Glad you are feeling a little better. Blessings ~Sara

  3. So sorry that you've been sick and I hope that you will feel well very soon. I've had plenty of misery in my life but I've never experienced sinusitis thank goodness.
    Speedy recovery my friend. Resting will give your hook a chance to cool down and for you to mend.


  4. Take it slow for a day or two. You don't want a relapse. Looking forward to seeing the mercantile update.

  5. im sorry you have been ill cathy but glad you are on the road to recovery, i think it was a sign that you needed the break and wouldnt have taken one otherwise... anyway i hope you enjoy your day! and dont play catch up to hard!

  6. Cathy,
    So sorry you have been so sick. I suffer with sinus headaches so I know how bad it is. I use a Neti Pot at least twice a day and it does help.
    I'm looking forward to seeing what new handmades are on PHM this month. Feel better! Hugs, Lori

  7. so sorry for the suffering, but happy you are on your way to feeling better. Can't wait to see what you are making !

  8. Oh goodness... sorry about the sinus infection... it seems allergy season brings them on... feel better quick! Looking forward to the PHM update!

  9. Sorry to hear that you've been under the weather, can't wait to see your new offerings! Always fun to window shop!

  10. This time of year, getting ill is the pits. Spring finally arrives and bam, you're knocked down. Winter, okay...but Spring no...there is so much to do, Happens every year. Feel well soon, looking forward to future posts. Hugs, Julie.

  11. Sorry to hear you've been sick. Hope your feeling better today. My ML had the same thing ~ not fun.
    Prim Blessings

  12. "Down for the count"is the expression that came to mind when I read your post. I think you are not easily "floored" and I agree that this was nature's way of making you catch your breath. Glad that you are on the mend, and I am sure you will have a great time - all fresh and shiny - at your show.

  13. Cathy: Sorry to hear you got hit so hard but happy that antibiotics are helping you feel better! XXX

  14. So happy to hear you are feeling better.
    Hugs :)

  15. Feel better soon!!! I have the same thing right now. Doc even gave me a steroid shot!

  16. Hon, do you ever think you might be allergic to wool dust? Heaven forbid!


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